



積分: 842


發表於 10-8-28 00:11 |只看該作者
Today, I go to Life Studio as we get free $900 package for free 12 photos + 5 x 7" photo frame when I had photo shooting at mybb.hk. As 30 Aug is the deadline, and Long Long is gettng better, just take him to see it is ok. Actually I have no expectation as photos in mybb.hk is not good, and Life Studio is not famous (only allows for photo shooting for dogs), so I won't expect to pay extra for buying extra photos, haha, and they won't to sell their $2600 (can deduct $900 coupon) for 20 photos + 5 x7" photo frame and album (nothing special, no detail, somewhite like those from Baby King), and asks me to upgrade the photo frame to larger size (sorry, I have too many).

There is only white background and no props, only a purple "finger" sofa, a basket (for Long Long & momo to sit it), a green basket, nothing else. Photographer is "no heart", and the lady asistant comes late and doesn't do much to cheer Long Long up. She keeps saying many bb laughs when she does those "action" (nothing special wor), and maybe Long Long is just recover, he doesn't smile.

And momo is frightened, can't take photos with Long Long together. As I actually want this only as there is nothing special compared with other studio, and the photographer doesn't take much patient and time to guide what we should do .... and everything, so I think it is of similar service as Mybb.hk.

We wait for 15 min and pick photos. As expected, no good, I can kick out all, except those with momo + Long Long, 3 of us, or some effect photos....can't see any special "high quality" as the girl mention...she says Venture is not good...and many studios are not as good as theirs...this time, it is just Long Long's poor performance...huh? Even Long Long doesn't smile when we had studio photo in Babytimes yesterday, the photographer paid much patient and spent an hour for 2 slots of photos wor, and he tried hard to make him smile.

And the most interesting thing is, the girl always tires to show off how good their photos are (haha, quality can be seen in their photos posted in the studio la), and she asks me which studios I have gone, and saying I just go to those "small studios" and not every know those famous one like Mybabydream....I saw their website, nothing special but expensive.....

I don't like what she is saying, those "small" one, like Page, Charles, Michelle, Soha, Snap (I didn't list out to her) take much better photos than theirs, and is it good to step on on others?

Finally I pick 15, paying $300 for extra 3, actually I want to cut the remaining 3 as photos are not special, but let it be la, let them earn some $..............and she says they are busy in summer, need to wait 3 to 4 weeks to edit 15 photos and do the photo frame....haha, if I know I need to wait so long, I won't pay that $300.


積分: 842


發表於 10-8-28 00:13 |只看該作者
As Long Long just recovers, and selom smiles these days. As I like the style of Picsmile, really want my hb to go as Long Long will smile even papa doesn't nothing but smile to him...but hard to ask him to take a half day off ler.


積分: 2493


發表於 10-8-31 10:44 |只看該作者


積分: 2493


發表於 10-8-31 10:48 |只看該作者
尋日睇完picsmile d相,撞鬼,好靚@@唔靚嘅得幾張law...
我估唔ok果d佢已經cut走左,final 200張,全部有晒特別效果,而佢又當momo我,額外嘅85折,咁就$2599=.=
不過佢d相連埋print out同相簿嘅,仲係佢地自己用黑房曬,包冇色差,咁,都可以慳番$200曬相同$140相簿嘅~~~


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-1 04:17 |只看該作者
to me, I think the studio is too small. Backgrounds are only fixed on the 4 sides wall: 1. blue louve dr, 2. white brick wall+window, 3. painted white stripped wall panel (with bamboo cabinets) & 4. pink dots wallpaper (with pink sofa)(2 backgrounds on 1 wall), 5. white flower wall paper + half height white strippedwall panel (with bed lien on soft pad with cushion), and 6. Blue painted wall + classic telephone + bamboo big cushion.

Not much space and backgrounds and props, as Long Long doesn't like playing with those props or toys, so it may not suit him.

And as his papa takes half day leave today, he is so happy and always rushes to him and not willing to sit still or stand, just moving around, but not playing with the props (no toys provided), or looks at the camera. So we can't do as good as Yannis as he has more posing and he allows photographer to take photos in different angles.

When it is 6pm, Long Long is tired and hungry and not willling to have family photos, even giving him biscuits can stop him a while, but keeps crying and fly fly or jump jump does not work. So we can't have those touching family photos as Adore, very disappointed, and waste my hb's annual leave.

The space is small and they need to move the furniture and equipment around to change costumes; yet it is all right, but not as comfortable a Adore, though Adore is "rolling the background board" at the side of the wall, and set up the props when we do that costumes (very quick).

