I have very bad expenience for this agency last year, first Php maid, apply in Feb, the maid arrived to HK in May, she already stay in boarding house for apply HK ID and body check in HK as I required, but 2 days later, the agency call me said she must need to back to Php becoz her mother dead, she can't come to my house, I am so angry for waiting 3 months for this maid and the agency still ask me to paid for her body check in HK $600. Then I need to choose the other one in this agency becoz they refuse to refund the agency fee for me, I waiting 2.5 months again, I need to resign my job for take care my daughter, the second one, in Aug the agency told me she don't have enough money to paid for her agency fee in Php so that she can't come to HK unless she can paid it or borrow it in Php. I am really angry and ask 學趣's boss refund & I say I never never never use this agency again.
U better to find another agency, this one really bad & dishonest.
學趣 boss refund for me finally but I already resign my job and waiting more than 6 months for this 2 Php maids in 學趣, I loss more more than the agency fee, I went to Wan Chai immegiation dept 2 times, call & email them many many time by myself.