



積分: 786

發表於 07-4-9 22:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 請問東涌邊間幼稚園口碑好?

They don't ahve school bus? If you want to take bus I think S56 located next to Discovery Bay bus can take you there but bus is every 30 minutes. At morning peak hours you can also take 37 of New Lantau Bus.


積分: 786

發表於 08-6-7 13:47 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 蠢媽Charlit 於 08-6-7 07:36 發表
我都煩緊 ... 因為我都上網 seach 過 d 幼稚園, 之後我去左青草地個校舍睇 .. 都ok 但有個唔知係老師定文職d staff 叫你交野時個態度唔係噤好同埋有個家長話我知青草地係好 ... 唔識講.. 話一見到校長就要彎晒腰噤去 ...

My son graduated from SKH. They are really good, not only the principal and teachers also the "jejei" there are very very kind. When my son was in N1 he always cry but 1 "jei jei"can comfort him very easily. Andmysonlike her very much.Afterwards he was very happy there. All the teachers are very caring, not only his school also his emotion.Ireally appriciated about it.


積分: 786

發表於 08-6-19 06:58 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 pcjai 於 08-6-17 12:36 發表
Hey DavidMa, not sure if you remember me, you gave me advice on SHK a few months ago. My son is now studying in SKH. As you said, the staff is very kind and my son shows advancement everyday. He likes ...

Hi, the 'Jie jie' I refer is "Yuk Jie", I'm not sure if she's the chef of the school now. But when my son's there she's a jiejie and took well care of the children.
About staff movement, I have encounted the same frustration as you before. At N1 my son has 2 teacher left, 1 before the end of 1st term and the other before the end of 2nd term. He's not happy about that but after the staff settle in N2, he's fine.

My son has potty problem, he wouldn't use to potty or nything to poo. It wa a very big problem for him and me. So I talked with his teacher(Miss Ng and Miss Cheng) when he's N2(K1 now). His teacher helped to encourage him and it really help. So at the end, he used the potty and I'm very grateful for the teacher's help.


積分: 786

發表於 08-6-19 07:03 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 PigPigMother 於 08-6-18 12:56 發表
Hi DavidMa,


Hello, I choose Ho Yu, so there was not any problem. But I know quite a number of my son's classmate got 'Wei Lun' at 1st round and 2 nd round. Wei Lun at DB is also a SKH school (might have some previlege). If you want you child to study at a famous school outside, then have second thought on SKH, I tried DBS but failed.


積分: 786

發表於 08-6-19 07:06 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 pcjai 於 08-6-17 12:36 發表
Hey DavidMa, not sure if you remember me, you gave me advice on SHK a few months ago. My son is now studying in SKH. As you said, the staff is very kind and my son shows advancement everyday. He likes ...

If you have time I highly recommand you join the parent teacher group, you'll know the school policy and sometimes why the school not accept your suggestion. I'm one before.


積分: 786

發表於 08-7-7 23:05 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 iceface 於 08-7-7 10:52 發表
請問 skh e 間kg 有冇外藉老師教英文ga? 又有冇普通話堂ga? 課程會唔會太簡單, 上到小學會唔會好難跟呢?

When my son's there , SKH has both Native English Teache and Putonghua class. If I remember right, the N.E.T will teach(mostly story telling and games) each class one morning and 2 mornings for K3 class. Putonghua class which is taught by a qualified PTH teacher is also once a week, at my son's time, there is also an assitant who speaks flurent Putonghua. She stayed in the school all the time and will speak to children in putonghua as much as possible .

The Chinese Class in HoYu is taught in Putonghua,my son has no problem at all. And his classmates from SKH also adapted very easily.


積分: 786

發表於 08-7-10 22:39 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 angelacyn 於 08-7-10 00:06 發表
Hello, DavidMA,

I wonder what's the full name of SKH? My girl is 18 months now, i'm starting to look for a prenursery school for her now.


It's SKH Tung Chung Nursery School. Tel :21090118


積分: 786

發表於 08-7-29 22:51 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 PigPigMother 於 08-7-29 11:13 發表
好呀! 一齊去.

不過可能佢哋放緊暑假,所以冇人接電話. 等我過兩日再打去試吓,有消息再通知大家.

Usually the school will have 2 weeks' summer holiday from end of July to early August. After that the school will re-open but normal class(that means the real teaching) will start at September. During August time school will organise some visiting, water- splashing in school( school have 2-3 big inflatable swimming pools which is really fun). Some K3 students' primary school haven't start yet will go to school at August and help the teachers taking care of N class babies.


