



積分: 768

發表於 08-1-18 04:58 |只看該作者
I took SY_Mom's suggestion to open this new topic to discuss public school versus private school.

I had two choices: (1) stay where we lived which is a poor public school district, but we can afford to send the kids to private school; or (2) move to a better school district and pay higher mortgage/rent, but no more money for private school.

In my situation, I chose to move to a better school district. I believe there's no guarantee a kid will be successful or 唔會學壞 in a private school. It depends on the kid. Maybe I'm selfish la, I'd rather own a house than spend the money on private school education, as long as the public school my kids go to is a good one.


積分: 785

發表於 08-1-18 08:34 |只看該作者
I'm totally agree with mrschao and did the same thing. My husband and I were living in a ok area but the public school there are pretty bad. Just few days after we found that we have a little guy on his way, we put deposit on a house which is located within a very good school district. If you think you are selfish, then me too ... ha ha. I also rather spend more money for the entire family but not only on school coz really no promise private school make better student. Also, I think the neighbors also affecting our kids. My son is only 6 month old now, but he will be playing with those next door kids pretty soon. So far, I think most of the kids in that neighborhood are ok ... they are friendly, not crazy, and their parents are polite. Even we now need to spend alot more on mortgage, I think it's worthy.


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-18 14:46 |只看該作者
for those who're in the Bay Area,
do u think the education in CA sucks??

原文章由 mrschao 於 08-1-18 04:58 發表
I took SY_Mom's suggestion to open this new topic to discuss public school versus private school.

I had two choices: (1) stay where we lived which is a poor public school district, but we can affor ...


積分: 498

發表於 08-1-18 15:49 |只看該作者
For those who are interested in viewing some opinion by an education professor at Stanford regarding the public school versus private school debate, here is the link to the news story:


[ 本文章最後由 AKW 於 08-1-17 23:59 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 08-1-19 12:31 |只看該作者
alisonli, muimui, rose-mag, sy-mom, mrs.chao..and all moms..
thanks for replying me..
after me and my fat bear.. had a very calm and productive discussion (after we read your messages here)..
we will send Amanda to private.
Although, PS 48 is the excellent and Top 1 PS in staten island, but we don't have any good IS in staten island.
As Alisonli is the only one who did meet Amanda, and she knows.. how energenic Amanda is.. she is smart and clever, but she is very 心散, and she really needs discipline.
Jan 28 is the private's school open house. we will bring Amanda along with us.. and we hope that she can get a seat from them.
If she failed.. then, it left us no choice.. we will send Amanda to PS48
原文章由 AKW 於 08-1-18 02:49 AM 發表
For those who are interested in viewing some opinion by an education professor at Stanford regarding the public school versus private school debate, here is the link to the news story:

http://ed.stan ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-22 05:58 |只看該作者
so nice you could have a productive talk with fat bear =) amanda is like andrew smart and active. i am kinda regretting for taking him out of catholic school. but too bad he's taken to see principal for so many times and gettting sad notes from catholic school and i am afraid that might lower his self esteem too much. that's why i am taking him out.. going to public school is like getting out of jail for him..haha ...he's happy cuz he has more freedom but on the other hand he's not getting discipline as much as i like him to and i think he could learn alot more if someone could make him behaved..austin on the other hand is too quiet and he is happier in catholic school cuz public school might be too wild for him. but might be he would be more outgoing if he stays in public school...we r putting them into the enviornment that t makes them happy but not sure if it's really the right decision still.. .

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-1-19 12:31 發表
alisonli, muimui, rose-mag, sy-mom, mrs.chao..and all moms..
thanks for replying me..
after me and my fat bear.. had a very calm and productive discussion (after we read your messages here)..
we will ...


積分: 8831

發表於 08-1-22 14:39 |只看該作者
Mrschao講得啱, 好學校都有壞學生, 夏老威有間全男校, 小黑好想歷仔第時去果度讀HIGHSCHOOL, 但啲同事同我講, 入面都有學生HIGH 草食丸仔, 所以真係好睇個學生本身同埋屋企既教導.

歷仔下個月會去間PRIVATE SCHOOL 面試, 係日本佛校學校, 間學校由PRESCHOOL 到MIIDDLE SCHOOL, 不過要過三關,
第一關OBSERVE 歷仔30分鐘, 第二關, 父母面試30 分歷, 小朋友唔駛在場, 第三關測試歷仔識幾多數字, ABC, 顏色等. 我睇完封信都無咩信心過哂三關.


