



積分: 8476

發表於 09-9-30 00:35 |顯示全部帖子

Havent signed up for a while, congrats!! Finally we got a call from SMC for second interview last Sunday morning after we came back from nik's swimming class and to meet today; however, since my hubby is out of town so we asked for a re-schedule, hope it will not affect the chance of getting in. Are you sure you will go SMC w/o looking around further? Do you know how many SL grad is in SMC P1 this year? How about TSL? We wont move whatever school he will study but will try to cope with the location by whatever means :) as we just move for a year here.

Wow, you are from SIN!? I have a good old friend there we know each other for more than 20 years (dont guess my age ), we were pen-pal when we were still very young and now we are both a mother of 2.

Yes, Nik is studying in International Stream, full day class. He will have cantonese and mandarin lessons in the morning then NET for english in the afternoon, their maths book is in English but is taught in cantonese.

I dont have time to do the lantern lah, I have to make 2 if I do


積分: 8476

發表於 09-9-30 00:37 |顯示全部帖子
Likewise, I always asked myself before that whether I want to be a small potato in a big corp or a key man in a small company......haha, I am now in between

原帖由 Sim 於 09-9-29 16:06 發表
Hi lamfanny,

What my friend said is " Do you want your kid to be top position in normal school / be last few position in famous school" which I think quite meaningful.


積分: 8476

發表於 09-9-30 22:43 |顯示全部帖子
男人靠得住, XX會上樹, 我都係自己顧晒2個, 佢只係做經濟支援 你只要記住月尾最後一個星期放本"親子蜜語"入書包, 老師就會將下個月的schedule及書表貼上, 中英文對照, 我叫姐姐幫手跟 - 不過我呢個week都唔記得左......


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-1 08:27 |顯示全部帖子
It's not surprise for them to know more cantonese as in fact it's the mother tongue of almost 99% of the kids in the school....good to you all still that my little son cannot express well so far, he cant tell me what happen in the school at all, still look like a baby!

It's so good that your son can manage very well in mandarin and english and that's y it is not difficult for him to be admitted, my son is just an ordinary HK boy and only applies these 2 languages in the school only, and english with the maid at home, he doesnt have any certificate to support his application to DSS, so I do hope he will perform well by his own lah. At first SMC asked for a 2nd in on 30 Sep but my hubby was out of town and he wants to be there as well so we asked for re-schedule, now awaiting for their call again :-| he will have some other interviews on 9/10 and 10/10, very busy..... wish us good luck lah!


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-2 14:13 |顯示全部帖子
Just curious to know what's the difference you think St Lorraine vs. Zenith for those will go St Lorraine for K1 interivew? You gals make me also think if have to do the same


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-3 23:10 |顯示全部帖子
I want to know too
原帖由 lamfanny 於 09-10-2 22:54 發表
But, it have not happened on me.
What is your first choice for your son? you mentioned SMC is your 2nd/3rd choices.

He didnt attend any public exam for his language proficiency ah, was just told today that Cambridge Starter is for kids of 6 years old wor, how come you guys can take the test?? We also applied for Lutheran, but it's not our target at all.

I am also a working mom........


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-5 22:34 |顯示全部帖子
My son doesnt cry lah but always shows a sad face at the school entrance, then ok face when teacher holds his hand up the stairs......regular show everyday!

I double checked nik's maths book, they are teaching currency (dollars) and time, first few pages in chinese then few pages in English; and at the last part there are comprehensive questions in both chinese and english. He can give me a correct answer when I read the Q in english, and i think they can manage both chinese and english Q then.

Which school u will go for interview this Sat? We will have DBSPD on Friday, TSL and Joseph Lee on Sat morning, very busy and crazy!


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-6 23:03 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 junejune123 於 09-10-6 12:53 發表

不如我地攪個活動, 大家有冇idea? 諗几個idea去選擇, 大家有冇興趣, 一來我地又可以見面認識多o的, 二來小朋友又可以一齊玩下

1. 元朗西鐵燒烤
2. nikma: 錦田鄉村俱樂部
5. ...


