Listen Along: Wake up Song and Bedtime Song CD 2
Sing Along 1-4 全套:CD 4 隻,DVD 4隻,書 4 本
Sing Along Spoken Version 全套 CD 4 隻
Basic ABCs 1-12 全套:CD 27 隻, DVD 12隻,12 本書, games
Basic ABCs Story:CD 8 隻
Storybook 1-4 全套:CD 4 隻,書 4 本
Digital Playmate 全套:兩盒 510 張 Talk Along Cards &
Playmate 語言學習機,咪
Fun with Words 全套:CD 2隻,書2本
Right Light Activities 全套:CD 1 隻,書 1 本,Mickey MagicPen
Game cards :Act It Out, Draw it
Mickey and his friends 書,咭
4 Disney big posters
所有Parents Guides
Zippy (Everyday with Zippy) –1 Guidebook, 4x books, 4x basic DVDs, 4xbasic CDSs flash cards and other 11x zippy DVDs.