我番屋企打俾agency,問佢咁樣係咪失職,佢話我可以當佢失職但工人總有理由覺得自己唔係失職… 期間佢番黎… 我俾咗個電話工人,跟住佢同agent講話因為我always scold her n she can't take it in front of other people outside, 佢覺得佢唔係做錯只是我小事化大… 佢接受唔到就算知道掉底我走咗去唔岩都冇辦法因為唔開心…
change a maid.
she will continue to ignore your order or demands, claiming you scolded her, and leave the job whenever she sees fit with similar excuses.
the situation will only deteriorate when your 2nd bb is born. she will not be there when you need help.
better try your luck with another one.