你每日都晨咁早出去, 仲可以去廼士尼酒店之類地方住吓, 等佢搵你唔到lor. My case 呢, 搵人換鎖. But this cannot stop your 99 from coming ~~ so, I guess it is better you disappear with the baby. How old is your baby ??
[ 本文章最後由 fungwongphie 於 08-6-10 10:33 編輯 ]
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原文章由 fungwongphie 於 08-6-10 10:32 發表
你每日都晨咁早出去, 仲可以去廼士尼酒店之類地方住吓, 等佢搵你唔到lor. My case 呢, 搵人換鎖. But this cannot stop your 99 from coming ~~ so, I guess it is better you disappear with the baby. How old i ...