我打算唔join package, 請問(I didn't joined package. my baby born naturally, for hospital fee, it was around $11XXX, for 3 days, cheaper than package)
1. 以下物品醫院是否會提供, 還是要join package 先提供呢?
床墊2pcs,(basically, no need to bring, they will provide you extra pieces upon you request) 網褲2pcs (they will help you wear it right after delivery, and give you another piece before leaving the delivery room )
水杯, 牙膏牙擦, 面巾, 梳, (just like the package provided in hotel- poor quality, I didn't use)
清洗瓶 (you mean the bottle for cleansing the important part? yes, they will provide you before leaving the delivery room )
2. bb的外衣內衣是否在出院時才帶呢? (i brought it to hospital when I went to hospital, since it is very little (underwear + a dress), and I afraid my husband forget to bring it )
出世後醫院是否會有衣服給bb穿?(of course)
3. 是否要帶bb尿片入院, 還是醫院會提供呢?(they provide you, no need to bring)
4. bb濕紙巾/棉花是否要自己帶入院 (they provide you, no need to bring)
5. 如決定餵人奶請問是否不用帶奶粉呢? (they will ask you which band you want to feed the baby when you arrive hospital during filling in the forms (a lot of forms to fill)
6. 請問有什麼bb物品要入院時帶備? (all you need it the baby clothes when he/she leave the hospital)