




積分: 3569

發表於 08-10-11 23:42 |只看該作者
你地有無計畫送仔女去外国讀書?幾歲? 边個國家?留係香港最担心係乜嘢?去外国最担心又係乜嘢?想從基督徒的角度去分解一下。


積分: 13721

發表於 08-10-12 08:16 |只看該作者
There are common concerns of what would happen (from my observation):
- Start intimacy dating in an age or status that you may not want your children to experience. Due to loneliness from being a foreign student away from a secured and fill with loved home, young people tend to find partner within a year study oversea.
- There are good influential and bed influential friends in groups that form a strong pear pressure to your children in either way whichever side of friends your children choose. 2 extreme groups: non Christian and Christian. Even within Christian, bed influential groups still exist. This really put all those values parents have put into their children’s heart in test.
- Safety issue. Does a young foreign student know when, where, what and who to do things with is safe or not? It is a different culture from home. Something is safe to do at Hong Kong may not be safe doing in other country.
- Is your child ready to make a right decision in order to protect him/her not being hurt?
- After study aboard, your child will be really independent in thoughts and values and may have a really hard time to live with you as harmony as before. And this change is not because of his or her spouse.
- If the school is not in a metropolitan with limited public transportation services, boarding expense will be a lot more. For example, a car may be needed, than car and driving insurance cost. This will open the question of what mature level should you feel comfortable for your child to driv. If your child is a girl, can she pick a safe, responsible driver as her boyfriend?

After all of these concerns, if it does happen that my child will be away from me and study oversea. Proverbs:4 and Psalms 1 may help the child who will be away from my influence. As a parent, just pray to God and let our child go. Don't worry.

[ 本文章最後由 ndw 於 08-10-12 12:12 編輯 ]


積分: 18262

發表於 08-10-14 14:14 |只看該作者
原文章由 ndw 於 08-10-12 08:16 發表
There are common concerns of what would happen (from my observation):
- Start intimacy dating in an age or status that you may not want your children to experience. Due to loneliness from bein ...



