



積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-7 18:40 |只看該作者


Bingo! ngmammy - you're right!!

Well Done!!

Well, 50% right!

He did put down the PLACE where we met at the back of the business card (i.e Aussie World).

And he also put down the DATE we met.

Clever Man. That's why he made a lot of money in Gold Coast and moved to Nossa about 7 years ago, trying to do the same in the Property.

I tend to use another method in remembering people faces.

I link the new ones to something I've known. When attending the Parents & Friends Meeting in the new school (www.ccs.qld.edu.au) four days ago, there were 15 other parents.

So, I linked Karen to my UK colleague having the same name; Natasha to the Actor "Natasha" in the movie "Cat"; Wendy to the "Wendy" fast food chain in UK etc.

Remember Where We Were From,
We then Know Where We're Going

原文章由 ngmammy 於 07-9-7 18:01 發表

I am guessing that the man draw the icon or write the name of the place you two met so for easier recall when he retreive the business card out.......cheers.


積分: 2783

發表於 07-9-7 22:30 |只看該作者
Hi Sixx...oops...Fate,

Sorry that my answer is quite long because I have just read all your valuable inputs.

One of mums recommended me to try FISH OIL WITH OMEGA 3 two or three years ago for my daughter because it may help her concentration. After consultation of my doctor (my relative who is working as a professor in CUHK) and also my friend (a pharmacologist), they reckon "No harm to skip but Risky to try". Over twenty years experiments is still a short period for finding out the side effects or the actual result. Therefore, I decided not to take such risk.

Extra H => HANDSOME ? (kidding) How about HEALTHY?

Intuition - how a Fire Services Inspector saved his and his colleagues' Lives.

My guess: The inspector noticed the possibility of FLASHOVER by experience e.g. lack of sprinkler heads, full of inflammable materials in a room; etc.

Name Cards
I also get used to write down the PLACE and the DATE on name cards of my clients. Moreover, I like to describe the clients' appearance by the words readable by me only, say Chinese or some symbols. If the clients have special relationship with each other in the same company, it had better state clear on name cards as well in order to avoid any embarrassment or raise the topics among them.

Have a nice weekend!


[ 本文章最後由 chingyu 於 07-9-7 22:32 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-9 07:50 |只看該作者

Welcome to Join Us from HK

Hi Charming chingyu

Welcome to join us all the way from HK!

Having being a parent for sometime, everyone of us should by now be well into the habit of "Long Gas" - to keep reminding our often Absent Minded child/ren time and time again for the same thing!

So, your answer is not that long by "arent Standard", especailly the answer is a qood one - keep it coming.

Also, thanks for sharing with us your simple and effective way of remembering people faces.

Fish Oil with Omega 3

You've raised a Valid Point. It's always a Concern for any responsible parent to give tablets to their child/ren.

And indeed my Super Boss (i.e. my wife) keeps saying the same thing about microwave - her Nursing Tutor once told them it might not be Safe to use it, as any new thing should be tested over three generations. (That's why our German friend in UK never has one)

But then again, as the then Health Secretary of HK, Dr Yeong had stressed during the SARS Outbreak,

"Life itself is a Risk."

(trying to calm the Panic never seen in HK)

Like many other things in Life, my wife and I had made an assessment about microwave, weighting all the Pros and Cons, looking at the Worst Case Scenario, and then make a Decision based on our Knowledge, Experiences, Research, Others' Views/Advice and Facts in front of us.

So, rather than totally giving up on microwave, we've decided to reduce the Frequency of using it and use it only as a Last Resort.

We did the same Procedure on Fish Oil Tablet. We've found our two boys do NOT have Concentration Problem, so we do NOT see the needs of giving them Fish Oil Tablets.

The programme, to me, was mainly offering a different Insights, merely reminding parents with Concentration Problem child/ren there is an alternative approach to deal with the problem. And the Desperate parents can then make the Choice themselves whether to adopt such approach.

Your statement of ,

"No Harm to Skip but Risky to Try"

is very True.

And so it the following saying,

"The Ultimate Price for Inaction NOW is Much Higher than Action"

After all,

Life is about "Striking the Right Balance."

