Name: Ro?alina T?ety
Passport: A?3642?9
HKID: W9707?7(6)
Date of Birth: 08 D?? 1980
She is a big lier, said that her husband injuried in Indonesia due to car accident and no money, used my monther's maid personal stuff including 衛生巾, underwear and borrowed money without return but she used her money to buy clothes.
In my house, she can't work properly! made the milk too hot, not enough warm water to take bath with my baby and used cold air when open the heater for my baby.
Always forgot things:
1. wash clothes without use clean water to wash it, so remain the cleasing powder, many bubbles.
2. damaged two of my clothes when ironing.
3. used two weeks time to teach her how to lock the door, but the lock was very loose now.
so many many things .....
We issued two warning letters and terminated the contact for 4 and a half months.
Actually, there is no protection for employer in Hong Kong if hired a bad maid!!!!!