And I can see photographer is taking photos are entirely different angles compared with Yannis (as Yannis run around and play with props), so I won't expect the photos would be good. I love Yannis one, looking up to the camera; the photographer tries but failed. And long Long is not willing to lie on the bear (he doesn't ask for lying on cushion wor, I love those light blue flowers cushion ga), so hope the photographer can capture the "precious moments la" But I really like his natural lighting at the window side and soft lens effect in Yannis photos, hope we can do the same la.

I do appreciate the photographer is willing to let us change different styles of clothes to suit the costumes, and he tries to take photos in different angles, though Long Long is naughty, running here and there and not willing sit still (but the lady assistant doesn't help much, do nothing to cheer up the baby and no toys even if I ask if there is any small ball ball, and she leaves early...though we takes 2.5 hrs hrs than original 1.5~2 hrs).

Hope the photos are ok la. When I tell the photographer I will buy all, he says he has taken 6xx photos, but will only give us 200 for buying all, and he says I should decide when I see the photos.....so does he means the photos are not good.

But to be honest, the environment, backgrounds, props, services, I love Adore better....but cynn has much different experience...so case by case la.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 10-9-1 04:23 編輯 ]


積分: 2493


發表於 10-9-1 20:46 |只看該作者
Justin唔主張買晒d相ga, 我話買晒果陣, 佢欲2話不如伙揀吓先=.=所以佢咁講唔代表朗朗d相唔好ga

adore, 我真係覺得佢d service唔ok, 其實佢上到去d面口ok嘅,不過我唔中意啲人無follow up,好老實,我要一個答覆啫,得/唔得都可以,但起碼俾我知道進展係點,就算無得補影,都要叫我揀相啦,又冇,所以我唔中意囉。 so far, 冇call過我, 就算多booking, 忙, 都唔係藉口, 尋日我打去, 佢都好似唔記得有呢件事...

原帖由 momo627 於 10-9-1 04:17 發表
to me, I think the studio is too small. Backgrounds are only fixed on the 4 sides wall: 1. blue louve dr, 2. white brick wall+window, 3. painted white stripped wall panel (with bamboo cabinets) & 4. p ...


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-2 02:58 |只看該作者
原帖由 cyhh 於 10-9-1 20:46 發表
Justin唔主張買晒d相ga, 我話買晒果陣, 佢欲2話不如伙揀吓先=.=所以佢咁講唔代表朗朗d相唔好ga

adore, 我真係覺得佢d service唔ok, 其實佢上到去d面口ok嘅,不過我唔中意啲人無follow up,好老 ...

then I feel relieve, but I don't think photos are good as I originally expected lor, cos I ask papa (so frighten he will blame me) to make sure he smiles ga ma, so happens the situation is totally different from what happened in Adore...so maybe he should not come...but maybe no smile lor.

Yes I understand. Esp. if it is deal with business, I always want to know in a minute the status and give me update and response when I ask or I will keep on chasing. So I understand how you feel.

Yes, if they won't call, forget it la, save for other studios!


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-2 03:06 |只看該作者
wa, I just find in "2nd hand market here", there is

FACE 家庭攝影套餐禮券, 價值$1288



積分: 6505

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 親子達人勳章

發表於 10-9-2 14:23 |只看該作者

原帖由 momo627 於 10-9-2 03:06 發表
wa, I just find in "2nd hand market here", there is

FACE 家庭攝影套餐禮券, 價值$1288



積分: 2493


發表於 10-9-2 17:36 |只看該作者
不過呢個世界係有information cost的,hehe~


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-3 03:43 |只看該作者
Getting Charles Photos today la. After seeing the printout at home, I feel quite disappointed, I think they have done some editing and much crop up on original photos, the photos look differ from what I saw on that day, and the effect is not good as they were shown on their iMac monitor……some photos are not good that I think if I know the effects are sth. Like this, I won’t pay extra for buying more. And most photos are around less than 1 MB, can only do 4R printouts.

Also, the special offer for $944 (20 off), 20 photos + 10 free photos last time I got, of which the 10 free photos was cancelled. Originally I plan to do one more session as my friend told me they will give me 2 $200 coupon for future use, so I ask what black backgrounds costumes and props will there be as we didn’t do it last time as we were late. But the staff said there is no difference….huh, only get those little sofa, chair, classic camera and phone? So lucky I ask for the white sofa and English style flower armchair and do more shots in black background last time. So in this case, as the photographer last time was not very patient and did it in a rush (but I think it is his personality), there is no need for me to take another session la.

