I've enrolled for the little gym...my bb girl is quite happy playing there....she loves challenges...
in fact...i think it is not very special playing in little gym...but as this is the one focus in strengthening muscles and not very expensive...so I join...
Now...I'm considering if I will join for the toddler class....
原文章由 lillymom 於 07-11-30 22:25 發表
yenru, querida﹐我都係住係馬鞍山﹐係聽濤啊。 我都唔知聽濤有kindermusik班添﹗。有時間我地帶埋個B出來公園玩下啊。我係 full time mom﹐ 你地呢﹖
cc123456﹐我個大囡2-3歲時參加過little gym﹐佢都玩得幾開心。不過6months班 ...
原文章由 Crystal123 於 07-11-18 23:58 發表
Thx~~ 我都想試下kingerU or tutor time, 不過turtor time 好似已經full左. btw, I think I can have one trial class in KingerU (it comes in the package from the 1111 birthday~ let me enroll for me s ...