It's worth mentioning the Japanese has the Lowest Heart Disease Rate amongst all the Developed Countries, and many researches have concluded the main reason is,

Their diet is full of Fish.

(And mainly thanks to Omega 3!!)


"Handsome" is the word mainly describing a "Male".

I've not included this H in my Reminder to my boys, because many researches over the years have concluded after asking many women what kind of Men are Attractive to them, the words like,

"Humourous, Caring, Intelligent, Successful......"

keep coming up on top but NOT "Handsome".

I presume "Handsome" could be, in some instances, a Liability for Men. (Hee..hee, speaking from a NOT so Handsome Man, i.e. me! There could be a Conflict of Interest!)

In real Life, 8 out of 10 times, a NOT so Handsome Man (I won't go as far as saying he is Ugly) is with a Very Beautiful Woman. This has not only proved the above researches are right, but also confirming,

Women have More Brain - seeing through the External Factors.

I did include "Health" in my BASIC 3H.

Now, move onto the Intuition.

I Think therefore I Exist
I Share therefore I Progress

原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-7 22:30 發表
Hi Sixx...oops...Fate,

Sorry that my answer is quite long because I have just read all your valuable inputs.

One of mums recommended me to try FISH OIL WITH OMEGA 3 two or three years ago for m ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-9 14:25 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-9 08:44 |只看該作者


Hello again, chingyu

You're on the right track about the Intuition.

There was a fire in Britain back in 2001. Believing the fire was under control, a fire services inspector led a small team into the building, searching for possible trapped workers and/or casualty.

After into the building for a while and things seemed to be under control, the inspector suddenly felt that there was something very wrong and told the whole team to leave the building immediately.

Making good progress in searching, the whole team insisted to stay and asked for the reason of retreating. The inpsector couldn't explain and instead started shouting loud,

"This is an Order, Everyone has to leave NOW! NOW!"

and started physically pulling his men out.

Although the Team was very Surprised and Unhappy with their inspector's Decision to pull out, they all retreated quickly. And very quickly, they all realised the Decision was the Right One, saving their Lives.

Because just when they were all out, there was a huge explosion in the building, causing a big fireball, and the ceiling and the walls of the building collapsed.

The Intuition, that is, the "Gut Feeling" that something gone terribly wrong, had saved many Lives in this instance.

The programme then explained there is a "Front Part" of our Brain will,

"Automatically Conduct a Scan inside our Brain and Compare the Current Situation with other Previous Similar Events"

So, the fire inspector's Mind compared tens if not hundreds of fire he had previously attended with the Current one UNCONSCIOUSLY, and then concludes also UNCONSCIOUSLY in his Mind there were THREE things Very Wrong with the Current fire.

Does any parent would like to guess what the THREE things were?

Guessing Right, Feeling Bright

原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-7 22:30 發表
Hi Sixx...oops...Fate,

Sorry that my answer is quite long because I have just read all your valuable inputs.

One of mums recommended me to try FISH OIL WITH OMEGA 3 two or three years ago for m ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-9 14:18 編輯 ]


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-10 08:19 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-9 08:44 發表
Hello again, chingyu

You're on the right track about the Intuition.

There was a fire in Britain back in 2001. Believing the fire was under control, a fire services inspector led a small team into t ...



積分: 2783

發表於 07-9-10 10:15 |只看該作者
Hi Fate,

Fast guess only..........
In total, Six “S” made the inspector feel very unusual in that circumstance.

Very busy today and can’t come back shortly.

Detective chingyu


積分: 2783

發表於 07-9-10 11:52 |只看該作者
Hi ngmammy,

I was very sorry to learn a term called FLASHOVER 閃燃 after a fireman died in HK months ago.

I guess the following criteria are crucial to be an inspector. Am I correct, our inspector Fate?
1. Clever decision making by Experience / Knowledge
2. Concept of potential risk
3. Common Sense

chingyu (Dreamed to be an inspector 10 years ago)


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-10 12:26 |只看該作者
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 11:52 發表
Hi ngmammy,

I was very sorry to learn a term called FLASHOVER 閃燃 after a fireman died in HK months ago.

I guess the following criteria are crucial to be an inspector. Am I correct, our inspecto ...

