My baby only drinks my breast milk whenever he is sick or teething. Baby sometimes prefer breast milk when he needs more security. Try to give him other solid food bit by bit.
Dont' worry because he still drihnks your milk. (breast milk is the best ma!)
try to give her "finger foods" for her to pick up and feed by herself, which may increase her interest to eat.
Also, a 11 months old baby should be able to chew food. Babies enjoy finger foods, and often are MESSY as they learn to eat.
You can cut up in small pieces so that baby can take part in meal time.
offer her different kinds of finger foods like whole wheat toast, cooked soft macaroni, noodles, pieces of soft cheese, soft cooked carrot slices, broccoli, green beans, yam, sweet potato and ripe clices of papaya , banana etc.
Meat(soft and well cooked) : pieces of chicken or fish, tofu cubes etc
I had tried so many different kinds of solid food, sometimes she seems very appreciate with them but only at the first 1-3 bites, then she turns to shake her head and close her mouth again T_T
其實我真係好心痛 ! 因她本來係肥妹仔一名, 8、9個月左右已重20磅多d, 但因9個月尾時第一次生病, 之後就連果丁點o既食粥胃口都冇埋, 直至而家成個人足足細左一個碼, 到11個月大都依然係得20磅半, 唉 !!!
我而家每日都依然照煲定d粥, 照樣餵佢, 諗住佢食到一兩啖都好, 但其實佢每次見到個碗或隻spoon都已擰頭, 我就夾硬餵一至幾啖 T_T
你地話好唔好停一段時間唔比佢食粥, 只試其他, 之後佢會接受d粥呢 ?? (因始終覺得粥、飯才是正餐)