簡單啲講應該係要demand list 嘅OAB類全職工作半年就得,唔一定要做讀書果科有關嘅,只係做對口工同簽約有一年就可以即時入紙,不過CIC網都好清晰講哂咩要求,我地幾個家庭都行緊唔同工作唔同課目所以都係咁,我地就屬舊政任何工作都可以申請,我地聯邦等緊PR嚕,不過唔on demand list就要工作一年喇但咁樣應該係唔會有足夠時間入紙省提名,除非一個讀書一個攞住工簽做半年野入紙啦,呢樣都好多大陸family係咁做
呢一個月我都上左去一間 HK agent 問Saskatchewan (SK) 和 Manitoba (MB) 投資移民, 現在已經無一步到位, 都係要申請工簽, 半年後轉申請 PR. 去唔近 Capital Region 地方投資就投資金額低 d la. 所以agent 都畀左 d 地佢我地去參考:
Saskatchewan (SK) --> 投資到 1)Regina or 2)Moose Jaw (偏遠地方)
Manitoba (MB) --> 投資到 3)Winnipeg or 4)Brandon(偏遠地方)
Minimum investment is $250,000 for businesses situated in the Manitoba Capital Region.
Minimum investment is $150,000 if a business is situated outside of the Manitoba Capital Region.
Business Investment must be made in an eligible business as defined by the MPNP.
The proposed business must create or maintain at least one job for a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident in Manitoba (excluding owners of the business and/or their close relatives).
Franchise business係有的,但投資金額都唔细....以Winnipeg為例, franchise一間jollibee or Tim Horton....,入場費係$50-80萬加幣....UPS都要$30萬加幣....