Oh, poor little girl Best wishes to your baby, hope she gets well soon. Make sure you give her plenty of water, very easy to get dehydration at this status.
My little one had watery poo poo for 1.5 weeks and then constipation, but that was due to teething. Even though, I had to change his nappies frequently
I have the same case with your baby! watery poo poo for 2 weeks!
You can take the baby to hospital if she cannot eat
and the fever continues. If you breastfeed her needs to keep on or give her more water and 小食多餐 also helps. My doctor also advice to give the baby some rice water to drink. My daught loves it very much!
原文章由 BBG928 於 08-4-3 16:01 發表
Oh, poor little girl Best wishes to your baby, hope she gets well soon. Make sure you give her plenty of water, very easy to get dehydration at this status.
My bb usually got diarrhea with blood stain, without fever fortunately, once for 1.5 month. Consultant found that she was not illness but her digestion was weak than the others. She started to drink Isomile since one-month years old even BF together.
If your son love to have congee, you may stop feeding him milk one day but only few pulpy congee frequently. This method is advised by doctors and which worked for my bb. Congee is better than milk for bb who was suffered from diarrhea as enough water & starch but without lactose causing diarrhea for people. however, you have to monitor his temperature.
Ooops...I do apologise....I saw your profile name and your baby is so beautiful, so I didn't recognise he's a boy boy ....sorry. Anyway, good to know that he's coping well!