My husband slap my son face again and he said cos he don't listen to him so that's why he slap him. He become crazy I'm scare he will do something to my son. I order my bun step to step follow my son. And I told him if he do this again, this family no need you anymore!!!!!!!!!! I ask my son is it painful he said not so, my heart is really broken. Pls help!
P.S. this is not the first time I told him cannot do this again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually I'm totally understand but you know he give me the answer is he don't follow me so I slap him lor. I told him too many times you must be control yourself and clam down or take a deep breathe. Cos when he is the same age of my son (7) his father always hit him and his mother pass away when he is small. Now he want to do the same on my son. I also copy some topic how to teach the kids and cut the newspaper to him. But is no use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!