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-22 16:07 |只看該作者

i think Alex's gonna be fine for the admission tests.
kinda understand how u feel .... coz my boy will be also taking admission tests for the private kindergartens. one of the school only needs the classroom readiness evaluation (1 1/2 hr) but another school also needs the IQ test (1 hr). we need to pay for $175 for the IQ test alone.
although his english is ok, i'm a bit worried that he might be in a disadvantaged position compared to the caucasian kids or those who speak english at home. i'm afraid that there might be vocabularies in the IQ test questions that he might not understand.

anyway, we're still struggling if we should send him to private school or to the good public school.

i'd talked to a few middle-aged people and they all recommeded the good public schools instead of private schools. couple of them are educators and all their kids are grown-ups now. the public high school teacher said she thinks only one private high school is good in the bay area; however, it costs over $30,000+ a year for tuition and she's not sure if it's worth it.

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-22 14:39 發表
Mrschao講得啱, 好學校都有壞學生, 夏老威有間全男校, 小黑好想歷仔第時去果度讀HIGHSCHOOL, 但啲同事同我講, 入面都有學生HIGH 草食丸仔, 所以真係好睇個學生本身同埋屋企既教導.

歷仔下個月會去間PRIVATE SCHOOL ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-1-22 21:09 |只看該作者
same here...
we will have interview with parents, and then, the teacher will test Amanda's knowledge level by asking her all the shapes, count to 100, maths (+), before and after, read sentences something like that..

you are the best mom因材施教係好重要呢..

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-22 03:07 AM 發表

i think Alex's gonna be fine for the admission tests.
kinda understand how u feel .... coz my boy will be also taking admission tests for the private kindergartens. one of the school only ...


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-23 03:12 |只看該作者
nille & muimui,

good that at least u know what will be tested.
i've been worrying abt the IQ test coz really u can't prepare for that. also, in case he's lucky to get in, i kinda got the pressure of paying $30,000+ tuition a year plus the high mortgage payment of living in a good district. in that case, i might be going back to work.

i had a long conversation with a mid-aged friend who's a high school teacher. her daughter got her masters at Stanford and now is a high school teacher. when i have more time, will share with u all what i've found out from her.

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-1-22 21:09 發表
same here...
we will have interview with parents, and then, the teacher will test Amanda's knowledge level by asking her all the shapes, count to 100, maths (+), before and after, read sente ...


積分: 781

發表於 08-1-23 03:33 |只看該作者

Which school need that IQ test? Harker?

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-22 16:07 發表

i think Alex's gonna be fine for the admission tests.
kinda understand how u feel .... coz my boy will be also taking admission tests for the private kindergartens. one of the school only ...


積分: 173349

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發表於 08-1-23 04:56 |只看該作者
My co-worker has just applied 5 private kindergartens for her daughter. She told me that some of them are really crazy. The most craziest one requested her to do 8 tasks - 1) a 1-page essay 2) parents interview with the principal 3) kid's screening test 4) kid's interview to a panel of 3 5) kid's playdate with the teachers 6) group playdate with other kids 7) tour to the school 8) meeting other parents. Even the less crazy ones at least ask for tour, parents interview, test and kid's interview. She somewhat like gets crazy and her husband refuses to go for interview as he thinks that it's insane for him to spend so much money on his daughter tuition and the school still asks him to do such stupid thing. BTW, he's a broker and his wife is a compliance officer. They altogether should earn more than $150k per year. She does not want to go for public school in SF because it's based on lottery and it depends on the education level of the mothers. Since she lives in a nice neighbor, the mothers in the same area usually have higher education level. My co-worker who has a master degree does not give her advantage to get a seat for her daughter in a good public school in a nice neighborhood.

Personally, I don't believe that a high-cost private school makes good kid but with all those consideration of after-school arrangement, lottery concern, it's hard for me to vote for public school, particularly in SF.


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-23 07:39 |只看該作者
sy mom,
no, you can prepared for IQ test, generally they will do an OLSAT test, buy "building thinking skills" book by Sandra Parks (Author), Howard Black (Author), it's out of stock in bn and amazon. u have to get it from critical thinking website. hope it helps www.criticalthinking.com/

thanx for the compliment, however i believe all moms here all best mom, look at how everyone of us r so involved about our kids' education...haha.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-23 03:12 發表
nille & muimui,

good that at least u know what will be tested.
i've been worrying abt the IQ test coz really u can't prepare for that. also, in case he's lucky to get in, i kinda got the pressure ...


