



積分: 160

發表於 09-9-15 12:29 |只看該作者
其實小朋友生病真是必經階段, 我記得去年年尾今年年初, 囡囡個個月都起碼睇兩次醫生 (傷風咳), 又試過發高燒入急診室. 我問醫生點可以令佢病少d, 醫生說, 其實咁細個病多d是好事(指小事如傷風咳感冒), 每病一次, 打多一次仗,身體抵抗力就好d, 現今d細菌愈來愈勁, 遲d大個遇到d惡菌都冇咁大件事.
我都覺得有d道理, so far番左學個幾月, 囡囡都只是病過一次, 一個weekend就好番, 可能就是年頭打仗打得多.


積分: 1635

發表於 09-9-15 13:41 |只看該作者
yi......我個女都係半日, sat都see左醫生,話係支氣管炎, 但doctor話唔會傳的, 唉, 梗住sun又開始發高燒, 醫生話可能學校感染倒..., 好彩昨日see完醫生, 下午即刻退哂燒, 攪到我好驚

因為n1a有全日小朋友, 通常都係daddy, mummy都要返工, 所以, 我估可能小朋友有o的唔舒服都會帶佢返學law

原帖由 niklaus903 於 09-9-13 19:34 發表
我個仔係N1A全日, 我每日都有update學校仔仔情況, 病毒好難防 (其實我個仔個肺比較弱), 學校已經加強清潔, 但Ms Olga話有D家長明知小朋友病都送番學呢個先係問題, 希望個個小朋友都身體健康啦! ...


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-17 00:19 |只看該作者
Hi niklaus,

How's your boy now? My girl also fall sick easy after going to school. Hopefully they will get use to it after few months. I think their immune system will only build up when they reach 6yrs old. My son already 5yrs old & he still fall sick easily as well.


積分: 8476

發表於 09-9-17 22:21 |只看該作者
My little norvin is home since ydy lah, he is fine now, but i wont send him to school until next Monday, so that he can take more rest. Did you receive SMC's call for second interview? I know it is undergoing but I have not got their call yet, god bless me.....


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-19 09:16 |只看該作者
Hi lamfanny,

Does your girl always lost her hair clips/ hair bands? My girl lost many of them from starting till now. Yesterday, I saw your girl in the clubhouse. She is so smart. She recognised my girl as her classmate when she saw her.

[ 本帖最後由 Sim 於 09-9-23 09:58 編輯 ]


積分: 1694

發表於 09-9-24 09:24 |只看該作者
Hi, Hi, Sim,

Yes! I wonder she can! She want to tell my mother "Classmate", but she don;t know the word, just point it to show she know the girl. My mother said your girl have a beautiful face and doesn't look like a Chinese. You are quite slim and weak. Take care of your health.
Do the school require us (not child I think)) to make 燈籠? wa! How to do? Do anyone have an idea?


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-24 16:21 |只看該作者
Hi lamfanny,

O! Thanks! Your girl very pretty too. I like her hair ... long & straight. My girl's hair quite curly & grow very slow. Haha ... people always tell me my children look foreign. Maybe they are still a bit mix. Heehee ... HK & Singapore mix!

Yes lah! I can't grow fat even I eat a lot. Haha ... Have to look after 2 'monsters'? During the summer holiday, I went back to Singapore & gained back 4 kg however after bringing my girl to school for 2 weeks I lost that 4 kg. I found it's quite tired to bring her to & fro from the school therefore I finally decided to let her take the school bus which I think is better for her as well. Have you think of it be4?

Yes, you will have to hand in the lantern before 29th Sep but it's optional. I think most the lanterns will be done by the parents since they are still too small. I had already made 3 lanterns for my boy for this 3 yrs (from N1 to K2). This yr, I will have to make 2 Lah! One for my boy & the other for my girl.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-25 11:10 |只看該作者
Hi niklaus,

Is your elder son studying in Zenith's International Stream? If yes, can I know whether which medium of teaching are they using? Is it both English & Mandarin? Is the Maths taught in English or Cantonese?

Thanks a lot!


積分: 1694

發表於 09-9-25 16:07 |只看該作者
Wa. you are enjoy to make these lanterns. We don't like it. Just try our best.
Do your son success of interview?
Most of my colleagues chose so far away from home to school for their children.
I query that is it important to find a good reputation school? They said it is good for their future prospect & career. I have no idea of it.
It make me 15/16.

原帖由 Sim 於 09-9-24 16:21 發表
Hi lamfanny,

O! Thanks! Your girl very pretty too. I like her hair ... long & straight. My girl's hair quite curly & grow very slow. Haha ... people always tell me my children look foreign. Maybe the ...


