




積分: 1331

發表於 08-2-1 22:19 |顯示全部帖子

I am also the 1st time employed a bun to take care my NB. The story almost the same as yr case. I keep 忍住 her 2 months & fried her finally.

She only surface clean everything in my house. All the hidden area just 看不見唔使抹. You tell her to clean, she will do. If no, that is. She won't take care.

She has 1 big sport bag luggage when she arrives, we found her has 4 big luggages during the date we fried her. It is because she collected many many old clothings from my 鄰居的工人 & used my washing liquid to wash them while we have not woke up in the early morning or out to work. I gave her 4 drawers to store her own things. All drawings totally very full within 2 months.

炒佢2日後 , we found at least 5-10 bags 即食麵 disappeared in 1-2 days. We believe that she must use the noodles to exchange the old clothings with my 鄰居的工人.

We had a hidden cam in living room to see what she did while we are not at home. We found that she keep lying on my sofa (very relax feeling), chair, walk around in the living room & 去toilet照鏡 but do nothing housework..... super lazy. Trust that she did nothing the whole day while I went to hosiptal (5日4夜生BB). My husband came to hosiptal (陪我) everyday (早出很夜歸)

One day, I went out with BB & husband for 3 hours & set the cam again. We just out, we saw her from the hidden cam that she immediately lying on my sofa again. Stop doing housework.

When we fried her & bring her to agent & show her the movie showing her "lazy". The agent asked her why she lying on sofa...etc. She 駁咀 said, it is because she finished the job today & showing her face (唔憤氣). She won't care my NB baby too. She put him into car seat & put on the 馬路地下. She won't carry the car seat even just 1 min. The whole car seat with baby inside put on the 健康院的膠椅上,有半個 car seat + baby 突了出來,佢自己就坐去別處, BB 連 car seat drop down 就"C" 硬啦!呢D人點可以請來照顧BB. 一D愛心都冇!單對單更死添!

She is the 1st time work in HK. Before, she worked in 約旦 (finished contract). 都唔明佢地諗乜,唔係想打工搵錢就唔好黎運桔啦! 攪到我地唔見錢又浪費時間 。政府又冇野幫到我地D小市民!

[ 本文章最後由 momo媽咪 於 08-2-1 22:38 編輯 ]


積分: 1331

發表於 08-2-4 19:07 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 PINKAVA 於 08-2-1 23:33 發表

你個賓又真係好鬼勞氣, 最慘我地指意佢湊初生, 但咁既工作態度, 我地又點放心? 事實上正苦又幫唔到我地, 乜都係我地顧主自己諗掂, 好彩bb未有受傷乍, 如果bb有意外, 工人都可以置身事外. 你現在找到工人未? 我已申請一個印妹黎, 預計4月先可以來港, 2月份就自已取大假湊大仔做家務, 3月放產假叫媽咪陪月, 今年新年因為無工人幫手, 我已通知街坊好友謝絕來我家探訪, 因為大肚臨dum, 真係唔想做咁多野, sorry 親友都要講句喇. 呢d苦況, 只有自己先知道.

My friend passed me her bun (my freind terminated her contract after 3 years working in her house). I tested this bun if she can handle NB (milk feeding & diaper changing - basic things). Actually, no experience but looks willing to learn. So, I direct employed her & spent $3xxx.- to agent for the direct employed.

This bun has her own problem (有愛心 but always SMS (手機不停 beep beep 聲, 要求Sun off). She worked in my friend's house 3 years, she is a (老雀). She likes to chat with 其他 Bun bun. 唉!都理唔到咁多,但求攪掂個仔就算了!太過份就出聲話佢!

I let her go to sleep at 10:00 pm everyday & I take care the 半夜 milk feeding. 試過 佢 5:30 am milk feeding to baby to 6:30 am. After feeding, she 大安旨意 go back to bed & sleep again. 唔知幾點再起身!

She knew that she have to wake up to work at 6:30 am eveyday. 唔覺唔覺,she woke up to work on 7:xx am. It is because we always wake up late during holiday. 就無人知佢幾點起身。

My husband wake up to work at around 6:30 am weekday, he found her still sleeping very sweet. 你話這些事只有老雀才做得出!我老公就馬上踢佢房門話佢!你話呢D咩人黎!未來過香港有好,有唔好;老雀有本港工作經驗快上手但就"此"住自己識o野,大把freinds, 識渠道搵人幫佢出頭!唔驚你,總之請親工人的都煩!又唔見錢又激氣!


[ 本文章最後由 momo媽咪 於 08-2-4 19:14 編輯 ]


