



積分: 1694

發表於 09-10-10 22:40 |只看該作者
今天我都有去. 校監係講到佢個仔好勁, 好PROUND OF HIM 亦好 appreciate 佢個仔幚學校爭取好多國際性的評核試及活動. 連我老公都好認同咁. 可以說這埸talk show是算成功呢! 不過, 說到學費, 校監非常倉卒的介紹便算. 我現在都不清楚雙語是廣英or普英? 校監曾經有說過是用普通話, 但之前的教職員又對我們說是廣東話 ??
但是, 她推介的是國際班, 整個talk都是指國際班才有這樣的配套. 那麼, 雙語班又如何? 怎樣分配時間及配套設施呢? 究竟, 有沒有小朋友報讀國際班?


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-12 00:22 |只看該作者
Hi 韜韜b,

Their English will be higher than
生命. 三育, 真光等 but not their Chinese.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-12 00:25 |只看該作者
Hi lamfanny & ChongMaMa,

My girl will be having her interview on Sat 12:00pm as well. See both of you there. Don't worry lah! I think late interview won't affect the result. It's difference from P1's interview. Take it easy!


積分: 2972

發表於 09-10-12 10:27 |只看該作者
大家好似都幾認同佢地既教法,但我同我老公就唔太鍾意啦,一來太hardsell,二來校監用語太粗俗。我時常覺得透過學習環境去學習英文,小朋友先學得開心,而唔係考cert ,加上cambridge 試根本冇意思,我睇到speaking 同listening 都攞到高分,但reading and writing 就比較差,証明根本4、5歲小朋友攞筆考試好勉強。我同我老公都係起英國讀書,我地讀書時好少功課,好多時間都係玩,全部透個活動學習,當時讀書真係好開心,我地想回以前讀書既日子,都好回味,所以我唔想我個仔,讀到覺得係惡夢,另外我朋友個仔係國際學校幼稚園,亦都係開心學習,但佢個仔英文都係超好,所以考cert係唔係真係可以代表到d咩。當然小朋友一開始入萊茵,小朋友唔知其他學校係點,被迫考試亦都覺得理所當然,但諗下小朋友仲有好多年書要讀,需唔需要迫到咁,愉快學習不是更好咩?而我最大concern 係佢地德育問題,我係起教育界工作,而家d小朋友好多時認為自己好叻,唔再尊重別人,禮貌差,而教佢地個老師更加覺得佢地既態度冇問題。當我聽到校監講野時,為什麼萊茵成日比人傳d職員無禮貌同串,因為帶頭個個都係咁,當然唔可以一概而論,可能仲有d好老師,但我覺得依種環境學唔到徳育,依個時候小朋友最會模仿,如果模仿錯誤,到小學就好難改。對不起,依d都係我自己的個人觀感呢,希望大家唔好介意。所以我唔會choose 萊茵,但今個星期五都會去interview,比囝囝practice下。

hi june june




積分: 1694

發表於 09-10-12 11:16 |只看該作者
唔知係咪我是比較膚淺的人? 校監講嘜我就BUY, 所以容易被人'dum'?
咁你打算繼續英藝嗎? or 有其他心水?
你說得也很有理, cert對這麼少的小朋友來說, 真的有否必要? 這個真的要研究研究.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-12 15:58 |只看該作者
Hi lovelyfrog,

You are right! I agreed with you therefore I didn't join any school courses & test for my son. However, if you want to let your kid study in HK (those DSS), I think cert & activities are a most. In Sin, children don't have to 'fight' for school therefore I found that Singapore's kids have more playing time during their childhood. I don't really like the education system in HK but I have no choice. I don't understand why we need to compete for school. Why children need to interview for school? Parents here spent a lot of time & $ on their kids. Kids attend many activitis to get the cert. Are they really happy? Most mothers said that their kids are very happy to attend courses but if I were that child I'm not happy. Anyway, I also let my boy attend course becos you need to in order to compete with others. You will know why after a few yrs more.


