I am young female photographer , want find some 大肚婆 be my model for test shot of portfolio, no charge for photography, of coures , hope 美麗的大肚婆 , no charge for me for model fee too....just want try to take a 優美的大肚婆照片, it look like 外國大肚婆明星 in magazine photo .
If interest , just e mail for me [email protected]
yes i will take a photo for kids, because i am professtional photographer , but if we talk about that at here , the host of this web site , will delete here....because they will think this topic for adverting ...but i set up this topice for 優美的大肚婆照片, for my portfolio , not for earn money, if u want know more about photography 's question , u can e mail to [email protected], i can be free for answer about photography tips .
if she can be my model , will perfect.....but u said i am so late 20 months.....so i only wait u an yr wife next new baby coming to the world
but hope u that time u and yr wife can be my model ...
if yr wife still interest for photo shooting , we can discuess about that .....and one more thing, last time yr wife go to professtion studio for shooting??