There're a lot, depending on your budget. Ritz Carlton is on the high side. Moderate ones are Marriott, HIlton, Intercontinental. Among all these, Intercon is the latest addition.
If you don't mind out of the way a bit, the more latest ones are Renaissance, Double Tree.
Most hotels there, esp. those on Yalong Bay, are right on the beach. Don't worry.
Simple. Determine by location, then budget, then facilities. Yalong bay has more hotels along the beach, so you could walk along the beach, and have your meals in different hotels. For Intercon area, there's only one, you will need to take shuttle out for cheaper food. For Double bay, Renaissance, they're more secluded.
I recommend Mandarin Oriental, which u and your family may stay in the hotel as a VIP for the whole trip.
No need to share the beach or meet with other strangers when u are swimming.
The food there is excellent also.
Last time, I've booked from Miramar Travel, very economy package. U may check.