We went there on 18-19 Dec and hope the followings can help you.
1) 第一日上午坐車由香港出發去番禺星河灣酒店,下午出發去動物園, 但午餐唔知邊度有好野食? The zoo is very big, we went there on the second day from 10am-4:30pm and still found that not enough time to play/walk through the whole zoo. Half day may not be enough if the kids like to watch animals. Zoo has some food court, not expensive.
2) 睇馬戲團既地方是否在動物園附近? need to take a few mins shuttle bus
3) 晚上7:30去睇馬戲團,網上D人話最好早D去先會有靚位,如果唔食晚餐早D去攞靚位, 附近有咩好食? 被小朋友同老人家頂住先,夜D再食宵夜。 We went to the circus show at 5:45pm, and luckily got the first row (but not the lowest row which near water). I meant the first row near the VIP/ chairman seat. This row was perfect since many animals, like elephant, horse, and show performers would walk in front of you and you can "shake hands" with them and no one would block your sight. If possible, 5:30pm must be better, since when we arrived at 5:45pm, not many good first row left.
4) 但又唔知馬戲做幾耐? last for 90 mins, from 7:30pm- 9:00pm.