




積分: 16611

發表於 07-3-16 17:43 |只看該作者

Re: Magic Tree House

剛在皇室堡的 Book Buddy 買了5本,現正做8折!

twokidsmum 寫道:
Hi gramar,

我都預計到明年開始將會生活充實, 我適應到的.....


Magic Tree House

Book 1: Dinosaurs Before Dark
Book 2: The Knight at Dawn
Book 3: Mummies in the Morning
Book 4: Pirates Past Noon
Book 5: Night of the Ninjas
Book 6: Afternoon on the Amazon
Book 7: Sunset of the Sabertooth
Book 8: Midnight on the Moon
Book 9: Dolphins at Daybreak
Book 10: Ghost Town at Sundown
Book 11: Lions at Lunchtime
Book 12: Polar Bears Past Bedtime
Book 13: Vacation Under the Volcano
Book 14: Day of the Dragon King
Book 15: Viking Ships at Sunrise
Book 16: Hour of the Olympics
Book 17: Tonight on the Titanic
Book 18: Buffalo Before Breakfast
Book 19: Tigers at Twilight
Book 20: Dingoes at Dinnertime
Book 21: Civil War on Sunday
Book 22: Revolutionary War on Wednesday
Book 23: Twister on Tuesday
Book 24: Earthquake in the Early Morning
Book 25: Stage Fright on a Summer Night
Book 26: Good Morning, Gorillas
Book 27: Thanksgiving on Thursday
Book 28: High Tide in Hawaii
Book 29: Christmas in Camelot
Book 30: Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve

我知道Dymocks有得賣, 我下星期去睇睇. Thanks.


積分: 327

發表於 07-3-16 23:32 |只看該作者

Re: Magic Tree House

thanks vanessamom. but i won't buy now as my girl is still reading the 40+ Rainbow Magic! She's just finished 4 books or so.....


積分: 1985

發表於 07-3-18 21:58 |只看該作者

Re: Magic Tree House

原來圖書館有得借Magic Tree House, 不過唔齊.我借唔到#1, 打算借到#1才借其後的.

我發覺Junie B. Jones唔係全部都咁淺架,我睇咗幾頁First Grader - Jingle Bells, Batman Smells!, d字好似比較深, 仲有成118頁,好長,借唔落手.


積分: 564

發表於 07-3-19 14:46 |只看該作者

Re: Magic Tree House

Hi Gramar,

My kid is 5 years old. She likes reading very much. and she is studying in local school. At this moment, she also start to read some Chinese Books.



積分: 327

發表於 07-3-20 11:46 |只看該作者

Re: Magic Tree House

Hi fatwong,

my little girl is also 5 yrs, in local school. She starts to read English & Chinese books now. Her Eng reading is still not enough (but I believe she can pick up quickly as I have lots of books!) but her Chinese reading is even poorer because her school teaches very little Chinese....(that's the same for her P.2 sister!)


