原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-7 22:30 發表
Hi Sixx...oops...Fate,
Sorry that my answer is quite long because I have just read all your valuable inputs.
One of mums recommended me to try FISH OIL WITH OMEGA 3 two or three years ago for m ...
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-7 22:30 發表
Hi Sixx...oops...Fate,
Sorry that my answer is quite long because I have just read all your valuable inputs.
One of mums recommended me to try FISH OIL WITH OMEGA 3 two or three years ago for m ...
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 11:52 發表
Hi ngmammy,
I was very sorry to learn a term called FLASHOVER 閃燃 after a fireman died in HK months ago.
I guess the following criteria are crucial to be an inspector. Am I correct, our inspecto ...
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 10:15 發表
Hi Fate,
Fast guess only..........
In total, Six “S” made the inspector feel very unusual in that circumstance.
Very busy today and can’t come back shor ...
原文章由 ngmammy 於 07-9-10 12:26 發表
Hi Chingyu,
I remembered that news. :cry:
To protect the family especailly the children, it is so important to learn more about the safety in the house. Waa, I really have to say, that you have a ...
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 17:46 發表
Hi ngmammy,
Thanks for your kind words. Now I only have potential to be a fat C9 instead of an inspector. I am afraid that I won't be so lucky again to enter the final round ‘coz I must fail the f ...
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-1 07:54 發表
Dear Responsible and Eager to Learn Parents,
I strongly reommend you all for a TV programme, shown on ABC Channel Every Thursday evening (2030-2125 hrs), produced by BBC and presented by Professor Wi ...
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-10 17:07 發表
Hi ngmammy
It may sound Strange but the Most Dangerous Place is actually Our Home.
Because we're more relax and therefore become less Alert.
Tragedy hits when Least expected.
Like you, chingyu is ...
原文章由 chingyu 於 07-9-10 17:46 發表
Hi ngmammy,
Thanks for your kind words. Now I only have potential to be a fat C9 instead of an inspector. I am afraid that I won't be so lucky again to enter the final round ‘coz I must fail the f ...
原文章由 Fate 於 07-9-11 20:49 發表
Dear All again,
Professor Winston pointed out that many great scientists like Newton, "Gabriello" (I may have spelt his name wrong) made New Invention or New Discovery mostly by happened to be in a U ...