



積分: 2637


發表於 10-3-13 15:45 |只看該作者
我呢兩日見到阿仔出左一點白色, 應該係出緊牙仔, 佢呢幾日勁扭....平時會自己訓, 而家日頭夜晚訓覺都勁扭, 日頭唔肯自己玩, 淨係狂喊, 一定一要抱, 想知道出牙仔係咪會咁? 有時想忍下手唔抱佢由得佢喊, 但佢MARK大個喉嚨喊到聲都沙,可以半個鐘不停地喊, 忍唔住又要抱下佢....又驚抱慣左成日扭抱...真係好辛苦...一抱起佢就即刻收聲, 禁制都無咁快....所以唔知關唔關出牙仔事..?


積分: 32721

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 10-3-13 16:02 |只看該作者
我仔呢期都係咁, 扭到呢...又唔食野, 都唔知佢做咩, 不過我未見有牙仔....唉


積分: 1700

發表於 10-3-13 16:53 |只看該作者

1 只要媽咪抱,其他人,無論是誰!一抱就大喊!就算是平時都有見開的親人,爸爸呀!婆婆呀!嫲嫲呀!都唔得!總之就係媽媽先得!

2 本來自兩個月多D,就一覺到天光!但呢幾晚,晚晚都醒,醒完又唔肯訓番!搞好耐!又要抱,又要搖...唉!放方低!又喊!







積分: 2637


發表於 10-3-13 17:51 |只看該作者
原帖由 雨晴B 於 10-3-13 16:02 發表
我仔呢期都係咁, 扭到呢...又唔食野, 都唔知佢做咩, 不過我未見有牙仔....唉

ALVIN仔唔肯食粥仔嗎? 咁奶呢? GABRIEL食粥仔都好差丫....次次食到我發哂脾氣...不過佢食奶又好好....我諗有排都唔會同佢轉兩餐粥仔..
以前晚晚自已訓唔駛氹..呢兩晚我氹足一個鐘..仲要好醒訓...少少聲就醒, 一醒又係勁喊要抱抱...


積分: 2637


發表於 10-3-13 17:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 godbaby 於 10-3-13 16:53 發表

1 只要媽咪抱,其他人,無論是誰!一抱就大喊!就算是平時都有見開的親人,爸爸呀!婆婆呀!嫲嫲呀!都唔得!總之就係媽媽先得!

2 本來自兩個月多D,就一覺到天光!但呢幾晚,晚晚 ...

我阿B就好隨便, 是但一個抱佢都得..總之要抱!
你阿B白色果篇係咪一粒凸起左咁? 如果係應該就係出緊牙仔啦..
咁又唔駛擔心佢性格變O既, 佢病左就自然唔會笑咁多囉..我個仔前幾日病左, 又係點整都唔笑..平日佢訓飽一見到人就笑架...病左都唔笑....
你用咩餵藥比佢食? 我用針筒餵佢又OK喎...無喊...
一係好似JJ媽咁用更餵? 佢鍾意食固體應該鍾意用更餵啵~


積分: 1700

發表於 10-3-14 01:17 |只看該作者
Yes, my baby is afriad of using 針筒, but too bad, last week, i have to feed him meidicine 3 times per day, so my baby becomes sooo afraid of 針筒 now.

Next time for sure i will learn to use spoon. Thanks alot for ur suggestion.

Btw, i just read from the babycenter.com, baby starting from 7 months, they will have separation anxiety problem. That is they become to realize that they are independence from parents, and now they are afraid that mummy will leave them alone.

No wonder my baby cries every time i walk away just for 1 mins. If he doesn't see me around, HE WILL just Cry. Hope this information will help every mom to go through this tough time.

I was very frustrated these few days, starting to see my baby become sooo dependent on me, and it never happened before..

My baby already wakes up 4 times from 11:30 pm to 1: 15 am.. I have no idea what's going on..Maybe teething problem, maybe separation anxiety..

Anyways, for ur reference about separation anxiety:


Hope it helps!!
Thanks for sharing!


積分: 13767

發表於 10-3-15 15:17 |只看該作者

回覆 6# jizoe 的文章

我阿仔都可能係出牙, 扭多左, 又成日放隻手入口咬, 好似唔舒服咁, 買D牙膠比佢咬會唔會好D呢 ?


積分: 2637


發表於 10-3-16 13:32 |只看該作者


積分: 16913

發表於 10-3-16 14:46 |只看該作者
我仔就唔會特別扭計, 不過就勁疴, 但係一出咗牙肉就會停. 佢出牙時就食得少啲, 佢飲奶係呅奶樽的, 又四圍搵嘢咬. 佢鍾意咬其他人手指多啲, 因為試過咬到自己好痛, 如果你手指在佢咀邊附近出現, 佢就會伸個頭去你度張開口咬落佢, 你比隻手指佢捉住咩, 佢就會第一時間放入自己口狂咬.


積分: 1700

發表於 10-3-16 15:40 |只看該作者
hi jizoe,

Good news!! my happy baby is back too!! He is not that 扭計 already!

And these 2 days, i train him to sooth himself to sleep, and it does work!! i'm soo happy la!! bc as he is now 7 months already, he is ready for training...I don't wanna let him develop bad habit la..Before i hug him too much , and he needs to to bring him to sleep, i was exhaused, my back hurts!!