Hi Chingyu,

I remembered that news. :cry:

To protect the family especailly the children, it is so important to learn more about the safety in the house. Waa, I really have to say, that you have a good potential to become an inspector indeed!!!:lol:


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-10 15:23 |只看該作者

We all on the same boat

Hi ngmammy

That could be why we have 6 Billions people in this world!!! So that we can Support, Learn and Help each other!

You're almost certain know more about Cooking than I (though I am very good at Instant Noodle Cooking!!).

But then again, I may have a bit more investment experience than you - well, simply because I'm OLDER!!

That's why we're all here for,


Learnig from Ourself, Learning from Others
Making it a "Happy Together"

原文章由 ngmammy 於 07-9-10 08:19 發表


[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-10 16:21 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-10 15:43 |只看該作者

So Close

Hi Detective and Effective chingyu

Wah, very very close, chingyu - have you been reading my Mind?

The Fire Services Inspector's MIND noticed there were THREE things very unusual about the Current Fire,

The Colour
Previous Fires were mostly in Red/Black, this one was kind of Pink. (If I remember correctly)

The Noise
Previous Fires were very Noisy (due to things being burnt), this one was Very Quiet.

The Airflow
Previous Fires seen air being pushed out, this one Sucking Air In.

The Inspector's Mind had UNCONSCIOUSLY Concluded the Current Fire was the very rarely occured but very damaging type of fire,

"BACKDRAFT" (If I remember this Term correctly)

(meaning the air in an enclosed area had been all used up during intense burning, which could eventually lead to a HUGE explosion.

So the Inspector took no chance and ordered all of his team to get out a.s.a.p.!!

In real Life, we all have the "Sixth" sense or "Basic Instinct" every now and then. Please make good sure of it, though for me, my Instinct tends to be mostly right related to Bad Things (i.e. keeping me AWAY from the Danger)!!

The last time I had an Instinct was back in Aug 97, I thought it was a Good Instinct,

"It was the best time to Invest!! Buy Shares, Buy Property."

Everyone now knows what happened then.

Have a great evening.

Never rush to Invest or you'll be Dead

原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 10:15 發表
Hi Fate,

Fast guess only..........
In total, Six “S” made the inspector feel very unusual in that circumstance.

Very busy today and can’t come back shor ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-10 16:23 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-10 16:58 |只看該作者

People Always Come First

Hi Dreaming to be Inspector chingyu

Everyone has a Dream. Especailly when they're younger.

I finally gave up my Dream of being a Singer or Actor when I was around 30!! Too "Old Biscuit" ("Low Pan"!!)

Yes, I think I know which case you're refering to regarding the Deceased Fireman, though I can't remember the details. It's really sad to see people dying in the course of their duty, especially when they're in the course of helping others, saving Lives.

The best way to thank the Dead Hero, I believe, is,

Always be Vigilant about Fire.

The Qualities you've mentioned are indeed essential for an Inspector or a Leader in general.

But I would say the MOST important Quality for any worker to have is,

An Effective Skill in dealing with People.

Because more than 50% (if not 75%) of the Time for any job is to deal with the Most Important Issue (that can "Make or Break" a worker) is

"Office Politics".

Only when one gets it right, they'll then Survive.

Once a Miserable Inspector, now a Happy Father

原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 11:52 發表
Hi ngmammy,

I was very sorry to learn a term called FLASHOVER 閃燃 after a fireman died in HK months ago.

I guess the following criteria are crucial to be an inspector. Am I correct, our inspecto ...


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-10 17:07 |只看該作者

Already An Inspector

Hi ngmammy

It may sound Strange but the Most Dangerous Place is actually Our Home.

Because we're more relax and therefore become less Alert.

Tragedy hits when Least expected.

Like you, chingyu is already an inspector.

The House Inspector!! And Giving (Husband) Orders!!

Have a Laugh!!

Life is too short to be Miserable

原文章由 ngmammy 於 07-9-10 12:26 發表

Hi Chingyu,

I remembered that news. :cry:

To protect the family especailly the children, it is so important to learn more about the safety in the house. Waa, I really have to say, that you have a ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-10 17:08 編輯 ]


積分: 2783

發表於 07-9-10 17:46 |只看該作者
Hi ngmammy,

Thanks for your kind words. Now I only have potential to be a fat C9 instead of an inspector. I am afraid that I won't be so lucky again to enter the final round ‘coz I must fail the fitness test in the first round. ha....

