




積分: 549

發表於 10-5-18 14:49 |只看該作者
Thank you for your information.

So, cuecuetown, did your centre have cases like me that need to take pills as well as injection to finish a course of ivf? If yes, bingo?

Since my dr said that in general, all cases of ivf just took injection only for dr's better control, and i am an exceptional case i think. Does it mean that the chance will be very low even I can conduct ivf finally?


原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-5-18 14:21 發表
Hello ada1103,

It's sad, but sometimes it happens. To give you a rough estimate, my center has about 5% of "planned ivf" cases being converted to iui every month. And do not give up yet, I have als ...


積分: 9231

發表於 10-5-18 15:01 |只看該作者
Dear ada1103,

I am not sure what pills you are referring to. Are they birth-control pills, or if you don't know the name, when and how they were taken?

Taking (birth-control) pills before starting ivf is quite common. I know the name is a little misleading, but the whole point is to quiet down the ovaries so that by the time when injections are given to you, most follicles/eggs will respond and grow simultaneously. This synchrony is important because we only harvest these eggs at one time point. The better the synchronization, the more mature eggs will be obtained, which lead to subsequently more embryos and so on and so forth.


原帖由 ada1103 於 10-5-18 14:49 發表
Thank you for your information.

So, cuecuetown, did your centre have cases like me that need to take pills as well as injection to finish a course of ivf? If yes, bingo?

Since my dr said that in ge ...


積分: 549

發表於 10-5-18 16:38 |只看該作者
Dear cutecutetown,

Sorry for inadequate information. I am referring to 排卵丸. My eggs had grown much bigger and faster when I took pill in my past iui(s), comparing to just had injection this time. Is it common in your centre?

Thank you.


原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-5-18 15:01 發表
Dear ada1103,

I am not sure what pills you are referring to. Are they birth-control pills, or if you don't know the name, when and how they were taken?

Taking (birth-control) pills before starting ...


積分: 9231

發表於 10-5-18 18:00 |只看該作者
Dear ada1103,

I see, if I am not mistaken, the 排卵丸 is given at a very low daily dose together with the FSH injections (gonal-f, puregon, or alike). Relatively new "fine-tuning" method for women on the antagonist protocol. I don't know how common this is in HK, but in some centers overseas, this method is almost a routine and the success rate is good.

Now having a rough idea of what you will receive in your next cycle, I am actually quite optimistic for you.


原帖由 ada1103 於 10-5-18 16:38 發表
Dear cutecutetown,

Sorry for inadequate information. I am referring to 排卵丸. My eggs had grown much bigger and faster when I took pill in my past iui(s), comparing to just had injection this time ...


積分: 549

發表於 10-5-18 18:07 |只看該作者
Dear cutecutetoen,

Really thanks for your opinion and kind words. After heard that it is quite common overseas, I beome more calm and confident.

I appreciate all the sharing among the jms here. The supportiveness cheers for all of us.

Let see tomorrow Dr's consultation.


原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-5-18 18:00 發表
Dear ada1103,

I see, if I am not mistaken, the 排卵丸 is given at a very low daily dose together with the FSH injections (gonal-f, puregon, or alike). Relatively new "fine-tuning" method for women o ...


積分: 1794

發表於 10-5-18 22:35 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,

Thanks a lot.

All the best,

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-5-18 14:48 發表
Dear Susan,

Sorry I confused you. What I meant was that you are now preparing for a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). The frozen embryos were from your ivf cycle last time (~1 month ago?); in other wor ...


積分: 928

發表於 10-5-18 22:56 |只看該作者
Thank you so much again for your reply. I did consult a ivf specialist. And did some initial test (blood test). Results are all normal. The ivf lab agreed that ivf can help but as they are doing business, so maybe bias - I would like to have your more neutral opinion. Do you see i have a much better chance of carrying to full term with ivf?

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-5-18 11:37 發表
Dear lee028,

Oops, I still haven't given you anything solid, have I?!

The chance of carrying a baby to term can't be an easy promise. However, looking from the other end of the perspective and also ...

[ 本帖最後由 lee028 於 10-5-18 23:38 編輯 ]


積分: 9231

發表於 10-5-19 13:06 |只看該作者
Dear lee028,

Did they suggest PGD/aneuploidy screening to you? That is to screen if your embryo has the correct number of chromosomes before putting back into your uterus.

Note that PGD is not a "must do", because the generally-employed methodology in HK can only screen for a few chromosomes. It is also an expensive add-on service, so I won't recommend it yet in your first ivf.

From scientific literature, there is no evidence that ivf can reduce miscarriage rate. However, you may not afford much time to try your luck with another natural pregnancy. So, it is ok to consider doing one ivf cycle and see. My wild guess is that you'll probably have a reasonable number of good-looking embryos on day 3 of development. Then, my suggestion is to culture to day 5. We can talk more when you really proceed and everything turns out as expected.

