



積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 15:34 |只看該作者
my baby is trying to climb out from the playpen.. .what can I do to prevent that?

since the playpen is used for baby sleeping in daytime or when my maid needs to walk away to do other work......

any other replacement which I can fence his activity area??


積分: 13055

環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 07-11-6 15:42 |只看該作者
remove the playpen
it is dangerous

原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 15:34 發表
my baby is trying to climb out from the playpen.. .what can I do to prevent that?


sin ...


積分: 1069

發表於 07-11-6 15:45 |只看該作者

不如你比對冇防滑粒粒嘅socks佢著住, 等佢"扇"番落黎...... , 我未試過, 唔知得唔得架!!

我冇lee個問題, 因為christie都唔肯入網床玩, 每次想放佢落去, 就大叫+向後彎, 好可憐啊.. , 平時唔得閒同佢玩, 就放入學行車佢自己行來行去.


積分: 2624

發表於 07-11-6 15:45 |只看該作者
原文章由 Babyeddie 於 07-11-6 15:42 發表
remove the playpen
it is dangerous

hey babyeddie,

where do ur maid put your baby when she needs to work during your office hr?

i ve similar problem of eshiro but the height of my playpen is higher, thus, still ok. (playpen is only used when the maid needs to go to washroom but grandma is not at home)


積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 15:47 |只看該作者
yes ar... it's very scary ar! and usually once my maid put him in the playpen.. she will assume he is okay (and safe) inside gar la....

hm.. let me try socks .. and told my maid not to put him there unattended sin.. sigh....

原文章由 CatieMa 於 07-11-6 15:45 發表

不如你比對冇防滑粒粒嘅socks佢著住, 等佢"扇"番落黎...... , 我未試過, 唔知得唔得架!!

我冇lee個問題, 因為christie都唔肯入網床 ...


積分: 2624

發表於 07-11-6 15:54 |只看該作者
原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 15:47 發表
yes ar... it's very scary ar! and usually once my maid put him in the playpen.. she will assume he is okay (and safe) inside gar la....

hm.. let me try socks .. and told my maid not to put him ther ...

hi eshiro,

if you maid can keep an eye on him, then why does she put your baby in the playpen?


積分: 13055

環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 07-11-6 15:59 |只看該作者
hey bakusensi

I don't have playpen at house
I only got a doorgate at BB's room, main function is to avoid my 2 cats to get in BB's room and bed for sleeping but not to avoid BB to crawl around

I don't have plb with my maid's work.
My maid's main focus is to take care bb, to play DWE and let bb crawl around
she will work when we are back or when grandma come to visit bb at afternoon, then she will vacumclean and sweep the floor
She will cook for us when either of us come back to take care bb
luckily she works v fast so she can do everything v quickly

原文章由 bakusensei 於 07-11-6 15:45 發表

hey babyeddie,

where do ur maid put your baby when she needs to work during your office hr?

i ve similar problem of eshiro but the height of my playpen is higher, thus, still ok. (playpen is only ...


積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 16:17 |只看該作者

usually when baby sleeps, my maid wil put him in the playpen.. then she will do her work (actually I think coz' I've a cam.. so, she wil hide away from the cam when baby doesn't need her attention)

but when baby awakes... she just didn't notice (probably in the kitchen??).....

原文章由 bakusensei 於 07-11-6 15:54 發表

hi eshiro,

if you maid can keep an eye on him, then why does she put your baby in the playpen?


積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 16:19 |只看該作者

I am thinking about getting a doorgate as well... I also have 2 cats, therefore, I told my maid to stay with baby if she put him in the floor mat to play...

I also afraid baby will crawl towards the cats .. or their toilet................. so, I'm still thinking how I can setup my place to prevent that?!?! btw, I don't have a baby room as my baby is sleeping in the same room with us.

原文章由 Babyeddie 於 07-11-6 15:59 發表
hey bakusensi

I don't have playpen at house
I only got a doorgate at BB's room, main function is to avoid my 2 cats to get in BB's room and bed for sleeping but not to avoid BB to crawl around

I don ...


積分: 13055

環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 07-11-6 16:36 |只看該作者
you maid is lazy, you should clarify your instruction with her and give her a timetable

though i do not give a timetable to my maid but I clearly let her know bb is 1st priority and if no body attends, v dangerous.
原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 16:17 發表

usually when baby sleeps, my maid wil put him in the playpen.. then she will do her work (actually I think coz' I've a cam.. so, she wil hide away from the cam when baby doesn't need her ...


積分: 13055

環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 07-11-6 16:37 |只看該作者
I have don't plb with cats
my cats are very afraid of my bb, everytime when they sees bb coming, they run away,
but in winter, i am worry the cat will hide in bb's bed to get warmth. this is dangerous, if they slept together

i let my baby go everywhere as long as my maid is with her, including kitchen...

原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 16:19 發表

I am thinking about getting a doorgate as well... I also have 2 cats, therefore, I told my maid to stay with baby if she put him in the floor mat to play...

I also afraid baby will crawl ...


