




積分: 743

發表於 10-3-3 09:24 |顯示全部帖子
Hi cutecutetown,

Please share your experience if DHEA can help the poor response patient to improve their no. of egg and quality. Any experience in your lab ?


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-3 14:18 |顯示全部帖子
Hi cutecutetown,

Thanks for your advice.

I had done 4 times of ivf in PWH few years ago. At that moment, I was 35 and the FSH was not high as 7.7 (LH was 2.43) on day 3. However, I only got few eggs everytimes. My doctor said my response is not good at all but not know the reason. Do you have any experience on this ? Is it related to FSH/LH ratio.

Now, I am 40. I decide to give myself one more attempt this year.

Thanks anyway.


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-3 19:42 |顯示全部帖子
Hi cutecutedown,

Thank you for your encouragement to me on my rough road.

Yes, I don't have great expectation on this attempt but at least giving myself one more chance. I hope a private doctor can define and tell me what is my major problem. The doctor in PWH had not adviced me about this e.g. the grade of embryo but rejected my 3rd (last) attempt on public queue even I was not too high age at that moment. Their comment were that the chance will become more low after few attempts.


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-4 15:54 |顯示全部帖子
Hi cutecutetown,

I had tried 3 times in private queue & 2 times in public queue in PWH. The 1st attemp in public queue was changed to iui as my poor response to the HMG. So I had spent much money in their private queue.

It seems no different of both the services. The worst was finally rejected by them for my last attempt in public queue without clear explaination of my major problem, although I understand that some of the infertitily are caused by "uncertain reason".


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-4 17:03 |顯示全部帖子
Cutecutetown, thanks alot for your valuable advice and support.


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-25 21:17 |顯示全部帖子
Hi, Cutecutetown,

Do you know which lab in HK provides AMH (Anti-Mullerian hormone) Test to check the ovarian reserve ? How much ?


積分: 743

發表於 10-3-26 11:11 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Cutecutetown,

I tried to call several labs but they don't have AMH test. Can your lab help on this ? If so, please pm to me your contact.

I also wonder that why HK does not has AMH test and it has been a new predictor used in many countries such as UK and Taiwan to check the ovian reserve and the response to ivf stimulation. From some article, AMH is more sensitive than FSH as sometimes FSH is normal but the response is still not good, like my problem.

Thanks a lot.

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-26 09:06 發表
To my knowledge, there is no lab in HK doing in-house AMH testing. The sample needs to be sent to the UK.


積分: 743

發表於 10-4-29 19:37 |顯示全部帖子
Dear cutecutetown,

I have done a FSH/LH test D3 this cycle for preparation of my IVF later this year. The result is FSH : 6.49 / LH : 1.74 that is a bit better than 5 years ago (FSH :7.58 / LH : 2.46).

Since I am 40 now, does this figure no meaning to me even a bit better as of high age. Is it positive to me ? My response to ivf stimulation is poor in 5 years ago.

Thanks for your help

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-3 18:12 發表
Hi little icy,

Knowing your age and assuming your FSH is still


積分: 743

發表於 10-4-30 21:42 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Cutecutetown,

I only had 7 follicles with 4 eggs in my last ivf 5 years ago although my D3 FSH is not high at 7.7. That why I am worry about the FSH cannot reflect the real situation of my ovary.

Thanks for your advice anyway.



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