最近請咗个overseas嘅 bun bun, 今日agent call我, 叫我當日去接她返屋企時, 開定幾張bun bun 工資的期票比佢, 因為 bun bun 欠佢哋錢。
初頭覺得冇問題, 反正都要出粮比佢, 所以答應咗 agent, 但越諗越唔合理, E家欠錢是agent 與 bun bun的關係, 只要我準時出粮比佢便可。 萬一我唔滿意 bun bun, 或者佢走佬, agent 照入D cheque, 咁咪要我 responsible for bun bun D欠款? 同埋如果我直接開比agent, bun bun有可能agrue話冇收過我出粮 !
請問有請過 overseasbun bun 嘅 bk sisters 意見, 你吔有冇類似经驗, 是否應該由agent & 工人自行compromise 支付欠錢方法? 如agent 要求期票是開工人嘅名, 又是否合理?
Of couse u pay bun bun by crossed cheque or help her open free account in HSBC/Hang Seng. Sign for receipt each month and check if she still has passport. As loan sharks retain their passports.
Never pay the agent directly, as that is between the agent and bun bun. It is illegal to deduct her pay.