2) YKK
Yanyan(囡囡),03/04/02,出世:2.88kgs,九個月重16.5-17磅,每日四餐奶,兩餐粥仔/糊仔,出左兩隻下門牙,識坐直,識爬,鍾意扶住床欄行&彈下彈下,可以唔須要扶住野放手企5-7秒,心情好時會拍手,識bye-bye,但係適當時侯唔多bye.成日叫"打,打","da da da dee","ba ba",扭計時才叫 "ma ma".時常望住人叫"呀,呀",Lau人傾計.
3)prettywife (jacqueline)
韻韻 (girl) - born on 3 April - 2.62kg
In June 2003 - 14 months - 25 lb
- 十個月開始行, 現在直情鍾意跑,
- 聽到音樂 / 有拍子 (就算是新聞報告前奏) 就跳舞, 對手好似印度人跳舞咁郁動.
- 鍾意玩 hide and seek, 我/菲傭 hide, 佢 seek.
成日講 "咩呀" (好似撩交打咁, 這個發音唔太斯文..., 但佢呀爺覺得好得意...)
- 曉得指住自己個耳, 眼 講 ear, eye, etc.
如你講 armpit, head, hair, mouth, etc 她會指出該部位. (但我不太歡喜菲傭教 baby 指armpit, 呢個動作唔斯文嘛!)
- 超級喜歡模倣, 我用指甲挫磨指甲時她會搶去指甲挫, 學我磨指甲, 我上網用 mouse, 她會搶去mouse click and roll.
- 鍾意做 flying kiss 的動作
- super stick to mami (但沒有指住我叫 Mama ???).
- 指住 PaPa 叫 "aPa", 好sweet + lum. 指住 菲傭 叫 "姐姐". 菲傭常向她說, "I love you! Do you love me?" ~ 韻韻 就會好認真咁點頭 (加埋眼神), 令菲傭心花怒放!
yeah! same as my girl. when the 'old' maid was on vacation, wan wan just forgot about her and only needs mama and the new maid. as long as there is somebody to play with them, there is no problem