



積分: 551

發表於 07-10-18 23:27 |只看該作者
This Saturday, I am ok too. I preferf the area is in Tsuen Wan.


積分: 511

發表於 07-10-19 08:39 |只看該作者
Hi, all!

我係Jackie, bb 係溢濠, 所以英文名係Yahoo! 住青衣, 都係煩緊揀幼稚園嘅問題!!:cry:

我太耐無上黎bk, 似乎我miss咗之前嘅gathering.... 熱鬧嗎? 幾時再有呀? 我都好想參加! 我朋友係2006年12月嘅媽咪, 佢地好似從6個月大開始就每兩個月book 酒店function room 聚會! 佢話而家有60個家庭參與. 部份仲好鬼friend, 一同去bobo club 玩.

除咗幼稚園問題, 又煩緊食糊仔問題!!

                  Hello, 我係小溢濠, 我現重12.6kg, 高87cm!


積分: 511

發表於 07-10-19 08:43 |只看該作者
Saturday, you mean 20/10/2007?? I may be able to join!!!! Where will be??? 青衣城 Pizza Hut or 意粉屋 is fine!

原文章由 Chris1009 於 07-10-18 10:52 發表
I'm OK this Sat afternoon as well. Shall we meet at one of the malls in our area?
1. 青衣城
2. kwai fong 新都會
3. Tsuen wan 廣場
4. 愉景新城

Or any other suggestions?


                  Hello, 我係小溢濠, 我現重12.6kg, 高87cm!


積分: 2073

發表於 07-10-19 10:19 |只看該作者
How about 愉景新城, then we can go shopping BB stuff before and after our meeting.............

原文章由 jackieluk 於 07-10-19 08:43 發表
Saturday, you mean 20/10/2007?? I may be able to join!!!! Where will be??? 青衣城 Pizza Hut or 意粉屋 is fine!


積分: 511

發表於 07-10-19 10:25 |只看該作者
我本人對於以上曾提及的地點都無異議. 請問誰是攪手或最初聚會發起人?? 請決定時間及地點, 好讓大家報名.

Thank you!!!

                  Hello, 我係小溢濠, 我現重12.6kg, 高87cm!


積分: 323

發表於 07-10-19 20:44 |只看該作者
I agree going to Discovery Park (Yu King Sun Shing), but I don't know which restaurant will be good for Babies + Parents' gathering, I guess we need a place that can accomodate quite a few strollers.

The only restaurant I can think of is Outback. Any other suggestions?

If we can agree with the venue, may I suggest a tea gathering tomorrow at 3pm?

原文章由 jackieluk 於 07-10-19 10:25 發表
我本人對於以上曾提及的地點都無異議. 請問誰是攪手或最初聚會發起人?? 請決定時間及地點, 好讓大家報名.

Thank you!!!


積分: 5260


發表於 07-10-19 20:45 |只看該作者
BK down 咗成日呀係咪?

不如就愉景新城啦!各位青衣媽咪OK嗎? How about Euro gogo, seems not many people there most of the time:tongue: . Tea time say 3pm?

Or any other suggestions?

原文章由 yatyat21 於 07-10-19 10:19 發表
How about 愉景新城, then we can go shopping BB stuff before and after our meeting.............


積分: 2073

發表於 07-10-19 21:06 |只看該作者
Actually, avalyl call up this time (tomorrow's gathering)..
But as today BK down for a day........and she is not here yet.........

How about we fix tomorrow's gathering @ 愉景新城 3PM,see how many BB able to join......then we sin think go outback or eurogogo la......

原文章由 jackieluk 於 07-10-19 10:25 發表
我本人對於以上曾提及的地點都無異議. 請問誰是攪手或最初聚會發起人?? 請決定時間及地點, 好讓大家報名.

Thank you!!!


積分: 323

發表於 07-10-19 21:18 |只看該作者
Agree~ 3pm @ 愉景新城
Let's make an enrollment list la~

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father

原文章由 yatyat21 於 07-10-19 21:06 發表
Actually, avalyl call up this time (tomorrow's gathering)..
But as today BK down for a day........and she is not here yet.........

How about we fix tomorrow's gathering @ 愉景新城 3PM,see how many BB ...


積分: 551

發表於 07-10-19 21:19 |只看該作者
Discovery park is very good idea. I were there this afternoon around 3pm with few mums at Delifrance have a afternoon tea. Opposite of Delifrance is the open area, you can park your stroller. But some times it's very full, so have somebody go there reserve the seat in advance is necessary.

Another one is the POKKA CAFE, the restaurent offer the kid meal. I have not be there. I do believe you can make reservation. the telephone no is 29402918.

One more is the Pizza hut
They all in the ground floor.

