




積分: 1750

發表於 12-4-4 07:24 |只看該作者
回覆 Chilical 的帖子


我BB17日大, BB有時食10MINS 就想瞓, 我同佢掃風整醒佢, 之後佢有可以食多10MINS。佢d濕片量又ok。

佢去健康院磅重, 姑娘話佢有重, 不過緊緊合格。有時我會先擠D前乳出來, 直至嘖奶, 先俾佢食, 好似好D, 同佢又會夠力食後乳, 可以增重。

不過我B 嘅時間有時都唔太規律, 有時兩個鐘, 有時又三個幾鐘一餐, 最多成四個鐘都得, 我都唔知係唔係要叫醒佢食


積分: 1755

發表於 12-4-4 17:53 |只看該作者

回覆:Chilical 的帖子

係呀, 佢肯埋身啜, 但我根本唔夠奶(從來未試過整濕件衫), 佢啜幾多我又唔知, 通常佢啜到唔肯啜我就開奶粉, 用nuk扁咀, 佢唔肯啜, 我自己喺個奶樽度唧出黎比佢飲咋
佢一日都換唔到六條濕片, 好擔心
之前有黃要照燈, 好驚飲唔夠又要再照呀
而且佢好輕磅, 出世5.2磅, 驚食唔夠影響生長呀, 下星期先有得返健康院
頭先買左chu chu母乳咀, 睇下換左有冇好啲啦


積分: 7511

趣教勳章 有「營」勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 12-4-4 23:31 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Aurorasea 於 12-4-4 23:39 編輯
窮師奶 發表於 12-4-4 17:53
係呀, 佢肯埋身啜, 但我根本唔夠奶(從來未試過整濕件衫), 佢啜幾多我又唔知, 通常佢啜到唔肯啜我就開奶粉, ...
窮師奶 發表於 12-4-4 17:53
係呀, 佢肯埋身啜, 但我根本唔夠奶(從來未試過整濕件衫), 佢啜幾多我又唔知, 通常佢啜到唔肯啜我就開奶粉, ...

Your situation was very similar to mine. My baby was 5lb when she was born, was yellow and needed to shine light in hospital. She kept on falling asleep while feeding, took almost 1 hour to feed, then wakes up every 1 - 3 hours for feeding, my breasts were painful and injured because of her biting, and to make things worse my family kept complaining that I should just give up and use milk powder. My milk supply did not come in after 4 - 5 days, and I just continued to feed her with breastmilk only.
I suppose I was stubborn and I was worried that if I gave her formula too soon I may not have enough milk (because if baby feeds less often, I will have less milk) and she may refuse my milk. Anyway, I gave her some formula until day 4 -5 .

But when I went to health clinic about 1 week after birth, they said she was a bit yellow but not bad enough so she did not need treatment and her weight gain was satisfactory. They also checked my breastfeeding technique and taught me what to do about the painful breasts. I was glad that I visited them early.
By the way, I had exactly the same experience. In hospital the nurse told us only to spend 10 minutes on the breast and then gave milk powder. I did my own reading homework and knew that they were wrong in their facts - newborn babies can take a long time to feed, and we should not limit their feeding time. I think it's also because the hospital is short staffed and they don't have the time to 'wait' for mums to feed for an entire hour. Also, we should let the baby finish drinking from 1 breast before changing to the other side, and not watch the clock and switch every 10 - 15 minutes. This is to ensure your baby finishes the richer hindmilk which contains more calories and fills up your babies for longer.

My conclusion is, bring your baby for check-up early, and ask for advice regarding your feeding technique make sure it is correct and baby is able to drink milk directly from the breast properly. If your diaper count is not enough, you need to make sure it's not because of poor feeding technique. Because poor technique, means baby's not getting enough milk and your breasts are not well stimulated to produce more milk.
You can always walk in or request them to bring forward the appointment. Babies do take a long time to feed in the beginning and it's not easy especially when you're just starting to produce milk.
But try to relax and have confidence , let your baby drink as much as they like. If your baby's supplemented with milk powder, still try to pump out your milk more often every 2 - 3 hours to boost supply. Eventually your milk supply will increase according to your baby's needs, and as your baby gets older s/he will drink so much faster. This will make your life easier as well.


積分: 1755

發表於 12-4-5 13:39 |只看該作者

回覆:Aurorasea 的帖子

多謝你詳細嘅回覆呀! 你講中左我一個問題, 就係我埋身餵時經常轉胸, 我以為冇奶所以轉! 就算我泵都係一樣, 見左邊冇奶出又即刻泵右邊, 我見停一停再泵又有奶, 仲以為正常添! 泵奶時試過每三分鐘就轉胸了, 我真係要改一改



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