Some babies starts with vegetable puree instead of rice cereal.
My BB hates rice cereal at the beggining too. So I gave him a little bit vegetable puree ( from Heniz - carrot, sweet corn & pumpkin). He loves it and begin to eat a bit more and more.
He is not drinking much milk, so I add 1 - 2oz milk into vegetable puree and rice cereal mixture.
奶粉+little bit 蘋果蓉+米糊, use hot water mix it... you can add more or less water to control the texture...(firstly, 米糊+奶粉 mix together with hot boiled water in suitable texture and add蘋果蓉last) because I use bb's food so just add it in...
remember only give a little bit to try at the first time, because have to see the reaction of the baby...
if your bb don't like 蘋果蓉, you can try some other taste such as peach ( bottle baby's food) or may be you can try some fresh cooked food which is good and suitable for your bb, our bb only arround 6 months - check with the baby cooking /food book see whether which one is ok for them...
I think in your condition, you have to see whether your baby really don't like milk/ food, or may be she is not feel good, if the situation continue for a long period or getting worst you have to ask the doctor/nurse la....