At this point, you need to understand that if you choose to do ivf, it can somewhat buy you time; but it still cannot eliminate the possibility of a miscarriage.

Good luck, cutecutetown

原帖由 lee028 於 10-5-18 22:56 發表
Thank you so much again for your reply. I did consult a ivf specialist. And did some initial test (blood test). Results are all normal. The ivf lab agreed that ivf can help but as they are doing b ...


積分: 1953


發表於 10-5-23 12:58 |只看該作者

我昨日見完醫生, 昨日是 Day 3, 不過, 醫生見到我有個大泡係右邊卵巢, 所以唔可以打針住, 要 Day 10 再照, 睇下可唔可以開針, 我想問個泡會唔會唔散?! 唔散好似冇得打針! 如果可以開針, Day 10 後咁遲先開始打針有冇問題呢? 醫生現只叫我continue 噴 nose, 我有些擔心唔知係咪我噴得唔好, 先至有泡, 好擔心下星期佢叫我 stop treatment 呢!!
(sorry, 因我在政府睇, 所以好多野都問唔到醫生呢)


積分: 9231

發表於 10-5-23 16:37 |只看該作者
Hello BabyLi2010,
The cyst/follicle (大泡) may regress after another week of nasal spray. Often it has nothing to do with how well you do the spray. Have some patience, continue the spray until the ultrasound scan next week. I know government hospital seems to give you less attention; people just come and go without being given much personal touch. But believe it or not, a private doctor would have told you the same, except you may have two extra minutes of face-to-face interactions.

Once you start the injections, you will see the doc more and hopefully you may be able to ask more questions. First-time ivf usually comes along with lots of questions, followed by a bunch of worries. My suggestion is that just focus on your current task and do your best, try not to think way too much ahead. Each "task" usually only lasts a few days, so do not let your anxiety build up too much to overwhelm yourself.

As for day number, it does not count like a natural cycle anymore because your natural cycle is being "taken over" by the spray and later on the stimulation hormones. It will not be "day 10" when you start the injections (開針); the day you start injection will be day 1 again if you really want to keep track of the days. IVF is intended to simulate the natural cycle in terms of biology, not the day number. If you look into my earlier postings, the whole hormonal injection process is trying to simulate the follicular phase, with egg retrieval similar to the day of ovulation. Afterward, when there will be an embryo transfer, we give you other medication to simulate the luteal phase.

You are always welcome to come back here while you are on treatment or even off treatment. There are so many jm who are supportive and have had similar experience as yours :)

Good luck, cutecutetown

原帖由 BabyLi2010 於 10-5-23 12:58 發表

我昨日見完醫生, 昨日是 Day 3, 不過, 醫生見到我有個大泡係右邊卵巢, 所以唔可以打針住, 要 Day 10 再照, 睇下可唔可以開針, 我想問個泡會唔會唔散?! 唔散好似冇得打針! 如果可以開針, Day 10 後咁 ...


積分: 1953


發表於 10-5-24 12:25 |只看該作者

睇完你的 reply, 我安心好多了, 亦可叫自己暫時把不安的情緒放下!!!
我都明白我真係冇野做到, 唯有等醫生安排, 不過, 有時真的好難控制自己的情緒, 有時 jm 之間分享係好好的, 但有時大家都係估估下, 搞到個心仲亂呢, 真的好多謝你的專業意見, 你真的幫到我地呢group 要做 treatment 的人好多呢.... thank you so much!!


積分: 43

發表於 10-5-24 12:48 |只看該作者
Dear cutecutetown,
Just want to let you know that my HCG level has back to normal and dr had also confirmed that by u/s. I plan to start a new round of IVF next month.

thank you very much for your help!

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-4-22 17:24 發表
Dear shanhu,

Yes, I remember you, but it's the way BK set up these blogs makes it very difficult to find back your previous posting. Or is it because I am not good at surfing this website?

I am ver ...


積分: 9231

發表於 10-5-25 09:41 |只看該作者
Dear shanhu,

Great, so you will start again?! It has been so tough for you and I sincerely wish you good luck and good outcome this time.


原帖由 shanhu 於 10-5-24 12:48 發表
Dear cutecutetown,
Just want to let you know that my HCG level has back to normal and dr had also confirmed that by u/s. I plan to start a new round of IVF next month.

thank you very much for your he ...