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-12 22:21 |顯示全部帖子
lovelyfrog, chongmama,
Same as you, I didnt realise I have to enrol this and that for my son until I see others doing so, and doing so much! Then I was also fear that my son will be lag behind and at the same time I also want to prove my son can also do the best as they do, it's a very crazy situation that both parents and kids are busy paying and learning. But he didnt take any cert for all his courses attended, I just want him to be more 'all rounded' to write on his profile, he learns piano and drawing in Zenith, swimming and e.nopi maths - all NO cert. Once I talked to a tuition centre owner that she strongly disagrees sending kids to sit for Cambridge test for a cert to get in primary school, SL does so by sending them to PRC for the exam as even HK British Council wont accept small kids for the exam and the exam is easier in PRC than that in HK, really crazy! (Sim, correct me if I am wrong).

In fact, my elder son studied in a normal church operated kinda when he was in N1 and K1 (the first few months), the Principal in Kam Tin St. Joseph was the ex-Officer in that kinda, she is really nice; then we moved to YL and I had to get him a kinda so as to save travelling time, still remember that time the ex-officer in Zenith told me that their syllabus is ahead of the Education Bureau thus I had to change as the earliest so that my kid can catch up. That time I didnt try to seek place from any other Kinda like Chan Kwong and other 'famous' kinda in YL as I know there must be no place at all for jumping in. So far I am really satisfied with Zenith, in terms of syallbus and all staff from Principal to the amahs. I am not quite sure what 'connection' St Joseph has with DBS but I dont think it's true as all kids have to go thru interview, they wont know where you are from. Sim will understand what I am going through, busy interviewing and go with expectation, return with worry as donno whether our son will be admitted. True my hubby and I was also graduated from estate school, we didnt go any famous primary nor secondary, but now we are both satisfied with what we have - academically and morally and materially. Why kids today have to do such crazy games? I wont blame my son for not doing great but just appreciate for what he did as they are really bravo to attend so much interviews on their own, they are just a 5-year-old kid!

Sim, as you have accepted smc offer, sure you wont take any govt school; for me, I am struggling as we have 20 marks to go for a govt primary school which runs quite well nowadays but it's not an English school for sure, if we let our elder son getting in, then we wont need to go thru the process to attend interviews, wait for result 3 years later as the smaller son will straight in w/o any hassle, therefore, we wont accept smc offer even if they do offer us as we will give up the govt school quota immediately. Very trouble!!

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-12 22:26 編輯 ]


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-13 11:58 |顯示全部帖子
That's y there are sooooooo many learning centres out there lor - as most of the kinda provide limited sessions for English and PTH then parents have to seek outsource, that's why I dont think the school fee in Zenith is expensive as end up they have to pay similar elsewhere

For St Joseph, better ask how many teaching hours per week for English and PTH even though they have NET and foreign kids then you can compare it with Zenith; for me, it is not comparable as I send my kids full day class, SJ doesnt offer full day class. I think full day (international) class in Zenith is very comprehensive, I pay for one-stop service :lol

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-13 12:05 編輯 ]


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-13 22:20 |顯示全部帖子
I dont think there is an equation on this wor, if you choose the DSS which is not so popular, i dont think there is a must to study private kinda; even if you go govt primary, studying in private kinda is no harm as your kid should be able to cope with the syllabus more easily than others - this is what I think now and I was also told so by the ex-teacher of zenith. If you have the $$ and the kid has the ability, why not spend only these few years as a good start then save at least 6 years, rite?!
選擇直資/私立小學=>便應選擇牟利的幼稚園(英藝/萊茵); 津貼小學=>應該去有學卷的幼稚園

Nik has an ex-classmate that his parents spoke English to him only until 3 years old then he started learning cantonese in school and his parents also spoke to him in cantonese, but his accent was so funny and not easy to understand, so you have to notice this.

