hello, every to-be-moms,
will also give birth at baptist hospital, the expected
delivery date is nov 7, 35 wks the baby girl is 5.97lb,
belly 40 inch, how about yours?
will u join package for natural birth? my doctor said
no need but my friend (gave birth in baptist hospital
3 yrs ago for 4 days 3 nites at 3 persons room for natural
birth ) told me to join, will u join?
also want to know the difference between 3d & 4d? i did not take the 4d as my doctor said he will take some pix
to show the facial expression of the baby if position is ok. but the pix are just 3d, not very clear, with some
distortion. is 4d very clear???
similar to u, i met doctor this morning, bb is 36w2D, but with 6.5lbs, a bit big! the doctor said i should well prepared for scissor. I don't want to ah!