積分: 2972

發表於 09-10-12 16:53 |只看該作者
HI Lamfanny,

除左萊茵,我報左錦田聖約瑟堂幼稚園,我好鍾意佢地既教學理念,佢地都係用故事、letterland 教英文。小班制只會收10幾個學生,全校得5班,有2個外籍老師及1個普通話老師,所以都係會成日接觸到英語。我之前打去問有冇open day,留左tel ,好快校長親自打來同我講學校係點,非常有禮貌,去到學校報名,d老師同d書記亦都好nice。另外佢地仲會突小朋友種下田,接觸大自然。佢亦都有同拔萃有聯繫,佢話今年都有好多家長以九龍既學校做目標。同拔萃有聯繫,我估依間學校既水平都唔會太差 。雖然我都好鍾意英藝,但佢太密室,我個仔真係由學校病到而家。佢星期五同今日都冇番學,氣管敏感!不過如果聖約瑟唔收,就會留番係英藝。

hi sim,

我都好明白,起香港讀書真係好辛苦,考名校又話要有多張刀先得,所以我主要都會幫個仔搵間學到野但唔係純粹迫既學校,一定要佢樂在其中,自己去尋求知識,我相信佢思考能力會比較好。 而萊茵既理念剛好同我相反,只會填鴨,連學音樂同運動都幫佢地決定埋。不過我仍然好欣賞校監攪到咁到誇國活動,擴闊小朋友對外既認識。


積分: 160

發表於 09-10-12 18:52 |只看該作者
其實講真, 聽完萊茵個校監講, 我心都打個突. 覺得個校監好想谷d學生, 令到自己間學校好似好威. 不過諗深一層, 佢所講某程度上都是事實. 現在香港的教育制度及現況就是這樣. 有太多過份緊張的家長, 令到整個學習風氣改變. 當越來越多家長安排很多事為仔女找學校, 你不做便很擔心自己的小寶貝吃虧. 最初是選中學, 現在是從選幼稚園已開始. It's really crazy! 一年多前的我還是很豁達, 也對朋友們緊張的為playgroup張羅不以為然, 直至他們比我還緊張, 不斷提我要怎樣為囡囡安排, 令到我都開始懷疑自己是否要像他們一樣......
其實好似我和我老公都是屋村學校大, 一樣讀到書, 可能真是世界變了......


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-12 22:21 |只看該作者
lovelyfrog, chongmama,
Same as you, I didnt realise I have to enrol this and that for my son until I see others doing so, and doing so much! Then I was also fear that my son will be lag behind and at the same time I also want to prove my son can also do the best as they do, it's a very crazy situation that both parents and kids are busy paying and learning. But he didnt take any cert for all his courses attended, I just want him to be more 'all rounded' to write on his profile, he learns piano and drawing in Zenith, swimming and e.nopi maths - all NO cert. Once I talked to a tuition centre owner that she strongly disagrees sending kids to sit for Cambridge test for a cert to get in primary school, SL does so by sending them to PRC for the exam as even HK British Council wont accept small kids for the exam and the exam is easier in PRC than that in HK, really crazy! (Sim, correct me if I am wrong).

In fact, my elder son studied in a normal church operated kinda when he was in N1 and K1 (the first few months), the Principal in Kam Tin St. Joseph was the ex-Officer in that kinda, she is really nice; then we moved to YL and I had to get him a kinda so as to save travelling time, still remember that time the ex-officer in Zenith told me that their syllabus is ahead of the Education Bureau thus I had to change as the earliest so that my kid can catch up. That time I didnt try to seek place from any other Kinda like Chan Kwong and other 'famous' kinda in YL as I know there must be no place at all for jumping in. So far I am really satisfied with Zenith, in terms of syallbus and all staff from Principal to the amahs. I am not quite sure what 'connection' St Joseph has with DBS but I dont think it's true as all kids have to go thru interview, they wont know where you are from. Sim will understand what I am going through, busy interviewing and go with expectation, return with worry as donno whether our son will be admitted. True my hubby and I was also graduated from estate school, we didnt go any famous primary nor secondary, but now we are both satisfied with what we have - academically and morally and materially. Why kids today have to do such crazy games? I wont blame my son for not doing great but just appreciate for what he did as they are really bravo to attend so much interviews on their own, they are just a 5-year-old kid!

Sim, as you have accepted smc offer, sure you wont take any govt school; for me, I am struggling as we have 20 marks to go for a govt primary school which runs quite well nowadays but it's not an English school for sure, if we let our elder son getting in, then we wont need to go thru the process to attend interviews, wait for result 3 years later as the smaller son will straight in w/o any hassle, therefore, we wont accept smc offer even if they do offer us as we will give up the govt school quota immediately. Very trouble!!

