




積分: 6535

發表於 07-3-21 19:01 |只看該作者

must buy - Franny K. Stein

I bought 'frantastic voyage' of this series in Commercial Press. It is a very humourous story with very lively cartoon. Even my son in p2 is poor in English, he ask me to read to me. Even I myself become obsessed to it.

just quote one page - the mother is dealing with his naughty son by :turning him into Egypt mummy; put him into big ice cube ... so creative, so different from the conservative Chinese books.

Check out which Commercial Press has this book. Some don't have it.


積分: 327

發表於 07-3-21 19:14 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

what is the publisher? about how many books in this series? & about what price?

thanks very much.


積分: 503

發表於 07-3-22 11:12 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Oh my little girl read some of the books from the same series. She loved it.

She liked The Invisible Fran in particular. But it is already too simple for her. She read it over a year ago.

Author : Jim Benton
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks Published

Actually I found there are a few different publisher for Franny K. Stein series.

There is a box set of 4 as well.


積分: 327

發表於 07-3-22 11:18 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Hi 2girlsmom,

so what is the price?

About what level are these books? are these suitable for P.1-P.3 standard or is that the same level as Rainbow Magic / Junie B. Jones or Magic Tree House?

sorry I have too many questions....


積分: 503

發表於 07-3-22 11:24 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

oh yes...it is very similar to the Junie B & Rainbow Magic series. I would say it is suitable for Upper @ kindergarten or P.1 -2. Too simple for P.3.

Price range from HKD 40-50 each. Pricing is also close to these 2 series.


積分: 327

發表於 07-3-22 11:29 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

thank you very much.

my elder is P.2 & is reading Rainbow Magic now. She's got the whole 40+ books & still needs some time to finish them.

btw, do you have the ISBN no. of the Franny K. Stein so that I can check from the web for the price & availability? thanks a million.


積分: 503

發表於 07-3-22 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Franny K Stein is a character just like Junie B.

Well.....the author is Jim Benton so you can type in the author in eg. Amazon.com to check out the price and ISBN.

My little one is at P.2 as well....Rainbow Magic used to be one of her favourite. She got all and even those special ones published during summer, Christmas. She finished them very fast....she can do 4 -5 within a few hours. I have to stop her from reading so quickly. She read so fast as she was so eager to know what will happen next....

If your girl is a rainbow magic fans...there is a new series coming up in April the Petal Faries.


積分: 6535

發表於 07-3-23 06:34 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Franny Stein is sold $38 in Commercial Press. Seems it is only sold in Shatin or Jordon. Check with CP.


Any idea boys will read Junie B? Where I could buy? thanks.


積分: 198135

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發表於 07-3-23 10:23 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

ALAL 寫道:
....Any idea boys will read Junie B? Where I could buy? thanks.
>>> "Ready, Freddy!" by Abby Klein.


積分: 503

發表於 07-3-23 11:00 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Well, I don't think boys will like Junie B....em...how about "A-Z mysteries" There is one funny ghost story series...
Title: Ghosthunters and the Totally Moldy Baroness
Author: Cornella Funke
Publisher: Scholastic

It is ok....not particular wonderful....but ok as described by the little one.

How about Jigsaw Jones Mystery is also good for boys but simple...maybe P.1 or P2.

Books from Roald Dahl are good for both boys and girls. My girls read alot of Roald Dahl books.


積分: 6535

發表於 07-3-24 07:31 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

thank you very much for your information.

and mums,
don't forget the Captain Underpant. I have bought one. Captain's spelling is always wrong. Same as my son.(my son said Captain would write in the book. he would suddenly write captial letter in the middle of a sentence and spell word wrong) So my son likes him very much.

any more recommendations from mums?


積分: 327

發表於 07-3-24 12:50 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Thanks 2girlsmom & ALAL for your info.

yes, I know the Rainbow Magic will have the new series coming soon & I've already booked it in a HK web since I feel uneasy ordering books from overseas.... their discount is about 15% off the $65 price & free delivery so I think that's good enough....


積分: 31

發表於 07-3-24 13:16 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

We provide English Books Ordering Service, e.g.

Rainbow Magic / Felicity Wishes / Tiara Club / Magic Tree House / Magic School Bus / Junie B. Jones / Geronimo Stilton / Usborne Readers / Jigsaw Jones Mysteries / A to Z Mysteries / Captain Underpants /
Stepping Stones & many more...

Tel: 61554902


積分: 503

發表於 07-3-24 22:28 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

I found the Petal Faries are out already in Page One today. My little one can't resist it and just sat on the floor and read 2 and a half in a row....

I told her she can finish the rest when I go shopping at Citysuper again next week. I think it is already too too simple for her and not planning to buy them.

It cost approx HKD 63 each at Page One.


積分: 327

發表於 07-3-25 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Petal Fairies are already out? so I can have it soon!

So what stories are u going to buy her? How about Felicity Wishes or Tiara CLub? My daughter's classmates (those very good at reading) are now reading these now.

btw, so the web I ordered (Ngating just down below) has much cheaper price: $55.3 / book & they said if over $1000 then even more discount...


積分: 83

發表於 07-5-18 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: must buy - Franny K. Stein

Franny K. Stein (Mad Scientist) on sale at 三聯. $100 for 4.


