原帖由 咕怪媽媽 於 10-1-6 15:31 發表
收到份 word 的attachment, 2 頁紙. 就咁睇 normal mode 好正常, 無問題, 要印出來就無左第1頁的上半截, 就算響 print preview mode 都係由第1頁的下半截開始.
試過 save to hdd再開都係咁.
好肯定我架printer 無 ...
Word version issue, perhaps. Y don't u ask your friend to resend the doc to you in, say, rtf format?
"And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream."
"Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor. 'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space."
"The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team."