Don't know why, may be my taste "improves", it doesn't worth $2xxx lor.

So save a package, haha!

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 10-9-3 05:21 編輯 ]


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-3 05:35 |只看該作者
Before taking photos from Charles today, I go to Page Studio again as I love the costume I did in my free trial so I decide to do it again, and the staff, Ms. Leung, says I can pay as extra photos like re-take instead of doing package price. But I want more costumes, so I discuss with the photographer, Alex, what other costumes suit Long Long (actually not much for his age), we finally get 4 costumes for $880 package.

1st Costume: Grey painted wall with grayish white painted plastered flooring with 2 big treasure boxes and lots of bear bear.

This time we do in different effects, with special lighting effect and Alex says this needs Long Long to sit or stand still. This is the first time we do this kind of photos, and with bear bear.

2nd Costume: Same background but with 2 big treasure boxes with books around.

This is similar to the 1st costume, but with different effect, which is the same style as my free trial that I asked for.

3rd Costume: Grey/blue background, with white painted bird cage and sexiphone

I like this background so much and we had did the golden and white background last time, and I do want some simple one/props, that make focus on Long Long. So surprising, Alex does 1 extra effect for me by changing the Grey/Blue background to Dark Blue one for the same costume, which is same as the 2nd costume and the background I did for free trial photos. I am so happy.

He looks cool in this costumes….haha, not willing smile again.

4th Costume: White background with big red luggage bag and books

Same clothes he is wearing as the 1st costume we did last time, yet look good. He is running around but this time he doesn’t feel tired and hungry, but not much smile ler.

This time, Alex does 2 more effects for me: one is changing the white background to light pink and mix with light blue; the other is the black and white colour photos, I love them so much.

Same clothes he is wearing as the 1st costume we did last time, yet look good. He is running around but this time he doesn’t feel tired and hungry, but not much smile ler.

After seeing the first few photos of the 1st costume, I know I like the photos, and the remaining ones won’t be bad, though some with eyes closing or similar pose, but should be ok. Just feel surprised Alex cuts out many photos during photo shooting (so can’t recovered) that we can get 150 photos only. The girl says if we tell them we may buy all, they will take more photos, as based on their experience, it is hard for customers to pick 20 photos covered in the package from hundreds. Next time I should tell them I will buy all so they will take more photos for me…but hard to predict if the effects are good and Long Long’s performance ger.

I ask the girl if there is special offer as last time in expo Ms. Leung told me there is with an additional saving of $500 if you don’t want a 10 x 20” photo frame, so I decide to buy all as cost is close to those I pick last time, but wasting lots of energy and needs to give up many cutie photos I like. She says yes and she offers to give me another free crystal photo frame to me again.

The photos are really good, and maybe I love their special effects (though the 1st one is not as good as he showed in his album), and the backgrounds as I think about it before I come as I know what I can get after last visit. So I am quite happy with my photos today.

So lucky I buy all today or else I will feel regret after seeing Charles photos (charles are more expensive than Page, but I like Page effect, and the price is good for buying all ah, if I can get more photos then i will be great).

So bad they have too little costumes that suits Long Long’s age, and actually their prices are high, so wait for more costumes (those for big boys and girls are smart) and Long Long’s growth up then we can come again next time.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 10-9-3 08:08 編輯 ]


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-7 07:07 |只看該作者
We go to to BabyRoom today due to the free $598 package coupon for 30 photos getting from the prize in BK bb 1st birthday party, I think for very long time as it is in Tuen Mum; though it is free of charge, and having all is only $400 (but 80 photos in total only), and photos in their website is not rich and photos are not that impressive, the most important thing is, it costs me $200 x 2 trip taxi fee.

It is those, I can’t say old, semi-industrial/commercial building, with long corridor of shops at 2 sides but all are close an very silent, pretty strange atmosphere. When I go into the studio, it is quite old fashion without decoration, but simple and tidy (unlike Stars Studio)…there, I don’t have much expectation. The studio inside is much bigger, with bigger space for background (but with only white and black roller blind), there are very little simple pros around, but some are stored behind the shelves hidden by a golden curtain.

As I am very tired and I got flu again, and with not much expectation, I let the photographer (man) and the girl (very “si man”) and my maid to help, and I don’t do the cheering up job.

As I don’t know what costumes we can make and there is no instructions in their mail saying plain or colour clothes, I just bring some, cos there are only 3 costumes. The photographer is not very good at picking clothes, I can say he has no idea, so I just pick the one I like.