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-12 22:26 編輯 ]


積分: 619

發表於 09-10-12 22:43 |只看該作者
睇完LOVELYFROG O既意見, 我都好認同. 我一樣都會比我仔仔去INTERVIEW ,當係比佢練習一下...
我老公聽完學校講座, 成日就話萊茵校監話, 你地唔好問我幾多$$, 總之我會比最好O既野你地....唔知係我老公表達挎張...比我當初對LEE間學校印象改變左D ..
我想我仔仔係一個開心O既學習環境中學習, 唔希望咁細個就覺得讀書帶來好大壓力, 最重要我希望佢可以從學校中學好德育品行..如果將來長大之後個人品行唔好O既..讀書有幾叻都係無用.(LEE D 係我自己認為).

LOVERLYFROG 提到O既聖約瑟我朋友都有提過..不過佢對LEE 間學校O既資料都唔係太清楚..
各位MAMI,你地仲有D 咩心水幼稚園,可以分享一下嗎.??


積分: 1694

發表於 09-10-12 23:59 |只看該作者
Thank you for your sharing.

聖若瑟的教學理念是怎樣的? 你有到過學校? 地方大嗎?
收生這麼小, 競爭也必激烈.
選擇幼稚園又要兼顧小學的去向, 應如何地選擇?

原帖由 lovelyfrog 於 09-10-12 16:53 發表
HI Lamfanny,

除左萊茵,我報左錦田聖約瑟堂幼稚園,我好鍾意佢地既教學理念,佢地都係用故事、letterland 教英文。小班制只會收10幾個學生,全校得5班,有2個外籍老師及1個普通話老師,所以都係會成日接觸到英語。我之前打去問 ...


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-13 10:28 |只看該作者
Hi chongmama,

Totally agree with you!

.其實講真, 聽完萊茵個校監講, 我心都打個突. 覺得個校監好想谷d學生, 令到自己間學校好似好威. 不過諗深一層,佢所講某程度上都是事實. 現在香港的教育制度及現況就是這樣. 有太多過份緊張的家長,令到整個學習風氣改變. 當越來越多家長安排很多事為仔女找學校, 你不做便很擔心自己的小寶貝吃虧. 最初是選中學,現在是從選幼稚園已開始. It's really crazy! 一年多前的我還是很豁達, 也對朋友們緊張的為Playgroup張羅不以為然, 直至他們比我還緊張, 不斷提我要怎樣為囡囡安排, 令到我都開始懷疑自己是否要像他們一樣......

Before giving birth to them I don't know anything too. However, Istarted to panic, busy searching for school. My hubby didn't help meeven he is HK. Guys are like that, they take things very easy. Womenare those worry type. I think the competition for school for my girlwill be worse than my son cos many kids born in 'pig year'.


積分: 2972

發表於 09-10-13 10:29 |只看該作者
HI Niklaus, 韜韜b & lamfanny

錦田聖約瑟,我都係聽見我朋友話幾好,先去睇下,校長話比我知新校監接管左之後,佢地開始進行改革,要create 一個英文同接觸自然既教育環境,所以佢間學校都有外籍小朋友讀。環境方面,個main building 好新,但佢d花園就舊舊地,好多戶外既地方,我相信對我有nose 敏感既囝囝應該有d幫助。不過佢話收好少人,我問校長,你地咁少班,唯到本嗎?校長話佢地唔係為賺錢,而係想教好小朋友,所以佢地肯自己比錢請好既外籍老師。haha... 唔為賺錢依句說話令我好buy,所以決定去報law。當然我都有問interview 啦,除左in 小朋友,校監會親自嚟in 家長。不過我都有concern,始終要去到錦田要搭校車,我真係好唔放心,但我老公話in 完左諗,佢話都未必收我個仔,haha


積分: 2972

發表於 09-10-13 10:42 |只看該作者
Hi Sim,

我都係,我老公成日話駛唔駛咁早諗定,又話到時先算。淨係得我搵,佢先先唔贊成比我囝囝留playgroup 架,話無用,但我堅持,我話佢成日起屋企,無所事事,等佢出去識下朋友仔同學下紀律,番左一陣我老公見我囝囝學到野,又同朋友講上下playgroup都ok。到choose 幼稚園,因為我老公讀數的,計數好盡,佢成日話香港有學卷就應該要用wor,英藝k1冇學卷唔抵,我唯有搵埋其他有學卷有好既學校,佢聽完萊茵個簡介會,忽然問我係唔係學卷就係全廣東話,我話大致上都係,英文堂通常一個星期先得一堂,佢開始驚會唔會影響佢個囝d英文,同我講英藝都幾好,ha 我覺得萊茵個簡介會都幫到我呀!


