



積分: 798

發表於 09-6-26 01:15 |只看該作者
i read this article today. it's very simple concept yet we are likely to forget. share with moms who are striving to nurse the babies and hoping to get back to shape. Enjoy!

During this time, it's important to listen to what your body wants. While there are no "quick fixes" to help your body bounce back to what it was like before your pregnancy, there are some positive steps you can take every day that will help you feel and look better.

1) Let your appetite be your guide.

While nursing a baby requires you to take in even more daily calories than you needed during the last three months of your pregnancy, the good news is that your own body will usually tell you how often and how much you should eat. Eating whenever you start to feel hungry will help you preserve your energy and overall resistance. And if you go out, take nutritious snacks (like fruit, a nutrition bar or crackers) with you.

2) Keep it simple, fast and good.

Focus on simple and nutritious foods that you can find and prepare easily — it doesn't have to be a gourmet meal! Microwavable pre-packaged meals, as long as they're nutritionally balanced, can be a real help. A stir-fry or pasta dish is often ideal because you can make it quickly with fresh ingredients.

3) Quench your thirst.

Drinking a total of eight glasses a day of liquid — water, milk or juice — is enough to help you produce the milk your baby needs and keep you healthy, too. All you have to remember is to drink whenever you feel thirsty, enough to stay comfortable, and you and baby will be fine.

4) Learn to sleep when you can.

While your baby may not be sleeping through the night yet, and may in fact still be waking up several times, it's important to not let yourself get too run down. Instead of running errands or doing chores, try getting into the habit of sleeping when your baby sleeps during the day. This trick will help you feel more alert and energetic.

5) "Diet" is a four-letter word.

If you start a diet now and cut your calories while you're nursing, you could be compromising your own nutritional well-being because your body will be drawing nutrients from you to produce breast milk. You'll feel tired and, what's more, you may not produce enough milk for your baby. Instead of trying to lose weight, concentrate on creating a routine of eating and living healthy. By focusing on doing small positive things every day, you'll feel a whole lot better — and you might very well start to lose weight anyway.

6) Let's get physical.

Another important part of getting back to normal while you're nursing is being physically active. While you may feel like you can't possibly squeeze another thing into your hectic day, make the effort to carve out a little active time. This can be as simple as taking your baby for a walk in the stroller or walking with your baby strapped into a front carrier pack. If you prefer, try exercising in front of the TV with a fitness video designed especially for new moms. Even small amounts of regular activity can do wonders to help you feel better — and more like yourself.


積分: 660

發表於 09-6-27 00:15 |只看該作者
Good Sharing. Point 5)Diet is very important. I tried 'Diet' plan last month and my milk production dropped immediately.


