我 6/2 day 1, day 13 驗到哈哈笑, 連續do了兩晚, my temp is raising high from day 16 to now day 34 la, 我 day 31 用了 ClearBlue blue cap 嗰隻stick 來 check, result 含糊, "+"打直條線好淺好淺, 唔睜大眼睇唔會留意到, 今日 day 34 轉用曼仔 check, 啱住個 result 易睇 d, 只須睇係一or兩係線, 點知以為 not bingo 得1條線, 慢慢又出多1條又係好淺好淺嘅線, 我攞住支棒棒睇了好耐, 都唔 sure有冇 exceed 10 mins, 因為兩隻 preg stick 都話 10 mins後 show嘅 result should be ignored, 今日又即刻走去買了 CB Digital 嗰隻打算明早再驗, 今次得唔得都應該好清楚 show到哪呱 ???????? 我都幾 worry 因為近呢半年 m都是最遲29 days便來, 現 day 34依然 high temp似有d機, 但另一方面, 除左 tired以外沒有其他 preg or m既跡象, 都唔知佢想點, even check 到 bingo, 一日未check到 bb心跳, 一日都唔放心, 因為我小產過一次.
I used CB digital during to check, oh my god dunno if I am so "lucky" the reader failed nothing came up. So I called the vendor to complain, they allow me to bring back to Watxxx to exchange for a new one. Should I trust CB digital or go for Mentholatum?
I think you'd better use back cb digital as I have used both cb and dotest, since dotest also gave me an unclear answer (if preg. two lines should be appeared, however my line is so light and vague which I can identify I am preg or not), I use cb digital finally to get a readable result