積分: 3248

發表於 10-5-26 17:59 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,
I don't know if you remember me. I failed with my 2nd IVF 2 months ago. I had a follow up chat with PWH Doctor yesterday. What the Doctor said really made me frustrated and unhappy. She said the failure is totally my egg quality problem, the sperm problem was and can be fixed by ICSI. She said the bad quality is an intrinsic problem of my ovary, no matter what I eat and take, my egg quality will never be improved. This really hurt me, I'm taking Chinese medicine and some vitamins now and trying to improve my egg quality before my 3rd IVF attempt in September. I doubt what the PWH Doctor said. Per my Doctor at Union Hospital, my egg quality was good in my 1st IVF attempt, 8 fertilized embryos out of 10 eggs(10 follicles). I have the following questions, Please advise. Thanks!
1. Can egg quality be improved?
2. PWH Doctor said FSH level have nothing related to eggs quality. Even my FSH level is 7, doesn't mean that my response to the medication is good. Is what she said true?
3. I had 15 follicles in my 2nd IVF, only 8 eggs were retrieved. PWH Doc said that there is chance that some follicles were empty. Is that true?
4. I read some articles saying that both eggs and sperm have a 90-days cycle. If the quality is bad in this 90-days cycle, doesn't mean that they are bad in the next 90-days cycle. But PWH Doc said this is only true for sperm but not egg, bad quality eggs will never be improved. Is that true?

I'm really down after the chat with PWH Doc. I hope that you can give me some professional advise. Many Thanks!

[ 本帖最後由 minimeme 於 10-5-26 18:02 編輯 ]


積分: 3248

發表於 10-5-26 18:09 |只看該作者
please read my below post and advise. Thanks!

[ 本帖最後由 minimeme 於 10-5-26 23:05 編輯 ]


積分: 3248

發表於 10-5-27 09:39 |只看該作者
please read my below post and advise. Thanks!


積分: 9231

發表於 10-5-27 14:57 |只看該作者

回覆 3# minimeme 的文章

Dear minimeme,

I can see that you are very stressed and upset. From now till your cycle in Sept., you need to learn to relax. While you cannot rewind your biological clock, you may still get the most out of what you have at hand. To answer your questions first:

1. No simple answer to egg quality. What constitute egg quality? If it is simply the appearance, the higher-purity drugs (Gonal-F, Puregon) may help. On the other hand, egg quality also reflects some genetic aspects. The number of eggs in a woman is already fixed at the time of her birth. When she began her ovulation and menstruation, this "basket of eggs" is decreasing in number. When she is young, nice eggs are ovulated and that's why younger women tend to get pregnant easier. The eggs that are still in the basket then have to endure the test of time.

2. FSH is only one of the indicators for ovarian reserve, i.e. are the egg number in the ovaries roughly correlates with the woman's age? It does not tell egg quality. Although we would expect that if a woman has a high FSH, her ovarian reserve will be low and she may have very few eggs even after ivf stimulation; as a result, the few eggs will probably be of poorer quality. Notice that when we talk about 'quality', it is usually in relative terms instead of absolute terms.

3. Yes, some follicles may be empty.

4. You get part of the picture. The ~90-day cycle is true but you have a little misunderstanding in between. For sperm, each "day1" of this cycle is a new sperm. For eggs, each "day1" is just this pre-existing egg being awaken to grow. Let me try an easier analogy. Imagine you are given plant seeds at birth (they are your eggs). So, you have these seeds in your pocket since you were born. The day1 of the so-called 90-day cycle is as if you give it water and hopefully it will grow. Eggs in its 'seed' stage take a long time to become properly encased in follicles. There are also different stages of follicular growth before the egg will become mature and either ovulated naturally or retrieved in an ivf cycle.

I believe that you probably still have plenty of seeds in your pocket. You may not have the best seeds in the world, but to look at the other end of the spectrum, we can still try to pick out the reasonable ones in the pocket. Honestly nobody knows how, but a depressed and negative mind will not help.

I know doctors can be quite blunt sometimes because they often only give you the hard facts within a 5-minute session. Rule #1 is: do not take it personally as if this is your fault. Remember that they see patients come-and-go everyday and what they said to you must have been said before to others. So, if you get picky on the words, you will just frustrate yourself without doing any good. My advice is, try something positive. Get a hot bath, a cold drink, a relaxing spa/massage session (if you can afford one), or simply get a good-night of quality sleep. Things will become brighter and we can face this again in the coming months.

Best wishes, cutecutetown


積分: 930

發表於 10-5-27 15:33 |只看該作者
Dear Cutecutetown,
曾放入Grading 1 or 2 的胚胎後,成功懷孕,但胎兒生長慢,最後miscarriage. 是否胚胎grading 不等同質素? Thanks


積分: 3248

發表於 10-5-27 18:35 |只看該作者

I really appreciated your help. I will seek the advice from my Chinese Doctor and see what kind of herbs can help. Thanks!


積分: 281

發表於 10-5-28 10:40 |只看該作者
Dear Cutecutetown,

I got my sperm report in 東區醫院 few days ago, the report stated that density and motility is normal but the morphology is only 4% (normal is 15%), the doctor advised me to do ivf direct instead of doing iui. I read from this forum and understand that 4% in morpholgy is not a big deal, is it worth do to iui before ivf (as it takes about 1.5 yrs to see the doctor from 瑪麗 and not actually start the treatment). Please note that my wife's age may be over 40 at that time..........................



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