




積分: 13742

發表於 10-8-26 13:23 |只看該作者

如果閣下不知 “徒”與 “教徒”的分別,不喜勿插喔。


創 世 記 2

23 那 人 說 : 這 是 我 骨 中 的 骨 , 肉 中 的 肉 , 可 以 稱 他 為 女 人 , 因 為 他 是 從 男 人 身 上 取 出 來 的 。

24 因 此 , 人 要 離 開 父 母 , 與 妻 子 連 合 , 二 人 成 為 一 體 。

如果父母要在生活經濟上靠我們的支持而我們又沒有能力分兩頭家,就沒有辦法了。可能神要我們擔當這相處之難處了。籍此機會學習認識人性的弱點了。 我們也熬了四年。

[ 本帖最後由 ndw 於 10-8-26 13:49 編輯 ]


積分: 13742

發表於 14-4-26 11:48 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 14-4-26 11:49 編輯



積分: 13742

發表於 14-3-14 12:35 |只看該作者
回覆 appledai 的帖子

My dear sister in the Lord,
You don't need to compare to any one nor look up to any one. We only need to turn our eyes to Jesus. Look at what good job God had prepared for us to do and use all of our might, mind and heart to complete the job. Thus, we may consider we had a good day each night before we go to sleep. Don't worry about the things that we did not have resource to finish of that day because God is already there Tomorrow for us. He will make things work well together for those who loves Him.


appledai  you said very well.thank you  發表於 14-3-14 17:52


積分: 19839

BK Milk勳章

發表於 14-3-12 14:13 |只看該作者
回覆 ndw 的帖子

I thank you so much indeed. as well as other sisters from baby kingdom. I do get great help from you. You do so much things and still type a lot here. I can not imagine how many hours you sleep a day. Compared with you, I am tiny.
I was lazy and always wanted easy job. Taking care of baby is time consuming and sometimes makes me mad. my mother-in-law could feed my daughter 1.5 hours for a meal. I avoided to do that, would rather to do housework or other work. Now my daughter is difficult and attached to grandma. I made myself difficult.
from last saturday, I almost slept around 5 hours a day. but I believe hardest time will be past very soon. I feel that I started to enjoy parenting when I spent more time with my daughter. I did not enjoy it. and even I did not really enjoy my life which God gave me. God is fair. There is no easy job. He will finally reward us for what we have done.

I did lots of wrong doings when I was young. I am really worth to be dead. Look at others' faith in Him including you. My faith grows too. May God guide me to right way to go.


積分: 13742

發表於 14-3-11 12:04 |只看該作者
回覆 appledai 的帖子

I can imagine your situation. Indeed, it is tough. Take it one day at a time. Steam Eggs is nutrition and health way to cook food. It is a lot better then eating food from any restaurant. Your daughter get to stay home and stuck with her Mom is also good too. You and her will bond to each other very tied. Many widow brings up one son and the son turned out to be a 孝順仔。So are you, will bring up a 孝順女. Don't be discouraged. This difficulty days will be passed one day. When I was studying in University in America, I have seen and heard many cases like you. We were all foreign students here. We have no parents' help, no in-laws' help, no sibling's help, no relative's help. Usually, University area does not have many Chinese families. For the one who stay in town usually have her own busy life to struggle. So it is so hard for them to provide good, consistent, reliable, and daily resource of helping. I heard a story from my friend. She was talking about her friend. Her friend need to shuffle snow in front of her driveway in order for her to drive her car and go to school when she was in her 9th month of pregnancy. After the baby was born, no 坐月婆,no Chinese food to buy that was good for 坐月。she need to do most of the housework.
One friend of mine was in a little bit better situation, sisters in Christ took turn to deliver food to her home so she did not have to cook.

Even I had my parents live with me for the first 2 girls, they are not reliable at all. When my husband, my children and I need them the most, they insist to go back to Hong Kong for 6 months every year so that they can join all the family and friends reunion activities. They insisted that they could not wait and I needed borrow money from friends to paid for their trip. That was during the time that my financial situation was not doing good at all. When they came back, they complained every thing about my husband with a long face and dark mood.
I was glad those days are all in the past now. This situation became better day by day since my husband took a big risk to buy a separate living space for my parents to live by themselves. I alone continue financially 100% provide their living. This was happened when my third daughter was just 10 days old. I brought my b a b y with me to sign the closing documents and breast fed her right there in the lawyer's office.
My mom was so mad about me to move her and Dad out. She bursted into my b a b y room when I was breastfeed my b a b y.
She yelled at me: 你話你跟你老公食到乜野?跟他去食屎啦!
Hearing what my Mom said, tear was filling up my eyes pretty quick. My tears dropped on my b a b y's face. My thought was: 媽媽!我情願跟我老公無坐月的好野食,要食屎,我都吾情願與你同住,見你一日對住我老公面黑,這樣不滿,那樣投訴,家日不寧。到處同人講電話呻到我老公形像比實際差到離天百丈遠。
However, I bite my won tongue and did not say any of my thoughts out.



