Yesterday morning, Miki House need to line up, alot alot ppl inside..In Jacadi, not really big sale, only 30% for this season's clothes, one woman from PRC, bought more than 20 piece's clothes, after discount, still over $10K, she kept asking faster, because she need to go to other shops
原帖由 karenchan99 於 10-11-13 23:31 發表
Yesterday morning, Miki House need to line up, alot alot ppl inside..In Jacadi, not really big sale, only 30% for this season's clothes, one woman from PRC, bought more than 20 piece's clothes, after ...
miki house got some big-discount items yesterday, including $1xx sweaters. no wonder. their things are too expensive, to me, it's not worth even after discount.
因為有時我都有睇佢地減乜,有d gift set係"價錢"上抵左,但入面d野唔係全部啱用,個set入面梗有一兩樣野本身唔會買,咁價錢係平左,但買左"無謂野"....某間skin care重奇怪,出d skin care gift set入面係toner多過洗面奶幾倍???有邊個會用toner快過洗面奶咁多??而且入面兩支toner係唔同line???我覺得間公司要清死貨都咪咁離譜丫~~pack個gift set出嚟都唔合纙輯!