積分: 2624

發表於 07-11-6 16:52 |只看該作者
原文章由 Babyeddie 於 07-11-6 15:59 發表
hey bakusensi

I don't have playpen at house
I only got a doorgate at BB's room, main function is to avoid my 2 cats to get in BB's room and bed for sleeping but not to avoid BB to crawl around

I don ...


so gd! grandma keeps complaining the maid works too slowly.

but as long as she still takes gd care of the baby, i don't want to go thr the painful procedure to find another.


積分: 2624

發表於 07-11-6 16:55 |只看該作者
原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 16:17 發表

usually when baby sleeps, my maid wil put him in the playpen.. then she will do her work (actually I think coz' I've a cam.. so, she wil hide away from the cam when baby doesn't need her ...

o i c.

may be u ve to ask the maid to work when sb else is at home.


積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 17:00 |只看該作者

thanks for your advice... since my maid accomplished most of the tasks during the day (sometimes I think she is trying too hard to accomplish her task in accordance with the timetable...).. so I think she just doesn't want to be show in the cam....

Since i've a cam placed in the living, so I told her to put baby in the living room .. she will never bring work out in the living to do (usually do all the work.. e.g. folding, ironing.. in her room.. ) Should I tell her to do that in the living room instead???

will your maid play with baby all the time? will she just let baby play on the mat (if baby can stay in the same spot for awhile) and she will do her own stuffs.. like reading???

原文章由 Babyeddie 於 07-11-6 16:36 發表
you maid is lazy, you should clarify your instruction with her and give her a timetable

though i do not give a timetable to my maid but I clearly let her know bb is 1st priority and if no body ...


積分: 1309


發表於 07-11-6 17:01 |只看該作者
Wow, climbing out the playpen, I think I have to face this problem soon...

I think it's really the time for me to clean up the things on the floor so that my girl can crawl everywhere in the house la...

原文章由 bakusensei 於 07-11-6 16:55 發表

o i c.

may be u ve to ask the maid to work when sb else is at home.


積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 17:05 |只看該作者

yes, I think I will reinforce her to do kitchen stuffs after
I'm back or if sb is home with her.

hm.. and I think it's time to consider a new timetable for her while baby is developing so fast... i just need to update my maid schedule accordingly...

原文章由 bakusensei 於 07-11-6 16:55 發表

o i c.

may be u ve to ask the maid to work when sb else is at home.


積分: 2624

發表於 07-11-6 17:16 |只看該作者
原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 17:05 發表

yes, I think I will reinforce her to do kitchen stuffs after
I'm back or if sb is home with her.

hm.. and I think it's time to consider a new timetable for her while baby is developing ...

y, as babies r developing so fast, ve to streamline the maid's work.

starting from mid Oct, husband has asked the maid to cook the congee once every day (i.e. cooking the two meals at one time), and save the second meal in the thermal flask.

u may also consider the following streamlining / rescheduling:
washing clothes- use washing machine instead (but still need to separate adults and baby's clothes)
ironing clothes to be done on wkend only (don't ask her to do that in living rm. the iron may be dangerous to the baby)
ask the maid to wake up earlier and finish all the cleaning works before u go to work


積分: 6247

發表於 07-11-6 17:27 |只看該作者

thanks. her current schedule is:

6am-7am - laundry, moping, sweeping, dusting
7am-7:30 - (if baby is not yet up) hang laundry for drying, folding

7:30 - 8:30 - take care of baby while we get ready for work

8:30 - 10 - play with baby or baby sleeps

10 - 1pm - my 99 will comes over and she bath baby at 11am ... 99 will play with baby and she will clean up our room and prepare lunch with my 99's maid.. make bb's congee, prepare food for dinner

1:30 - 7pm - depends la.. if bb awake most of the time.. then she will be in the living room .. play with bb sometimes.. do reading (or watch tv) while bb is playing next to her....

if bb sleeps.. then she probably will finish some unfinish task (like ironing , folding.. or making soup <-- i will change that to Sat from now on).......

原文章由 bakusensei 於 07-11-6 17:16 發表

y, as babies r developing so fast, ve to streamline the maid's work.

starting from mid Oct, husband has asked the maid to cook the congee once every day (i.e. cooking the two meals at one time), an ...


積分: 4007

發表於 07-11-6 18:27 |只看該作者
如果我要去廁所or我唔係到, 工人又要做家務時係放佢係o架車到

推佢過去睇住我地等佢無咁悶, 但日頭訓時我都係放佢去自己房訓的. 因為可以訓耐d.

原文章由 eshiro 於 07-11-6 17:27 發表

thanks. her current schedule is:

6am-7am - laundry, moping, sweeping, dusting
7am-7:30 - (if baby is not yet up) hang laundry for drying, folding

7:30 - 8:30 - take care of baby while ...
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 2624

發表於 07-11-6 18:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 fion2504 於 07-11-6 18:27 發表
如果我要去廁所or我唔係到, 工人又要做家務時係放佢係o架車到


推佢過去睇住我地等佢無咁悶, 但日頭訓時我都係放佢去自己房訓的. 因為可以訓耐d.


hi fion2504,

ur son looks so smart!

hi eshiro,

u let the maid watch tv?


