my maid wash her underwear with my shower towel and bed sheets
i found my maid washed her underwear together with my towel ,I m so angry ,如她將她的外衣同我的衣服一起洗﹐我都不會這么生氣﹐是內衣和內褲﹐心裡很不舒服﹐以前可能做了很多次﹐但我沒發覺。I told her seperate already(her clothes my clothes underwear and socks ) ,but she still keep doing ,what should I do?
Re: my maid wash her underwear with my shower towel and bed sheets
Philippino or Indonesian? You should tell her seriously that you are unhappy and request her to wash all her clothes separate with yours. If she ignores you, you may consider to hire another one (I personally think if she is no discipline and ignore your instruction, what do you expect she will do the other thing according your instruction). Or, tell her you will deduct say $50 if you found it again.