2016年5月3日星期二下午5:20分,係西環西寶城商場1樓,我當時見到有一個大約一歲半至2歲既男童, 用脷舔緊玻璃, 我們一班人係度討論緊個小朋友係邊個既同時,小朋友已經自己行入咗759,再出番黎再自己一個行去要入錢既電動遊戲機,個男仔開始爬上去,都末有人出黎睇住個小朋友,於是我就周圍望,終於見到有個工人姐姐坐係三x書店門口,望住個電話,間唔時遠望小朋友一下,又再睇番電話,我初時都唔想多事,但又怕小朋友走去電梯旁邊會出事,過咗大約5分鐘,個男仔走番去工人姐姐身邊,男仔開始爬個玻璃圍牆,佢企咗係上一級,雙手壓住玻璃圍牆頂,想再壓高一啲,工人姐姐望咗佢一眼,又再睇番電話,我就走埋去同佢講:
我: excuse me, is this your kid?
工人: What is the problem? (Very fierce)
我: The kid walks around here by himself is very dangerous, once he walk to the escalator, he may fall down and die.
工人: is he dead? He is still here.
我: aAd he also lick at the glass.
工人: is the glass broken?
我: not broken, it is dirty.