I personal like the Delifrance, as opposite of Delifrance has a lot of space for stroller parking.
Please confirm the location. I am looking forword to meet you all.



積分: 2073

發表於 07-10-19 21:23 |只看該作者
Agree~ 3pm @ 愉景新城 10/20/2007 Sat
Let's make an enrollment list la~

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father
2. yatyat21 + BB & father


積分: 551

發表於 07-10-19 21:32 |只看該作者
Agree~ 3pm @ 愉景新城 10/20/2007 Sat
Let's make an enrollment list la~

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father
2. yatyat21 + BB & father
3. homers + BB & father

原文章由 yatyat21 於 07-10-19 21:23 發表
Agree~ 3pm @ 愉景新城 10/20/2007 Sat
Let's make an enrollment list la~

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father
2. yatyat21 + BB & father


積分: 267

發表於 07-10-19 21:52 |只看該作者
oh! i can join this time >o<.
I just went there this evening. I suggest going to "red forest", it locats at the third floor. opposite the " Yu Yan San". It has a big sofa area, i think it is suitable for baby prum. And it has tea time meal.

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father
2. yatyat21 + BB & father
3. homers + BB & father
4. chow0611+ BB & father
<a href="http://tickers.families.com"><img border="0" src="http://tac.families.com/ezb/1000603.png"></a>


積分: 2073

發表於 07-10-19 22:00 |只看該作者
but do they have big table ar? Cos we already have 8 A 4B la...

I went there be4, only have table for 4 wor......

原文章由 chow0611 於 07-10-19 21:52 發表
oh! i can join this time >o


積分: 267

發表於 07-10-19 22:09 |只看該作者
Hello Yatyal21,
I remember they can put the tables together and even they have one room. but i am not sure. Never mind, maybe we can fix the place when we arrived tomorrow >o^
whwew should we meet tmw?

原文章由 <i>yatyat21</i> 於 07-10-19 22:00 發表 <a href="http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=19470162&ptid=1136559" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
Hi,chow0611,<br />
but do they have big table ar?<img src="images/smilies/em32.gif" smilieid="65" border="0" alt="" />  Cos we already have 8 A 4B la...<br />
<br />
I went there be4, only have table for 4 wor......<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="http://tickers.families.com"><img border="0" src="http://tac.families.com/ezb/1000603.png"></a>


積分: 2073

發表於 07-10-19 22:18 |只看該作者
3pm @ 愉景新城 10/20/2007 Sat
c u 2morrow then.........

原文章由 chow0611 於 07-10-19 22:09 發表
Hello Yatyal21,
I remember they can put the tables together and even they have one room. but i am not sure. Never mind, maybe we can fix the place when we arrived tomorrow >o^
whwew should we meet tm ...


積分: 319

發表於 07-10-19 22:33 |只看該作者
Finally, bk works now......

I would like to join as well, please count me in

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father
2. yatyat21 + BB & father
3. homers + BB & father
4. chow0611+ BB & father
5. mikeron + BB & father

So c u all at 3:00 pm but which part of the mall (Discovery Park) we are going to meet? should we need to make reservation?



積分: 2073

發表於 07-10-19 22:50 |只看該作者
Dear all,
How about PM your bk ID, name, phone # and prefer rest. to me.....then i PM u guys tomorrow morning with everybody's phone # and place to meet.......

原文章由 mikeron 於 07-10-19 22:33 發表
Finally, bk works now......

I would like to join as well, please count me in

1. Chris1009 + BB & Father
2. yatyat21 + BB & father
3. homers + BB & father
4. chow0611+ BB & father
5. mi ...


積分: 267

發表於 07-10-19 22:56 |只看該作者
then we fix the meeting point first.
Date: 20.10.07
Time: 3pm
Meeting point: outside Delifrance
See u all!

原文章由 <i>mikeron</i> 於 07-10-19 22:33 發表 <a href="http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=19470591&ptid=1136559" target="_blank"><img src="http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
Finally, bk works now......<img src="images/smilies/em16.gif" smilieid="51" border="0" alt="" /> <img src="images/smilies/em16.gif" smilieid="51" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
<br />
I would like to join as well, please count me in<br />
<br />
<br />
1.  Chris1009 + BB & Father<br />
2.  yatyat21 + BB & father  <br />
3.  homers + BB & father<br />
4. chow0611+ BB & father<br />
5. mi ...
<br />
<a href="http://tickers.families.com"><img border="0" src="http://tac.families.com/ezb/1000603.png"></a>


積分: 267

發表於 07-10-19 23:00 |只看該作者
Dear yatyat21,

just PM you, please check, thanks!!
<a href="http://tickers.families.com"><img border="0" src="http://tac.families.com/ezb/1000603.png"></a>