Hi Fate,

Yes, I am the commandant in the office and also in the house. It's so tired and frustrated. I would rather be a happy mom at home now.
My sixth sense goes to bad thing very often too. It's very natural.

No longer dreaming to be an inspector
Dreaming to be a Mark Six winner - chingyu


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-11 05:48 |只看該作者

Life is Full of Challenges

Hi Mark 6 Winner to be chingyu

Indeed, Life sometimes could be very Tiring and Frustrating, that's why we've to do everything reasonable to keep ourselves Happy and Uplifting to make Life a bit easier.

Most Mums these days are facing the Same Dilemma,

"To be or Not to be a Full Time Mum"

I have stated it all along,

"If Money is NOT a concern, then a Full Time Mum could be a better option"

Because I personally believe Child Raising has to be very Hands-on, and every minute a parent spent on a child will make a difference. And the Ultimate Reward is Priceless,

A Happy, Healthy and Harmless Human Being.

Have a Happy Day.

(Will move onto the last of the 6 "tion" - "Invention")


Life is about Making Choices

原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 17:46 發表
Hi ngmammy,

Thanks for your kind words. Now I only have potential to be a fat C9 instead of an inspector. I am afraid that I won't be so lucky again to enter the final round ‘coz I must fail the f ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-11 06:07 編輯 ]


積分: 5019

發表於 07-9-11 20:49 |只看該作者


Dear All again,

Professor Winston pointed out that many great scientists like Newton, "Gabriello" (I may have spelt his name wrong) made New Invention or New Discovery mostly by happened to be in a Unique Environment.

Does any parent would like to guess what this Unique Environment was?

Right Place, Right Time
Everything will be Alright

原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-1 07:54 發表
Dear Responsible and Eager to Learn Parents,

I strongly reommend you all for a TV programme, shown on ABC Channel Every Thursday evening (2030-2125 hrs), produced by BBC and presented by Professor Wi ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 07-9-13 15:03 編輯 ]


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-12 09:39 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-10 17:07 發表
Hi ngmammy

It may sound Strange but the Most Dangerous Place is actually Our Home.

Because we're more relax and therefore become less Alert.

Tragedy hits when Least expected.

Like you, chingyu is ...

Hi Fate,

I am not only the inspector in the house but also took up the job of a all-round-task Manager in the Ng company responsible for the cleaning , cooking, childcaring, transportation, crisis management (kids chaos) and discipline training department!!


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-12 09:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 17:46 發表
Hi ngmammy,

Thanks for your kind words. Now I only have potential to be a fat C9 instead of an inspector. I am afraid that I won't be so lucky again to enter the final round ‘coz I must fail the f ...

Hi Chingyu,

Haha, aren't we all have the same problem with fitness? I was a working mother for years before so I understood the superwoman role that we require to be in. With the time spend on work , family and kids and that inevitable leave a little time to think about exercises.

Mark six...oh that remained me I have not yet check one of the Lotto i bought last week. Cross my fingers!:lol:


積分: 263

發表於 07-9-12 12:52 |只看該作者
Quick guess.. at home where nobody else is in the house, at nite time.

原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-11 20:49 發表
Dear All again,

Professor Winston pointed out that many great scientists like Newton, "Gabriello" (I may have spelt his name wrong) made New Invention or New Discovery mostly by happened to be in a U ...


積分: 2783

發表於 07-9-12 13:32 |只看該作者
Yes... I also guess "BEING ALONE"........

原文章由 carolsin 於 07-9-12 12:52 發表
Quick guess.. at home where nobody else is in the house, at nite time.


積分: 2677

發表於 07-9-12 15:03 |只看該作者
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-11 20:49 發表
Dear All again,

Professor Winston pointed out that many great scientists like Newton, "Gabriello" (I may have spelt his name wrong) made New Invention or New Discovery mostly by happened to be in a U ...

mmm my guess is when the environment is quiet and their mind mostly relax...


