just put in the fruit (去皮去心切塊) and boil, may also add carrot. may also add a little bit of 陳皮. when the fruit becomes very soft, it's done. But be careful don't always give sweet drinks to BB from a milk bottle. It harms their teeth.
besides drinking apple/pear water, it's good if the bb can "learn" to drink something without taste. It's good for their little teeth.
before she's 6 months old, my bb also didn't like drinking water (almost didn't drink ANY!). I bought a milk bottle with two-side- handle and put in some rice and beans of different colors for her to play with (she played for about one week). Then I put in some plain water for her to drink by herself. At first she just drank a little (more playing than drinking). Gradually she drank more. Now (8 months) she will drink from the bottle with handle or from a spoon/ a cup (with my help). She'll ask for water when she plays, and everytime after eating/drinking milk I'll give her water to drink (for rinsing the mouth)
Try giving water when you think yor bb should be thirsty (e.g. after playing outdoor, after crying for sometime...etc) than he may feel the "goodness" of water
原文章由 karenwong168 於 07-12-8 14:15 發表
My son is 9 months old, he doesn't like to drink water, what can I do? People tell me to boil apple and pears's water, do you know how to make it?