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-13 10:58 |只看該作者
Hi lovelyfrog, niklaus,

Children here really need to learn a lot lah! Niklaus even you said your son didn't have cert for all the activities but he still need to spent his weekend learning things. Like me, even I don't like this however I need to follow the trend too. When my son reached 4yrs, I sent him to learn piano, drawing, taekwondo (in our clubhouse) & English course. However, he is just learning piano & taekwondo now. I think it's time for him to have a rest. In SIngapore, all my friend's children are playing & enjoying their childhood ... not like the children here lah!

SL will sent children to attend Cambridge test in China but it's optional. For my son's yr, I don't know if they have change the rule. I didn't let my son attend SL's Cambridge course (the course not cheap) however I taught him myself & sent him for the test when he was 5yrs old in HK British Council. Anyway, Starters are no use now lah! cos people are sending their kids to Movers & even Flyers when they are just 5 yrs old. 'CRAZY' right! This is what I said ' HK parents". Sorry for the offence!!! I think 'Pig year' children will be worse.

Yup! I always ask my hubby " Why Primary school need to go interview & need $$? I just want to go English school. The children are just 5yrs old, what they want to ask them? If my kid doesn't what to talk doesn't mean that he is stupid, just that he doesn't want to talk to strangers. What wrong will this??? Weird Education system!!! Haha!!! But I still have to play this crazy games just like what niklaus said.

I have no choice lah! So I have to choose English school. Not like you all. Even if I know how to read Chinese but I don't know how write some of the Chinese characters (mine is like China) However, I know how to teach Mandarin which I think is better than learning Cantonese. Cantonese is not difficult to understand & speak if you are staying in HK. Maybe just difference in the accent. Just like me. Yes, if we chose DSS we will need to play this silly game 3 yrs later.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-13 11:13 |只看該作者
Hi lamfanny,

As I told you before, there are no connection between Kinder & Primary. However, if you want your girl to study in traditional primary then I think any kinder will do. But if you want her to study in DSS or English school then you need to consider more things otherwise during the balloting government won't see which kinder your girl is studying in.


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-13 11:21 |只看該作者
Hi lovelyfrog,

You have the point. I don't understand why HK's gov reduce their kids' standard. Have 學卷就係全廣東話,not much English & can't write more either. ???


積分: 8476

發表於 09-10-13 11:58 |只看該作者
That's y there are sooooooo many learning centres out there lor - as most of the kinda provide limited sessions for English and PTH then parents have to seek outsource, that's why I dont think the school fee in Zenith is expensive as end up they have to pay similar elsewhere

For St Joseph, better ask how many teaching hours per week for English and PTH even though they have NET and foreign kids then you can compare it with Zenith; for me, it is not comparable as I send my kids full day class, SJ doesnt offer full day class. I think full day (international) class in Zenith is very comprehensive, I pay for one-stop service :lol

[ 本帖最後由 niklaus903 於 09-10-13 12:05 編輯 ]


積分: 1617

發表於 09-10-13 15:36 |只看該作者
Hi niklaus,

Frankly speaking, it's difficult to teach all 3 languages(English, PTH & Cantonese) at one time. It's ok for them to pick up PTH when they are in Primary. It's no easy for us to speak with them 3 languages as well. For me, I just target 2 languages & the school will teach him Cantonese. As for my girl, I just speak English with her therefore she don't understand both PTH & Cantonese. She will not have advantage when it's her time to apply primary.


積分: 1694

發表於 09-10-13 17:00 |只看該作者
Hi, lovelyfrog,
我剛才進去ST. JOSEPH的WEBSITE睇過它們2007年的質素視學報告, 評價普通(這是我個人觀感), 你也不妨看看, 大家研究下吧. 我致電過該校, 她告訴我每天有英語及PTH的,時間是每節半小時至1小時. 學校的地方應該很大很大, 它們的報告上寫內外操場也有11000呎! 我真的想找個時間去走走.

我之所以說選擇幼稚園需兼顧連小學, 是因為我拿不定主意究竟去津貼學校或是直資/私立學校. 若是, 選擇直資/私立小學=>便應選擇牟利的幼稚園(英藝/萊茵); 津貼小學=>應該去有學卷的幼稚園. 所以, 現在我還未確定去向如何. 你們有何高見?


