how old is your baby? is s/he your baby #3 as it shown on your BK name?
yes, my 15-month-old is taking Enfagrow as her supplement while I'm still nursing her. to me, there's no "stinky" smell at all although she doesn't like it too much!
have u tasted it yourself?
also, double check the expiration date.
which favor of Enfagrow have u bought?
i bought the regular favor. i think there's also vanilla favor.
some of my friends give their kids fresh cow's milk (whole milk) after they've
turned 1. however, my baby is not drinking much milk other than being nursed. she's only taking about total 8 oz formula per day. as the organic whole milk is usually available in at least 1/2 gallon and the rest of our family don't drink whole milk, i don't want to keep it in the fridge for a long time.
also, i think formula is more nutritional than cow's milk since my baby is not eating much. i decided to keep supplementing her by formula probably til she's 2.
U can still feed him Enfamil #1 til 1 year old. After 1 yr old, maybe u can consider switching him to another brand of formula for 1 year old.
Since Enfamil is from Mead Johnson, maybe u can switch him to another brand by Mead Johnson available in HK? However, one of my friends who live in HK don't trust the formula in HK. She would rather let her 1-yr-old have the fresh whole milk after stopped breastfeeding.
We switched to full cream milk at 1yo. We used the same formula until he was one, didn't switch to #2 (though to transition, we first used 75% of formula, 25% milk, then a few days later, used 50%-50%, then a few days later 25% forumla 75% milk, before we switched to all milk).