積分: 19839

BK Milk勳章

發表於 14-3-8 23:45 |只看該作者
The whole day with my daughter. my little always said she wanted to go out to play. I have many things to do and have to stay at home. Even I did not make lunch. I only steamed water egg for her lunch. cried a bit.

She always asked me to play with her. I felt messy and occupied without mother-in-law's help. I did not have much own time. But I get in other side. After made her sleep at night. looked at her lovely face. I felt that I loved her so much. I started to know I paid and I got.


積分: 19839

BK Milk勳章

發表於 14-3-8 13:51 |只看該作者
回覆 ndw 的帖子

Thank you for your prayer support. I do not have many friends in HK. and not close with in-laws. I am not capable. I have part time job, study, assignments, taking care of my daughter, housework... now have to learn to do things by myself with tears. my daughter has bad tempter. I admit I do not have good tempter either. 99 thinks my bb is good because her mommy is not good.
Today my in-laws moved out, I looked at your post and cried in front of my daughter. She asked me, "mommy, what are you doing?", I said, "mom is not happy. do no make mommy mad. in the future, we need be independent."

I know your guys are doing great. your daughters are compliant. I hope I can be a good mom but I know I have a long way to go. I will pray to God everyday as I need His help to teach my one in godly way.


積分: 286

發表於 14-3-7 10:25 |只看該作者
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積分: 13742

發表於 14-3-7 05:15 |只看該作者
回覆 appledai 的帖子

May God give you wisdom, patience, strength to take care your daughter. He will provide what you need. It may not be what you think you need. I always want more than I need.
I always want to take care of my children, teaching them, doing housework, cooking, grocery shopping, all those full time house wife tasks and don't need to earn money to feed mouths. I think I can enjoy such simple life in this way. Apparently, this is not what God think I need. He put my husband in charge of the household. My husband even said to me that I am not good at manage and doing household work.

My five years old daughter, the youngest one, is the first one grow up without grand parents live in the household.

My husband and I never argue in front of our children not like my parents. We never being upset with each other in front of our children not like my parents. I observed that my youngest one have a better self-control of her temper than the oldest one. I don't know if these 2 facts are related to each other or not.


積分: 19839

BK Milk勳章

發表於 14-3-6 15:54 |只看該作者
回覆 ndw 的帖子

i am going to live separately with my in-laws after almost 5years living together . i am not good at taking care of young children,cooking,housework...my daughter is very attached to grandma. God, I pray that i can have energy and wisdom to handle all the things. please help me.


積分: 13742

發表於 14-3-6 11:33 |只看該作者
LFCYNWA 發表於 14-3-5 13:43
24 因 此 , 人 要 離 開 父 母 , 與 妻 子 連 合 , 二 人 成 為 一 體 ..

意義重大,照顧,教育小朋友 ...


積分: 46

發表於 14-3-5 13:43 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 LFCYNWA 於 14-3-5 13:55 編輯

24 因 此 , 人 要 離 開 父 母 , 與 妻 子 連 合 , 二 人 成 為 一 體 ..


->丈夫要自己話事:Override 父親的權柄?還是各顧各?影響他們父子,母子關係。

所以 神有這樣的吩咐。


積分: 13742

發表於 13-4-24 16:00 |只看該作者
At lunch time, 我和子女在谈吐间有个笑话。
I said: 温柔is like me when I was little. I was a princes brag.
大女 惠慈 said: And now Mom, you are queen of interrupter. You have just interrupted me......
When I heard her comment, I was: +
This daughter get her Dad's humor.

Her Dad explained to her: Mom did not interrupt you because....

Anyway, this Morning, we were talking about Chinese social culture.
My husband said: Chinese interact in this way..... Is that true?
I said: I don't know because I am a social______
My husband complete my sentence: idiot !
I laugh hard. Yeah...:;pppp:
I think our children laugh too.
My husband said: You ask for it. (It means that it is hard for him not to give me a kick.)


積分: 13742

發表於 13-3-3 15:17 |只看該作者
我呆左一刻 ,話:緊係唔好等到結左婚先叫個老公去做律師啦,未必成嘛,你老逗有版你望啦,我夠想佢做律師,建築師咯,而加咪還德享屋企做煮飯佬。你要先揾個愛主既又有志要做律師既弟兄,而後仲要人地又看上你願意娶你喔。你要嫁律師就唔好寒起個背。(我成日提佢唔好寒起個背,今次最有效,佢即刻好有動力敢自己醒唔寒背。)而且佢又願意賺左錢全部畀曬你喔,敢既機會仲微過你自己做律師啦。不如你自己做律師,錢直接入你樹,啊媽我問你拿錢使都容易好多啦。



積分: 13742

發表於 13-2-3 15:01 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 ndw 於 13-2-6 02:22 編輯

好感觸(系好感動 thank pyjess),老公教出這麼乖的孩子。大女今晚主動臨睡前讀書給細妹聽。她倆,有時糖痴豆,有時沒有怨氣的水溝油。


pyjess  你想講"好感動"?  發表於 13-2-4 00:45


積分: 3911

發表於 13-1-28 14:42 |只看該作者
zanezane 發表於 13-1-18 01:21
你要認識上帝,就得平安,福氣 也必臨到你。 (伯二十二21)

