本帖最後由 sisteryu 於 14-10-19 15:05 編輯
John Thompson’s Easiest Piano Course Part one/two/three
A Dozen A Day Preparatory/Book 1/Book 2
Joseph M.Estella Everybody likes the piano Book one/two/three/four
Bastien Piano Basics Level 2
ABRSM a keyboard anthology Third Series Book1 (Grades 1&2)
ABRSM Specimen Sight-Reading Test Piano Grade 2
John Thompson’s Modern Course for the Piano: TeachingLittle Fingers to Play
Alfred’s Classic 42 famous classics arranged foreasy piano
price: @$10
trade at MTR stations (Tai/Wan/Kowloon Tong/Mong Kok/Admirality/Central/Sheung Wan)