




積分: 194

發表於 10-3-14 22:50 |顯示全部帖子
Hi cutecutetown,

Thanks for your help.

I am 33 years old, i have been trying to have baby for 4 years and have tried 4 times iui with different doctors in the past 2 years...all the doctors concluded my case as unknown case...all the time, i think its the pressure from my work, but recently i have visited a new doctor, and he said someting different, its hard to have pressure for 4 whole years and he pointed out one possibility of having a fallopian tube clear but not functioning, he suggested IVF, may I know if you have many cases in your lab having this problem? and having an unknow reason, do I still stand a good chance? many thanks ....

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-2-12 11:02 發表
Being in the ivf field for >10 years, I hope to help in a discussion format any of your questions or concerns with my relevant scientific knowledge and experience.

Please also let me declare that any ...


積分: 194

發表於 10-3-15 18:32 |顯示全部帖子
Dear cutecutetown,

That is what the doctor said, he also suggested to go for IVF, and indeed, I am very concerned about the OHSS...how often it happens? what is the %/ chance of getting an OHSS?

I am now preparing and have started seeing Chinese doctor to get myself warmed up...and also exercise...any other things I should do before teh IVF? or anything I can do now to reduce the chance of having OHSS?

I am planning to have the IVF in June...thanks again for your advise...

原帖由 cutecutetown 於 10-3-15 17:51 發表
Dear Sally,
Did your "new" doctor suggest you to do IVF? Simply based on your age (relatively young) and your husband's sperm quality being ok, I think you should have a good chance with ivf.
However ...



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