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-28 15:25 |只看該作者
Hi niklaus,

I had just received the acceptance letter from SMC today. My son 1st interview was on 28th Aug & I received call for 2nd in on 16th Sep. 2nd in on 18th Sep & received the letter on 28th Sep.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-28 15:51 |只看該作者
Hi lamfanny,

Of course we are not enjoying it. Everything we need to do the artwork for them only after they went to sleep and we need to do till very late. Last Friday, we made 2 lanterns & finished them at 4:30am. Poor us!

My son is being accepted by St. Margaret. I don't like my children to take too long time for traveling, it's really tiring. If it's really far away, we will move. They really need more time to rest since there are still long way to go. Entering into a famous school is the most prefect choice however if your children can't keep in pace it will be tough for them. Famous school really need both parents & children to do 'work a lot'. Even if you enter into a good school but if your personality or luck not so gd, you can get a good job too.

As I know, there are many good traditional schools in YL. You don't have to move out. If you think Cantonese teaching is ok for both you & your girl, you don't have to choose DSS. I don't choose gov schools becos I don't know how to teach in Cantonese. In Singapore, we are all taught in English & only Chinese in Mandarin. Therefore, English DSS schools are my only choice. I have already decided that if none of the DSS (those I applied) accept my son, I will let my children studied in Sin. Luckily, SM accepted my son. Like what my Singapore friend's told me : Do you want your son to be a big fish in a pond/ be a small fish in the sea? Hope you understand!


積分: 2972

發表於 09-9-28 17:28 |只看該作者
我同囝囝都整左個燈籠,我剪好曬d 野,再叫佢stick 上去。見佢stick得都好開心,我覺得ok啦!親子活動ma!今日佢將個燈籠比老師,佢以為老師放學會比番佢,佢放學時不停問我mummy where is my 燈籠。


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-28 22:38 |只看該作者
Hi lovelyfrog,

So nice! your boy can be involved in the making of his lantern. I think my girl will ruin my effort rather than helping me ... heehee ...


積分: 2972

發表於 09-9-29 12:11 |只看該作者
HI Sim,


hi Lamfanny,

你係唔係都有報萊茵?我噚日我收到信話16/10 interview,好麻煩呢,星期五又要突登請假!我囝囝in 9:30,你呢?


積分: 1694

發表於 09-9-29 15:10 |只看該作者
Hello, Sim & lovelyfrog,

首先, 恭喜Sim解決仔仔入學的煩惱! 我也想知呢間學校係點, 例如, 功課, 校風, 測驗考試幾多次等等. 遲d講都冇問題, 我都未有耐!
其實, 唔係好明你sin的朋友講的譬如, 因為, 我認為2個環境條魚都會死. 嘻嘻!


我未知道有冇信喎, 今晚check check先! 多謝你的通知. 我諗都會同你一樣在平日時間interview.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-29 16:02 |只看該作者
Hi lovelyfrog,

My girl will be having the interview (St. Lorraine) on that day & the same time as well but I had called up to make a change cos I don't wish to take leave lah! The staff still haven't call me up for the new timing. Will you be going for the talk? I'm thinking of whether to go becos they also said the same thing yr after yr.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-9-29 16:06 |只看該作者
Hi lamfanny,

What my friend said is " Do you want your kid to be top position in normal school / be last few position in famous school" which I think quite meaningful.


積分: 1694

發表於 09-9-29 17:09 |只看該作者
ooh. I see. So stupid of me! hahaha.!

I just consider I have to take leave and forgot my girl have to take leave as well! I will join their talk if the time schedule is fit.
How feel of this school?
I think your son is good in English. However, I don't know whether his english was taught by school or by your family.


積分: 8476

發表於 09-9-30 00:35 |只看該作者

Havent signed up for a while, congrats!! Finally we got a call from SMC for second interview last Sunday morning after we came back from nik's swimming class and to meet today; however, since my hubby is out of town so we asked for a re-schedule, hope it will not affect the chance of getting in. Are you sure you will go SMC w/o looking around further? Do you know how many SL grad is in SMC P1 this year? How about TSL? We wont move whatever school he will study but will try to cope with the location by whatever means :) as we just move for a year here.

Wow, you are from SIN!? I have a good old friend there we know each other for more than 20 years (dont guess my age ), we were pen-pal when we were still very young and now we are both a mother of 2.

Yes, Nik is studying in International Stream, full day class. He will have cantonese and mandarin lessons in the morning then NET for english in the afternoon, their maths book is in English but is taught in cantonese.

I dont have time to do the lantern lah, I have to make 2 if I do


積分: 8476

發表於 09-9-30 00:37 |只看該作者
Likewise, I always asked myself before that whether I want to be a small potato in a big corp or a key man in a small company......haha, I am now in between

原帖由 Sim 於 09-9-29 16:06 發表
Hi lamfanny,

What my friend said is " Do you want your kid to be top position in normal school / be last few position in famous school" which I think quite meaningful.


