Re: Cheap cheap Body Check
I also sent my maid to a laboratory to do the domestic helper check up and the price is acceptable and reasonable. At least I satifised.
I copied the test items here..
Hemoglobin ....see any anemia
Chest X-ray....see any TB
HIV....... see AIDS
HBsAg.....see Hepatitis B carrier
VDRL.......see any sex disease
Urine pregnancy ......see pregnant or not
Stool for parasite.... see any parasite infection
$1100 Original Price
But I ask for special discount because I know the manager there. They offer 30% OFF for my case. I just give $770 only at last. If you all have interest, please email to me and I try to ask my friend who can give discount or not.
[email protected]
I am not promise that he will give or not not blame me if no discount.
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