my 8 months old bb can only sit without support 4 only about 10 mins. but i have to sit behind her bcoz she will lay back suddenly. any bb r the same? someone told me it is bcoz her back muscle is not strong enough, so i should not force her to sit. but someone told me i need to let her sit more to practice. which one should i trust?
My son is 9-month old and started to roll when he was 7-month old. he still cannot sit properly although can "slide" quite fast. He is still reluctant to crawl properly because he doesn't want to raise his pat pat. My friend's daught who is 8-month old can seat upright and quietly. I would think female baby develops faster. We just let him play so that he can move and roll all the time.
i'm going to c a nurse next week. she is starting to rollover especially when i;m changing her nappy hehe..she had fever the last few days so she needs to have lots of rest at the moment. i'll be keep training her when she gets better
I would say give her practice. The reason is that when baby is very young, midwife already says baby needs to have tummy time to develop neck muscle, so they encourage baby to be trained. Also, my elder son didn't rollover until close to 8 months, we were told by nurse to practice with him.