我的小手工做得7788了, 希望小朋友不用被迫說太多次 Kung Kei Fat Choi.... (我聽這句心裡不舒服, 會想起:人若賺得全世界.... 果句金句.), 佢地可以一路送小手工給親友, 一路說一些較合神心意的祝賀說話.


ndw  好感動,願意花敢多心機,為的是教養孩同使他走當行的路。  發表於 13-1-29 08:25


積分: 3911

發表於 13-1-28 14:38 |只看該作者
在前晚, 在發燒的我也與老公吵了.
他說新年要回鄉, 我說, 好, 但能否不去祀堂燒香?
老公也不信先人可食香, 不信先人會保祐人. 但他說他會上香.
咁我問他可否和小朋友解釋他的行為? 佢無正面回應.
咁我問, 當奶奶在子女
身邊唸的時候, 我可否同佢地講, 先人不可食香, 先人不會保祐人. 因奶奶用說話影響小朋友, 難到我又不可嗎?
老公話我不尊重別人的信仰. 我說, 我又不是不讓奶奶燒.
老公: 咁我可否去教會, 講道時話耶穌復活係作嘅, .....
我:你可以試下, 一係你就不要去教會, 好似我request我唔去祀堂一樣.
老公: 咁我都可以唔俾阿囡返教會...
跟住阿囡就喊, 話無得返教會....
我: 你可以唔俾, 但天父總有機會接觸佢.
因要處理阿囡的情緒, 入房後自己累得瞓著.

當時老公反問我好多野,好像點prove 神做天地,聖靈感孕,升天..... 我都答唔到。 佢就話我唔清楚又信, 對我的信仰好負面......

天父好好, 佢知我要為佢打杖, 在上星期的家長團契打左底, 令我聽到呢件事.....

"有個80多歲的婆婆, 女兒是忙碌的傳道人(<--傳道人在我阿囡的學校工作), 女兒有時會致電婆婆通話, 為婆婆生活大小代禱.
婆愛從沒有向女兒說她腳有一個雞蛋般大的瘤, 醫生建議她做手術, 婆婆拒絕了. 她也不向家人說, 只是自己向神祈禱. 半年後, 腳上的瘤不見了, 她去醫生那裡覆診, 醫生驚訝地說: 祈禱的確治好你的腳.
經醫生說後, 婆婆才和女兒說. 因佢怕阿囡不信她, 等醫生確定了才說出來!"

婆婆不識字, 未弄清係咪有挪亞方舟, 不用prove耶穌係咪升天, 但因著信, 天父憐憫她, 治好她. 很有意思的真人真事.



積分: 13742

發表於 13-1-26 14:46 |只看該作者
今晚,大女 惠慈 不知她發生乜事,LEE頭提她在床上吃零食(如薯片之類)當小心,不要弄到成床都是。過頭她就把她那雙拿完薯片的手就床被上又搓又櫈,有大兜畀她接住,她不往大兜上搓櫈,而在被兜上搓櫈。結果老公唔畀她再在床上食0野。本來老公可以讓她一邊坐床吃零食,一邊看電影的。(系我老公畀,我就唔畀喇。)結果搞成0敢,老公惟有唔畀零食她啦。跟住她喊。影響細妹同老公看電影。所以老公畀 惠慈 做選擇:一系就收聲看電影,一系就出房自己喊夠。
最好,惠慈收唔到聲。 我唔明九歲的她0敢都喊極都唔飽既?! 喊一段,自己上自己床邊睡邊喊。唉!聽到我心煩。我如此對她說:你若果喊了後會推動到你以後不會做同樣的事,那你就喊吧,起碼喊得有價值。但若果你喊了以後都照樣做同樣的粗心大意的事,那你這喊就喊得毫無價值了。而且還附上代價呢。你的代價是喊到你有鼻水,有痰積響你喉嚨和肺到。你說值得喊嗎?
又等了好些時間,依然聽到她在哭。連細妹也看完電影上床睡覺的時候了。若惠慈繼續喊會影響旁邊兩個細妹睡覺的。這次我想起聖經傳道書裡的一個概念,就用上來教孩子。我又走到她們姐妹的房門口說:喊了這麼久總要收聲的。這是睡覺的時候,你已經花了一段時間來喊了。哭有時,睡有時,okay. 現在是睡覺的時候,就當睡覺。不再是哭的時候。先起來用紙巾抹亁眼淚鼻水,必要時洗個臉,然後專心睡覺去。


積分: 3911

發表於 13-1-18 01:21 |只看該作者



福氣 也必臨到你。 (伯二十二21


ndw  謝謝!這句也很好!嘩!約伯記都抄到出來,真犀利!  發表於 13-1-26 14:07


積分: 13742

發表於 13-1-11 14:08 |只看該作者
回覆 zanezane 的帖子

約 翰 一 書 4:8
沒 有 愛 心 的 , 就 不 認 識 神 , 因 為 神 就 是 愛 。

你可在約 翰 1, 2,3 書 搵到許多簡單容易明的經文。


