Personally, I feel Singapore experience is best, especially if the contract has been renewed. They can cook Chinese food and may speak a little Putonghua.
Those with HK experience may be hard to handle.
Those straght fr Phil may be homesick and needs a long time to train.
Those from Middle East: I vomit blood. The house in Middle East has many maids so she could not do ANYTHING well. Cannot look after kids, cannot even cook pork chop, gets wet after mopping floor, gets fever after wiping windows for 2 rooms only. Nearly set fire to my kitchen twice. Bad memory. NO common sense. Bad English. an entire nightmare!!! Her resume are pages of lies. Fired her.
My old bun bun (worked in the middle east for 5 years) said to me while I was pregnant that she will not be able to do housework when BB is born... but there were only three ppl in the house, my husband, me and her at that time... I was only 7 months pregnant....
原帖由 babie2 於 24/11/2010 03:21 PM 發表
I had one
She lied abt taking care og bb, then later saids she only WATCHED the other maid take care of bb.
She also complained my house too small but too much work. I had 2 maids at that time - sh ...