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-23 08:51 |只看該作者

their IQ test is called WPPSI. the tested areas are in many different areas. also, we won't have time to prepare for that, coz the school will notify u to take the test in abt a week after u've submitted the application. i guess i'm a lazy mom and not well plan for that kinda thing.
anyway, my worry is not abt his thinking skill but he might not understand some words in the test questions. i have no ideas abt the difficulty level. they said the test question sets are different for different ages (4.3 vs 4.5 vs 4.9 vs 5) etc.
meanwhile, his teacher still hasn't given me back the teacher's recommendation yet. she's supposed to seal it and send out by herself but i don't think she did. maybe those essay questions are lengthy and it takes time for her to finish
i took me 1 to 2 weeks to finish the parent statement too. i would rather have a face-to-face parent interview instead.

well ... if he can't get in, i'll give myself an excuse to save the money for the expensive tuition and get a bigger house instead. ha ...

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-1-23 07:39 發表
sy mom,
no, you can prepared for IQ test, generally they will do an OLSAT test, buy "building thinking skills" book by Sandra Parks (Author), Howard Black (Author), it's out of stock in bn and amazon. ...


積分: 8831

發表於 08-1-23 14:25 |只看該作者
SY MOM,嘩!成百幾蚊做IQ TEST,真係搶$呀, 真係未見官先打三百.
有時我都想俾歷仔讀PUBLIC SCHOOL, 會慳唔少, 慳埋俾佢做COLLEGE FUND 或去旅得仲好, 好可惜, 我係住係舊區中既新屋苑, 個舊區出名DRUGS 同HOMELESS...所以歷仔都無得揀, 除非返香港, 我亞媽成日想我送歷仔去香港讀書.


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-23 14:53 |只看該作者

the psychologist will go to the school to give the IQ tests to the applicants. it's an-hour test, so i guess they just charge u a little more than an hourly rate. we've paid $425 application fees to a preschool last year and they didn't do anything such as IQ test.
actually the private school application fees are expensive which could cost you $300 to $500. once they've sent out the acceptance letter, they expect $2000 to $3500 non-refundable deposit within a week.

anyway, sounds like yr neighborhood is not so good. i always told my husband that it's no good if we live in a bad neighborhood although our kid goes to a top private school. maybe that's why most parents would prefer live in a good district and let their kids go to the good public schools.

have u thought abt moving out of HI? when i lived in SF, i had lots of friends relocated from HI after they graduated from college. seems like all of them graduated from UHM.

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-23 14:25 發表
SY MOM,嘩!成百幾蚊做IQ TEST,真係搶$呀, 真係未見官先打三百.
有時我都想俾歷仔讀PUBLIC SCHOOL, 會慳唔少, 慳埋俾佢做COLLEGE FUND 或去旅得仲好, 好可惜, 我係住係舊區中既新屋苑, 個舊區出名DRUGS 同HOMELESS.. ...

[ 本文章最後由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-23 15:15 編輯 ]


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-23 23:25 |只看該作者
SY mom,
oh....i guess private schools gives out different test.. olsat is used in public schools for nys to evaluate IQ for the g & t.
hmm...so is that private school for gifted only? i would think they would take any applicants who could afford 30k tuition..i guess not..30k net a year is alot woh..if u want ur son to go all the way, have you set a budget on how much money u need to save ......
or do you rather buy a house ??

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-23 08:51 發表

their IQ test is called WPPSI. the tested areas are in many different areas. also, we won't have time to prepare for that, coz the school will notify u to take the test in abt a week afte ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-23 23:27 |只看該作者
so how much is the private school in HI ?

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-23 14:25 發表
SY MOM,嘩!成百幾蚊做IQ TEST,真係搶$呀, 真係未見官先打三百.
有時我都想俾歷仔讀PUBLIC SCHOOL, 會慳唔少, 慳埋俾佢做COLLEGE FUND 或去旅得仲好, 好可惜, 我係住係舊區中既新屋苑, 個舊區出名DRUGS 同HOMELESS.. ...


積分: 173349

2025勳章 2025勳章蛇年勳章 2024年龍年勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-1-24 01:08 |只看該作者
I heard from my co-worker that some private schools will go after the parents for full-year payment if the parents sign the contract with the schools but decide not to give up the seats afterwards. Not just the deposits or other paid fee, the schools will sue the parents and ask for the unpaid tuition for the whole school year. My co-worker has some friends who were sued by the private schools and finally needed to pay.


積分: 1760

發表於 08-1-24 14:55 |只看該作者

yr friends should be very careful when signing contract for the whole academic year's tuition payment. most schools give you 2 options - either pay by month or by year, and usually it's a bit cheaper if u pay for the whole year. that's ok to pay for the whole year's tuition if for sure you'll be studying for the whole year, esp. if the tution is not too expensive.

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-1-24 01:08 發表
I heard from my co-worker that some private schools will go after the parents for full-year payment if the parents sign the contract with the schools but decide not to give up the seats afterw ...