Also, my baby doesn't need me to hug him ONLY. He allows everyone to hug him and not soo dependent la..I think the worse situation before may due to the 西藥, D 藥力太勁!!

Anyways!! Hope our baby can get through the teething problem soon, and they will be a happy boy again!!

原帖由 jizoe 於 10-3-16 13:32 發表


積分: 140

發表於 10-3-17 17:29 |只看該作者
Hello Godbaby,

Can you please share with me how your trained your baby to sooth himself to sleep? I have the same problem with my baby. Waking up many times a night and cry for a long time until I pick him up and breast feed him. I didn't think it had anything to do with teething until I read yours messages as it sounds very similar to what my baby is going through now.

Thanks a lot.

原帖由 godbaby 於 10-3-16 15:40 發表
hi jizoe,

Good news!! my happy baby is back too!! He is not that 扭計 already!

And these 2 days, i train him to sooth himself to sleep, and it does work!! i'm soo happy la!! bc as he is now 7 month ...


積分: 206

發表於 10-3-18 14:03 |只看該作者


積分: 1700

發表於 10-3-21 16:14 |只看該作者
Hi whitetovan,

Does ur baby sleep through the nite before? and he wakes up soo many times just these 2 weeks?? If that's the case, there maybe some external factors...

Anyways, from my experience and readings, it says if u HUG baby to sleep, and once he wakes up at night, he will still have the same memory you're hugging him. AND he will miss you very much and cry for your hugging again. So everytime u have to hug him and bring him to sleep again....

The only way to solve this problem is : YOU must let your baby fall asleep by his own, that is you must put HIM to BED when he is still AWAKE..
(YES< it needs time to train, u have to be determined and patient, usually baby can do it in 2 weeks time ) YOU MUST GIVE UR BABY A CHANCE TO LEARN IT!! ( i sometimes argue with my husband too, but when he sees the result, he thinks i'm doing it only for the Good of the baby)

YEAH, it takes time to train him. And luckily my baby goes through the tough time..

And you should have set up some BEDTIME ROUTINE. Baby loves ROUTINE, that means they know what they are going to do soon..

For me, my bedtime routine: around 9:30pm, eat some "1/2 rice cereal", then i will give him a BATH, then try to give him "1/2 bottle milk" and then u can see that he is very sleepy already by rubbing his eyes or "打咸路", so CATCH this moment to put him to BED! It is around 10:30 pm already. I usually Sing him the same baby song and pray for him..And luckily he is sleeping by his own already.

Hope it helps you ar!! And remember we are here to support you!!!

原帖由 write2van 於 10-3-17 17:29 發表
Hello Godbaby,

Can you please share with me how your trained your baby to sooth himself to sleep? I have the same problem with my baby. Waking up many times a night and cry for a long time until I ...


積分: 1700

發表於 10-3-21 16:19 |只看該作者
Oh Btw, u must keep the room as dark as possible..So that baby can not see anything and entertain himself again..

Hehehe..My baby cry for over 40 mins the first day.....


積分: 2511


發表於 10-3-21 21:59 |只看該作者
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積分: 180

發表於 10-3-21 22:43 |只看該作者
My girl also had some emotional problem when her teeth just started to come out. After a few weeks, I think she has already adapted to it. She is happy now and likes to play with her saliva.


積分: 140

發表於 10-3-22 20:19 |只看該作者
Hi Godbaby,

Thanks for your sharing.

I let my son cried for more than 30 mins tonite, but he kept on crying and doesn't seem like he would stop. I went to the room and checked on him a few times, but didn't pick him up. He kept on crying and rubbing his eyes. In the end, I patted him and brushed his hair and touched his face and he fell asleep in 5 mins. Is this ok to do? As this isn't really falling asleep on his own. Do you think he would wake up remembering I was there? It was so hard listening to his cry and his eyes are now very puffy from his rubbing. I hope he won't wake up too many times tonite. If he does, I am not sure whether to attend to him or just let him cry it out.

This is so hard to do, but I hope I can be strong and not give in to his cry.

Oh i have a small light in the room so I can see him from my bed, but i try not to shine the light in his face.

原帖由 godbaby 於 10-3-21 16:14 發表
Hi whitetovan,

Does ur baby sleep through the nite before? and he wakes up soo many times just these 2 weeks?? If that's the case, there maybe some external factors...

Anyways, from my experience ...


積分: 1700

發表於 10-3-23 18:25 |只看該作者
Hi dear,

I think it is a good first try already!! And yes, your baby DID FALL ASLEEP by his own!! So, this is a successful try already!!

And yes, u should follow the same practice tonite! I'm sure as time passes by, he will be able to form a habit and sooth himself to sleep!

Tonite, Try not to interrupt him for 8 mins, and then check on him again.. Extend the time for checking and let see the result.

Btw, u can try to play some Soft music with him during his sleep. My husband will turn on HK RADIO 4 channel, which is classical music channel.

And For me, yes, listening to baby cry is very disturbing!! I tried to play some MP3 while baby is crying, so that i can baby cry wouldn't made me soo guilty la!!

So no matter what, remember u 're doing it for the GOOD for the baby in LONG RUN, in the future, so everything u do now worths it!!!

原帖由 write2van 於 10-3-22 20:19 發表
Hi Godbaby,

Thanks for your sharing.

I let my son cried for more than 30 mins tonite, but he kept on crying and doesn't seem like he would stop. I went to the room and checked on him a few times, ...