BTW, call me nik ma

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-13 22:25 編輯 ]


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-14 12:08 |顯示全部帖子
SJ's evnironment is good but beware of the mosquito lah. I also thought the same as you before that 'through train' is good then I dont need to trouble again 6 years later, but now I totally change my mind, except you enter to a very good through train like DBS+DBSPD, otherwise, there is no pressure for the primary to do the best to keep up a good academic result for the kids, for DSS like PLKCTSL, they dont have linked secondary but their graduates will go La Salle, DBS, Wa Yan. But it's my thinking only, different parents will have different choice on this.


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-14 21:34 |顯示全部帖子
We finished smc's 2nd interview and hopefully will get the result this week. We have 20 points for a govt primary but acceptance will only be released by end of Nov, it will set a smooth path for the little son as the interview game will be even crazy for our 2007 kids. So it's not an easy decision to make if we have any DSS acceptance before Nov.

We also speak cantonese at home but my son need to communicate with my filipino maid in english. Dont expect they can speak very good english even they go zenith if english is not your family language, but it's sure that their english standard is much better than those in "other" kinda. Of course, try to have more reading time, reading is a good habit. You dont need to worry too early, yours are only 2, u will know more about her strength when she's about K2.

Dont rely too much on the assessment report by the edu bureau as the result may be subjective and the assessment was scheduled, the school can prepare for a show, go visit and ask comment from the current parents are more reliable, see there is no report for zenith and SL, parents still send their kids to, rite?!

BTW, how many of us will join the gathering? Seems only few of us in this forum


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-15 22:05 |顯示全部帖子
fanny, lovelyfrog,
Which class are your kids in? So scary to hear about the biting incident

fanny, good to stay at zenith lah, hehe, I have bias - positive to zenith

I finally had the second in early last week lah, they said they will give us reply in 2 weeks' time. Why do you think DBS wont listen to parents? Your son will go to smc rite? Y have to move then? I know a zenith grad last year also studying in smc now and she lives in TSW, her mother sends her to school by west rail every morning......but you will have interview at PK, I donno it at all...........

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-15 22:27 編輯 ]


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-16 14:35 |顯示全部帖子
It should be Ms Kong. I heard a lot about her impoliteness but I dont feel at all so far

Oh, knowing from your SL interviews then I am sure that we cant go elsewhere lah as my little son still cannot talk, he is good at nodding head only, and some single words. :-(


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-16 23:46 |顯示全部帖子
I like SMC and TSL with the same reasons as yours, but then my hubby said education/learning is for 'qualification' and 'good academic result' but not speaking good english, so we also have to know more about where their graduates go lor, very trouble!

Nik will not study in YL primary too thus no matter which school he will be in, I have to check if they have school bus to Mei Foo west rail then I ask my maid to pick him up there then back home via west rail, for sure there is no direct school bus to YL and if even so, they will also pick/send kids for other districts, then your son will go around the world before going school/home You know a primary+kinda in Sham Shui Po offers school bus to YL but kids have to get on the bus at 6.05am at YL and back to YL at 17.05 while the school hours are 08.00-15.30. Like Zenith now, if I take school bus from home in the morning, nik has to get on the bus at 7.15 and he will arrive school at 8.45, it takes him 1.30 to travel the whole YL (+TSW maybe), now he wakes up at 7.30 and I send him to school but he take school bus home.


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-16 23:50 |顯示全部帖子
re DBSPD, i know what u mean, I just think they are just like TVB or LV, no matter what they do or sell, you will still take it, it's brand! Haha!

fanny, lovelyfrog,
my son is in N1A, are your kids ok today? Horrible to have that kid in the class.....

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-16 23:51 編輯 ]


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-17 16:56 |顯示全部帖子
We are in YL but not in the town centre, it's Kam Tin, very near to the "Kam Tin Country Club" It's far from the town centre indeed, we are close to Kam Sheung Road west rail (not in walking distance tho).


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-19 22:43 |顯示全部帖子
my experience is, zenith will give you a reply notice and ask for retention money to show your intention to stay at K1.


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-21 09:14 |顯示全部帖子
Full day charges $4,800/month plus other fees as mentioned + blanket bag $60.