We have the following costumes, though they said we can have 3, but I think we get more than that:
1. White background with lace long curtain hanging in the ceiling and Long Long is with bare body sitting in the centre, letting Long Long to stay inside and asks him to open the curtain;
2. Purple high armchair (I like it when I saw it in his fb)

3. Sitting in a baby wooden highchair, with Long Long wearing colourful bb one piece clothes, and they change the costume by having him in bare body, wearing tie on him, glasses, cap hat, sweat hat and Xmas hair on him;
4. I lie on green carpet with holding Long Long up above me; we stand and look at each other face to face, kissing his mouth and cheek and forehead; and mama facing back and Long Long looking at the camera;
5. Red long sofa, with mama and Long Long sit at each end and look at each other face to face.

We finish in an hour, really quick. Need to wait for 7 days for them to send me the photos to pick, then pay if I want to buy more via bank A/c & they will post me the CD.

So let’s wait and see how’s the quality.

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 10-9-7 07:09 編輯 ]


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-9 06:32 |只看該作者
Go to Snap today. As the props for new costumes are not ready, we do the old one first. Today Long Long is not in happy mood, so do I as I got a flu/cold and too tired as I slept just for few hours in these days searching information for Pre-Nursery School.

We do:
1. Sunset + glass + horse
2. Blue window frame + flower pots with pink motorcycle
3. brick wall with the left side seeing seaview with yart
4. Classic old street background with old style luggage box
5. Living room with fireplace and colourful cushions and dolls
6. Black/white pattern wall paper with lots of bear bear
7. White blackground with blue window frame and purple/orange flower and 救生圏&麵包超人

Long Long is not in good condition, he is ok happy but doesn’t want to sit still on the floor and keep walking around the studio; and of course, as usual, no smiling nor looking at the camera so photos are worse than last time. He starts asking for biscuit in his 2nd costumes, and has no interest in the props.

The assistant is not working hard as last time and as I am not feeling well, I don’t do much to cheer Long Long up. As he is not willing to sit and stand still, I suggest to put a small chair but they put the long white bench in most costumes that ruin the effect of most costume. For the 6th costumes, we have to hug him and throw him onto the bear beat again and again.

Actually Long Long is not doing well today, and we do 7 photos only, but pick 50 photos are not easy, and some are good; so I decide to pay extra; but not the extra $300 (with further 25% discount special editing). But when they show the difference, really poor quality for white background, very dim and dark, no contrast at all. Tthis is because they don’t do enough light setting when taking photos; I do think they can improve this by set up more lighting and you can see from other studios, no one need to adjust the brightness of the photos; so I do think it is a trick to ask you to pay more. But no way la, much sharper in colour if paying extra ger.

So end up, paying $1200 again, give me $66 discount and get 150 photos, but this time I need to wait for 20 days, as they have too many customers....stupid me.


積分: 6505

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 親子達人勳章

發表於 10-9-9 14:58 |只看該作者


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-10 02:24 |只看該作者
just let people know our experience and our feedback so that they know which studio to choose before going.

Actually when we have this thread at the very begininng, we are looking for new studios and want to know their price and quality and worth to go or not, right? Maybe my msg are too long, but at least they know the progress, or slip the progress if no interest, but know end up what we got in terms of price, quality and services and can compare which one is better.

Otherwise, I don't waste my time putting my feelings here again (and my blog). But if no one is interested in it...too long, I won't do it again as it waste my time too.


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-10 02:26 |只看該作者
so those who want to know my comments on some studios, visit my blog la...but I won't open my blog in public, so try your luck and search in yahoo lor, it is easy.

So bad I can't delete the previous 3 comments on Page, Snap and BabyRoom tim....why, can't do this in BK.


積分: 6505

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 親子達人勳章

發表於 10-9-10 10:41 |只看該作者
唔好誤會呀~ 我唔係話你呀~~

原帖由 momo627 於 10-9-10 02:26 發表
so those who want to know my comments on some studios, visit my blog la...but I won't open my blog in public, so try your luck and search in yahoo lor, it is easy.

So bad I can't delete the previous ...


積分: 842


發表於 10-9-11 02:14 |只看該作者
haha, don't worry, actually we are doing "comments after photo shooting" ah....even cynn does.

No problem la, actually I want to share my experience but I do think it is too long as well, so use small font lor.


積分: 2493


發表於 10-9-13 19:43 |只看該作者
我呢排都唔得閒上來講felice同埋bros嘅comments, momo最好幫我講埋啦,kakaka^^


