I think it's not that expensive as can claim back from medicare. It's more or less the same as the consultation fee in HK. When did you get your private insurance in Australia ? And If you still have your private insurance in HK you can consider to have the surgery in HK
原帖由 JamesFoo 於 14-01-24 發表
your GP should able to refer them to Hospital specialist, or go through ED, ask ED Dr ro refer then ...
My daughter went to ED before; however the doctors in ED said they will not refer anyone to specalist even they thought my daughter should have specalist follow up in the future.
your GP should able to refer them to Hospital specialist, or go through ED, ask ED Dr ro refer then to hospital specialist, but waiting list is long long long long and long
請問KEEP住做超聲波檢查, medicare 包唔包?..............medicare should cover normal ultrasound
你現找私家,BOOK得來要幾耐..............that can be done within a weeek as long as the specialist has time
?如唔KEEP住大,係咪可以等吓?...............yes, but high rosk of infection & brust
公立同私家價錢差幾遠?..............private need to pay the specialist consult fee, gap fee, OT fee, but private insurance will cover a lot, you need to pay the gap only